324 Anatomy and Physiology ofSpeech (3) Anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms. The normal pro cesses of respiration, phonation, articula tion, resonance, and hearing are covered. 326 Lrmguage Development (3) Normal development of speech and lan guage in children in terms of syntax, se mantics, phonology and pragmatics. Motor and cognitive development surveyed. 327 Childhood Lringuage Disorders (3) Study of delayed language development and childhood language disorders. Includes theories concerning etiology, clas sification, evaluation and therapy. Prerequisite: 321, 326 or permission. 328 Stuttering (3) Review of the theories dealing with the eti ology of stuttering and methods of therapy. 330 journalism Practicum (1) Supervised practical experience in writ ing and/or editing The Chimes; or produc ing The Biolan. Prerequisite: For The Chimes staff-completion of/or current en rollment in 331 or the equivalent. 331 Reporting (3) Basic training in news gathering and ex tensive writing of news and feature stories under time pressure. Introduction of copy editing techniques. Study of the structure and history of the newspaper industry, press ethics and press laws. Computer op eration ability required. 332Design and wyoutfor Print Media (3) Basics of editing, design, layout, head line writing, typography, and use of pho tographs and art work for newspapers, mag azines, newsletters and other print media. 333 Creative Writing (3) The short story form, with practice in techniques of narration, characterization, plot and dialogue in segments and completed sto ries; requirements for various fiction markets. 334 Article Writing (3) The writing and marketing of non-fiction articles for newspapers and magazines. Prerequisite: 230 or permission. 335 Writing for Broadcasting (3) A laboratory course in writing for radio and television, including formats, music con tinuity, spot announcements, documentaries.
336 Broadcast Journalism (3) A laboratory course in radio and televi sion journalism, including all aspects of writing and delivery of broadcast news pro grams and documentaries. Work on the KBBK news staff is required. Lab fee: $15. 347 Photojournalism (3) Further study in black and white tech niques and introduction to color, with spe cial emphasis on the structure, law and ethics of photojournalism. Lab intensive and portfolio oriented. Prerequisite: 245 or permission. Fee: $30. 350 Studies in Broadcasting (3) Aspects of theory and practice of broad casting. May be repeated with different course content. 351 Broadcast Announcing and Performance (3) Theory and practice of professional an nouncing, newscasting, sports announcing, interviewing and other performance for radio and television. 352 Introduction to Television and Film Production (3) Introduces student to scripting form, film and television cameras, lighting, edit ing, composition, much more. Lab fee: $30. 353 Television Production (3) Students will write and serve on produc tion teams to produce a variety of formats for television programs. Prerequisite: 352. Lab fee: $40. 354 Motion Picture Production (3) Principles and techniques of making mo tion pictures with emphasis on preproduc tion phases. A motion picture project will be begun in this course and completed in 454. Prerequisite: 352. Lab fee: $50.
357 History of Cinema (3) Survey of the development of the motion picture (1890 to the present.) Films screened in the course will be analyzed from perspectives of art, genre theory, tech nology, and rhetorical intent. Lab fee: $20. 360 Workshop in Drama (3) Specialized offerings in drama production in areas such as: scene study, theatre manage ment, mime, stagecraft and make-up. May be repeated with different course content. 361 Rehearsal/ Performance {1-3) Enrollment by audition only. Active par ticipation in University sponsored dramatic productions. May be repeated for maxi mum of 6 units. 362 Advanced Acting (3) Development of the actor's individual cre ativity and expression: applying techniques to various acting styles and characteriza tions; ensemble playing. Prerequisite: 261. 383 Survey ofRhetorical Theories (3) Major theories of rhetorical and public ad dress from classical to contemporary periods. 384 Public Relations (3) The nature, methods and responsibilities of public relations in contemporary society. 385 Persuasive Communication (3) Techniques of persuasive speaking and communication persuasion theories. Experience in the preparation and delivery of speeches. Prerequisite: 100. 386 Forms ofPublic Communication (3) Application, practice and analysis of se lected communication forms from a rhetori cal perspective. Sections offered in reli gious, political and social issues communi cations. May be repeated with different course content. 387 Organizational Communication (3) The dynamics of organizational commu nication centering in systems, structures and patterns; the role of communication in organizational development. 388 Principles ofInterviewing (3) The gathering of information through asking questions. Literature and research findings on techniques of listening, nonver bal communication and pychological dynam ics of interview relationships.
355 Broadcast Programming and Promotion (3)
Includes audience analysis and considera tion of various programming theories and techniques. Also promotion techniques for audience acquisition and retension. Fee: $25. 356 Dramatic Script Writing (3) Writing of dramatic scripts for television, film or stage.
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