

complexity hierarchies, intractable prob­ lems. Prerequisite: 300. Fee: $25.

programming. Micros, program segmenta­ tion and linkages. Prerequisite: 102. Fee: $25.

206 Fourth Generation Languages (3) An introduction to fourth generation lan­ guages. Procedural and nonprocedural lan­ guages. Database, graphical, hypertext, and spread sheet systems. Projects as­ signed in each area. Prerequisite: 102 or consent. Fee: $25. 230 Programming Languages (3) Organization and structure of program­ ming languages. Run-time behavior and re­ quirements of programs. Introduction to programming language specifications and analysis. Study of various alternative lan­ guages to include Ada and C. Prerequisite: 102. Fee: $25. 300 Data Structures (3) Linear lists, strings, arrays and orthogo­ nal lists; graphs, trees, binary trees, multi­ linked structures, searching and sorting techniques, dynamic storage allocation; ap­ plications. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $25. 302 Computer Organization (3) Organization and structuring of the major hardware components of computers. Mechanics of information transfer and con­ trol within a digital computer system. Fundamentals of logic design. Communications systems. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $25. 311 Operating Systems (3) Computer operating systems; topics in­ clude time sharing, process communica­ tion, memory management, storage alloca­ tion, interrelationships between the operat­ ing system and the architecture of computer systems. Prerequisites: 202 or 206. Fee: $25. 325 Management Science (3) Application of quantitative techniques in business organizations, linear program­ ming, queueing, and inventory models, net­ work analysis and dynamic programming and production scheduling and control. Cross listed with Math 333. Prerequisites: 101 and Math 103 or Business 223 or Math 105. Fee: $25. 400 Theory ofAlgorithms (3) Various types of algorithms, analytic techniques for the determination of algo­ rithmic efficiency, NP-complete problems,

402 Database Management (3) Integrated database systems, logical or­ ganization, data description language (DDL), data manipulation language (DML), of hierarchical networks and relational databases, overview of selected database

management systems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $25.

415 Compiler Theory (3) The theory of languages and their imple­ mentation. Topics include grammars and language generation; lexical, syntactical, and semantic analysis; code generation and optimization. Prerequisite: 300. Fee: $25. 425 Applied Software Development (3) Integration of knowledge and abilities gained through other courses in the cur­ riculum within a comprehensive system for development project. Prerequisite: 402 or consent. Fee: $25. 440 Topics in Computer Science (3) One section offered each year. Course may be repeated for credit with different content (section title). Prerequisite: 300. Fee: $25. SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING: Design and implementation of language translators and system utilities. THEORY OF COMPUTATION: Concepts from theoretical computer science, finite state concepts, decidability, computability, and Turing machines. COMPUTER GRAPHICS: Computer inter­ active graphics, software structures, screen display, graphical techniques. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence, rep­ resentation, search strategies, control, com­ munication and perception, and applications. COMMUNICATIONS: Concepts of com­ puter communication, local area networks, seven layers of communication protocals, global networks. 480 Research Seminar {1-3) Special studies in computer science. Prerequisite: senior standing or consent.

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