

460 Studies in Literary Genre (3) Studies in a specific literary genre such as, poetry, drama, the novel and film. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 470 Seminar (1) Reading, research and discussion in areas not usually included in the standard English curriculum. Three units required for English majors, junior or senior standing required. Not restricted to English majors. Only one unit in one semester may be re­ peated for a maximum of four units toward graduation. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 490 English Practicum {1-3) Practical experience in English teaching and/or research in the college level. Limited enrollment. LITERATURE Literature forms one possible areas of concentration for the Humanities major (see Humanities section for specifics). This concentration consists of 18 units, of which 12 must be upper division; the six lower di­ vision units must be taken in English 250 Literature in Context: English Literature. Humanities majors choosing the literature concentration are advised through the . Department of English. Following is a list of the literature courses offered in the departments of English and Foreign Languages. English 250 Literature in Context English 360 Studies in American Literature English 370 Studies in English Literature English 420 Studies in Comparative Literature English 430 Special Studies in Literature English 440 Studies in Major Authors English 450 Studies in Literary Criticism English 460 Studies in Literary Genre English 470 Seminar German 320 Studies in Language and Literature Greek 411, 412 Readings in Classical Greek Spanish 401,402 Survey of Spanish American Literature Spanish 403, 404 Survey of Spanish Literature

360 Studies in American Literature (3) Specific eras and movements in American literature. Two or more sections offered every year. The sections include American literature from Colonial America, the Constitution to the Civil War, the Civil War to the New Deal, and the New Deal to the present. 370 Studies in English Literature (3) Specific eras and movements in English lit­ erature. Two or more sections offered every year. The sections include: Medieval litera­ ture, Renaissance literature, Seventeenth-<:en­ tury literature, Romanticism, Victorian litera­ ture, Early twentieth-<:entury literature, and Contemporary literature. 380 Studies in Children's Literature (3) Readings in children's literature, including consideration of forms, themes and critical approaches. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 400 Introduction to Shakespeare (3) Studies of a selection of Shakespeare's plays, providing an overview of Shakespearean tragedy, comedy, and historical drama. Prerequisite: 250 or consent 420 Studies in Comparative Literature (3) Comparative studies of a specific cultural literature. Sections offered in areas such as: African, Spanish, Russian, Jewish, German literature. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 430 Special Studies in Literature (3) Studies in general areas of literary inter­ est such as film and literature, science fic­ tion and folklore or in such specific literary topics as women's literature or life writings. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 440 Studies in Major Authors (3) An in-depth study of the works of one or more significant authors with attention to the chronological development of the au­ thor's style, main themes and relationship to the literary tradition. Sections offered in­ clude such authors as: Chaucer, Milton, Wordsworth and Coleridge, Faulkner and Hemingway. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 450 Studies in Literary Criticism (3) Studies in the history of criticism, con­ temporary literary theory and application of the principles of literary analysis. Prerequisite: 250 or consent.

semester immediately following successful completion of 107. Only six units ofEnglish for the Non-Native Speaker may be applied to­ ward graduation. 109 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Writing Workshop (3) Individualized instruction in essay organi­ zation and coherence, with special attention to persistent errors. Credit for English 109 is contingent on passing the English depart­ ment essay test, which is administered at the end of each semester. Prerequisite: 107 or de­ partment placement. Only six units of English for the Non-Native Speaker may be applied toward graduation.

110 Studies in Criticism and Composition (3,3)

Sections A and B. Reading, discussion of ideas and methods of writing, stressing critical thinking, persuasion and evaluation; experience in writing essays and the re­ search paper. Both sections required. Section A prerequisite to section B. 210 Writing for Competency (3) Intensive practice in writing at the college level. Designed for the students who fail their department's Writing Competency re­ quirement twice. A grade of C+ or better will fulfill competency requirement. Prerequisite: 110 A & Band department placement. 250 Literature in Context (3) Designed to fulfill the general education lit­ erature requirement and a prerequisite for ad­ vanced studies in literature. Sections offered every semester in specific areas: English Literature I and II, American Literature, World Literature. Prerequisite: ll0A/B.

320 Studies in Grammar and Language (3)

Introductory language course for educa­ tion students: history of language, gram­ matical systems, usage/ composition; teach­ ing applications. 340 Advanced Composition (3) Study of the theories of writing and rhetor­ ical models. Extensive practice in writing. 350 Studies in English Linguistics and Grammar (3) Both standard and specialized offerings in English Language studies, including General English Linguistics, and Teaching English as a Second Language (TE.S.L.)

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