

MINORS A PHYSICAL Sc1ENCE MINOR is offered with the completion of Chemistry 105, 106; Physics 211, 222 and six units of electives. A P1-1vs1cs MINOR is offered with the comple­ tion of 20 units consisting of Physics 211, 222, 331, 341 and 6 upper division units in Physics. COURSES GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES 101 Physical Science and Geography Survey - Lecture (4) Experimental facts and physical theory applicable in geology, meteorology; includ­ ing the basic physical elements of geogra­ phy such as climate, land forms, soils and natural vegetation and their patterns of world distribution. Either semester. 102 Physical Science and Geography Survey - Laboratory ( 1) Introductory labwork to accompany the lecture course. Must be taken concurrently or subsequent to the lecture. Three hourslab. Eether semester. Lab fee: $10. 110 Astronomy (3) Descriptive general education course, designed to acquaint the student with the current state of knowledge of the solar sys­ tem, the Milky Way, galaxies, quasars and cosmology. Three hours lecture, one hour laboratory. Field trip fee: $5. 250 Science and Origins (3) A survey of basic scientific theories, their crucial experimental evidences, and their applications in physics, chemistry, ge­ ology and astronomy. Particular attention will be given to comparison of scientific the­ ories of origins and biblical revelation. PHYSICAL SCIENCE: SCIENCE MAJORS 420 Special Projects {1-3) Research or industrial internship. To pro­ vide practical experience in a field of the stu­ dent's interest. Designed primarily for stu­ dents working off campus in a situation where special projects are possible. Prereq­ uisite: junior or senior standing with consent. 450 Special Topics in Physical Science (3) Varying course content according to stu­ dent and faculty interest. Topics such as special relativity and nuclear physics rou­ tinely offered.

451 Technology in Community Development (3)

332 Statistical Physics (3) Introduction to the statistical theory of physical systems. Including the theory of temperature dependent properties and rela­ tionship between statistical theory and ther­ modynamics. Prerequisite: 331. 341 Wave Motion , Optics and Special Relativity (3) Wave motion, optics and an introductiO'h to special relativity. Prerequisite: 222. 411 Quantum Mechanics I (3) An introduction to quantum mechanics. Prerequisite: 341.

The p1inciples and methods of introduc­ ing technology into non-technical, underde­ veloped communities are presented. The use of appropriate technology resource ma­ terials and fi eld work are emphasized. This course is offered only during interterm and involves two weeks of field work in Mexico. Prerequisite: Departmental consent. Trip fee: $275 (includes room, meals and trans­ portation during the two weeks off campus).

PHYSICS 111 Physics I (4)

Mechanics, heat, and sound. Designed primarily for students not taking calculus. Three hours lecture and three hours labora­ tory each week. Prerequisite: Math 101 or equivalent. Lab fee $15. 122 Physics II (4) Electricity, magnetism, elementary cir­ cuits, and optics. Designed primarily for student not taking calculus. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisite: 111. Lab fee $15. 211 General Physics: Mechanics (4) Elementary Newtonian mechanics; con­ servation of energy and momentum; oscilla­ tions. Prerequisite: Mathematical Sciences 105. Three hours lecture, three hours labo­ ratory. Lab fee: $15. 222 General Physics: Electricity and Magnetism (4) Electrostatics; conductors and currents; magnetic fields; electromagnetic induction; electromagnetic waves. Prerequisite: 211. Mathematical Sciences 106. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Lab fee: $15. 321 Circuits and Instrumentation I (3) An introduction to electronic circuit anal­ ysis and design. Prerequisite: 222.

322 Circuits and Instrumentation II (3) A continuation of Physics 321.

331 Thermodynamics (3) Introduction to energy, heat, work, en­ tropy, temperature and states of matter. The first, second and third laws of thermo­ dynamics with an emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: 211.

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