
BIOLA UNIVERSITY Director of Admissions 13800 Biola Ave La Mirada, CA 90039

The applicant should be a high school graduThis application must be filled out by the appli­ ate and born-again Christian for at least one year. cant and mailed to the director of admissions. It The application will be considered only after all of must be accompanied by a $35 non-refundable fee. the necessary forms have been received by the Returning students must file an application for Office of Admissions. readmission along with a $5 non-refundable fee . Biola University has strong evangelical (The form is avai lable at the Office of Christian commitment and requires that the stuAdmissions.) Applications for spring semester dent be an evangelical believer. However, it is and filed after January 1, or for fall semester filed after

Attach a recent photograph of

shall be the policy and practice of Biola University,

June 1, must submit a $45 non-refundable fee.

yourself here.

in the admission of students, the hiring of employ­ ees, or the operation of any of its programs and ac­ tivities, not to discriminate on the basis of the apAPPLICATION DEADLINES plicant's race , color, sex, handicap or national oriFall : June 1st gin. We welcome all applicants who are Spring: January 1st personally committed to faith in Christ.

Note: Application may be submitted after dead­ lines 0ate fee of $45), and will be considered and processed if space is available and time allows.

Note: All poten tial graduate students must use

the graduate application available from the

Office ofAdmissions.


Social Security number_________

Name in full _______________________________

Male __~--- Female______




Home address ------------------------------------------------- Address City State Zip Phone

Temporary address flf not at home for an

exte11dedtime) --------------------------------------------------- Address City State Zip Phone

What is the last date mail will reach you at temporary address?__________________________

Planning to enter Fall 19__ Spring 19__

Acceptance into the fall or spring semester is automatic acceptance into the proceeding Summer Session or Interterm. Students interested in attending only these special sessions must complete the Summer Session/Interterm application.

Age_____________ Date of birth __________ Place of birth ___________________




If so, which semester?___________

Have you ever previously applied to Biola?_______ Attended Biola? ______

0 Yes

O No D If no , citizen of _________ U.S. immigration status ------~---------

U.S. citizen:

Do you consider the English language your native tongue?

□ Yes

□ No

D 2. Black

D 3. American Indian

D 4. Hispanic

D 1. Asian or Pacific Islander

0 5. White


D 7. Resident Alien Card# ______________________

D 6. Non-resident alien

Number and ages of children ____________________

D Married

Marital status (check):

0 Single

Date of marriage ________________ Separated or divorced (indicate date) ________________ _


If deceased, when?________________

Father's name ________________________

Where employed?_______________________ Position ____________________

If father attended coll ege, where?_________________

Number of years _________________

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