

ELI 101 D SURVIVAL SKILLS (2) For no n-nati ve speake rs scoring at the intermediate level o n the Engli sh Di agnostic Examination and desi ring to adj ust to li fe in the United States. Topics are simil ar to ELI 1000 but with a broader range of communi catio n ski ll s added. ELI 102A LISTENING/PRONUNCIATION (3) For non-native speakers sco ring at the advanced level on the Engli sh Diagnostic Examin ati on. Practice in und erstanding and fo ll owing d eta il ed o ral in structions, in itiating and sustaining social conversa­ tion, giving information, express ing opin­ io ns and ideas accurately, and changing styles of communication. Stress, rhythm and into nati on will also be practiced . ELI 102B READING/WRITING (6) For non-native speakers scoring at the advanced level on the Engli sh Diagnostic Exam in at io n. Continued practice of 101 B and reading and und ers tandin g acad emi c materi al. Taking notes, paraphras ing, writing compositi o ns and wri t ing a short academic research paper. ELI 102C GRAMMAR/ORAL (3) For non-native speakers scoring at the advanced level o n the Engli sh Diagnos tic Examination. Review o f all grammar structures in oral and written fo rm.

meet the minimum academic standards of their future academi c program in order fo r the coursework to cow1t in that future program. CURRICULUM The ELI program is taught at th ree lev­ els: 100-Beginning, 101-lntermediate, and 102-Advanccd. Students at th e lowest leve l are expected to complete the basic language training in three semes ters. However, thi s is not assured since students achi eve co ll ege-level proficiency at different rates of time. Exit criteria from o ne level to another wilJ depend on objectives met at that level, final exams, and/ or the BEPE. Each level covers the following courses: Listening/Pronunciation (3 units), Reading/ Writing (6 units), Grammar/ Oral (3 un its), and one or r..vo electives such as Survival Skill s (2 units) and TOEFL Preparati on (2 units). In add itio n, English Bible (2 units) fo r the advanced student is offered as a preparatory course for Biblical Stud ies.

English, producing the sou nds of th e Engli sh language and carrying o n a simpl e conversa ti o n with a nati ve speaker. ELI 100B READING/WRITING (6) For non-native speakers scoring at the beginner level on the English Diagnosti c Examination. Practi ce in using a mono lingual English dictionary, reading and fo llowing vvri tten directions, scanning and skimming, recognizing the main idea using context clues to arrive at the meaning of unknown words and making inferences. Wri ting letters, descriptions, opinions, summari es, outlines, and compari sons and contrasts. ELI 100C GRAMMAR/SPEAKING (3) Fo r no n-n ative speakers scoring at the beginner level o n th e English Diagnos tic Examinati o n. Oral practice o f grammati­ cal structures at the beginning level. ELI 100D SURVIVAL SKILLS (2) For no n-native speakers scoring at the beginner level on the Engli sh Di agnosti c Examin ati o n. Studenrs participate in sim­ ul ations concerning topics that wi ll help them get along in the Un ited States such as bui lding friendships, shi pping, using th e te lepho ne, goi ng to the docto r, participat­ ing in social events, etc. ELI 101A LISTENING/PRONUNCIATION (3) For no n-native speakers sco ring at the in te rmed iate leve l o n the Engli sh Di agnostic Examination. Understandi ng and fo ll owing in structions, initi ating and sustaining social conversations, fo rmal and informal Engl ish patterns. ELI 101 B READING/WRITING (6) For non-native speakers scori ng at the intermediate level on the Engli sh Diagnostic Examinati on. Continued.practi ce using a mono lingual Engl ish d ictionary and skill s covered in ELI lOJA. Summarizing, recog­ ni zing facts , inferences, concl usio ns, deduc­ tions and paraphrasi ng will be imroduccd . Writing detailed paragraph compositio n:


A new, fu ll y eq uipped, language center is available to ELI students. The lab is sup­ plied with taped materials , audio equip­ ment, and computer sofr..vare to help stu­ dents improve the ir li sten ing skill s and enhance their pronunciati o n. A trained su pervisor teaches basic computer literacy and word process ing. CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS ELI students are encouraged to attend classes in the School of lntercultural Studies and School ofTheology as "Educational Observers." As such, they will no t be enroll ed as an audit o r credit student and wi U no t receive academi c cred it. Observation vis­ its are to expose the ELI students to actual classroom contexts in order to assist them in developi ng essential academic skill s such as active listening and no te taking. HOUSING Bi o la's on-campus housing offers a vari­ ety of li vi ng arrangemen ts fo r internat io n­ al students. All s tudents li ving on campus will participate in a meal service plan. COURSES ELI 100A LISTENING/PRONUNCIATION (3) For no n-native speakers with no o r very little proficiency in the English lan­ guage and sco red at th e begi nn er leve l o n the Engli sh Di agnos tic Examination. Focus is o n the understanding spoken


For non-native speakers scoring at the advanced level on theEnglish Diagnostic Examination and desiri ng to improve their communi cation skill s. Topics wi ll include sustain ing arguments in both formal and informal situations, formal debating. person­ al strategies for dealing with cultural conAi ct and d iscussing controversial subj ects. ELI 102E TOEFL (2) Fo r non-native · speakers scorning at the advanced level on the Engli sh Diagnostic Examinatio n but desiring practice to pass the TOEFL examination . EIBI 104 ENGLISH BIBLE (2) For the advanced ELI stud ents as a preparato ry course for Biblical studi es. 30 units of Biblical studies must be included in the program of each Biola student, so this course will be very helpful to internatio nal students . It will cover Biblical vocabulari es, Biblical idioms, and pronunciat ions of names and places of the Bible. Further prac­ tice in reading and oral communi cation.

descriptive, comparison/contrast, cause/ effect and writing strategics.

ELI 101 C GRAMMAR/ORAL (3) For non-na ti ve speakers scoring at the intermed iate level on the Engli sh Diagnos tic Examination. Review of struc­ tures in EU lO0C and contrast o f tenses wil l be emphasized.

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