


The regular tuition fees are charged for each course regardl ess of the numbe r of units for which a student is already enroll ed and include costs for tapes and programmed syll abus. Tapes must be ordered through the Talbot Associate Dean's office. ITS courses may not nor­ mall y be used in li eu of required courses. Students who desire graduate credit for ITS courses must meet th e normal require­ ments for admission to Talbot and register for th e courses through the Admiss ions and Registrar 's Offices. ITS courses which may be taken for credit are li sted after the Talbot course descriptions. Further details may be ob tain ed from the Talbot Associate Dean's Office.

CHAPEL Thirty-five minutes of each day,

THE BIOLA CAMPUS The seminary has classroom, chapel and admin istrative office facilities located in Mye rs Hall and Feinberg Hall. Metzger Hall houses University administrative offices including th e Admiss io ns and Registrar 's Office. In add iti on, th e seminary shares the library, cafeteria, coffee shop, res idences, gymnas ium, infirmary and praye r chapel with Biola Univers ity. Also avai labl e are a crushed brick quarte r mil e track, a socce r field , a baseball diamond, tennis courts and a short course Olympic swimming pool. See general information section for a full campus description. LIBRARY The library contains over 210,000 vo l­ umes , including bound journals and microforms with their respective readers. Special features of the library include an extensive index file of sermon outlines and illustrations, an exce ll ent collection of bibliographic tools and journal indexes and a number of special co llections. The principal th eological journals in Engli sh are received regularly.

Tuesday through Thursday, are se t aside for a chapel service. (Ce rtain special-event chapels may be extended. ) The purpose of chapel is for wo rship, instruction and exposure to current issues, ministri es, mi s­ sions and gifted individual s. Not every chapel wi ll fulfill each purpose and some will be designated for a single purpose such as worship. Chapel is an important part of a stud ent's educational expe ri ence, contributing signifi cantly to individual spiritual formation and th e unity of the seminary community. Students are expected to attend chapel if they have classes which immediately precede or follow the chapel period. PRAYER GROUPS Voluntary smal l prayer groups are formed each schoo l year, and mee t at a time d etermin ed by the group. Each group is led by a faculty member. STUDENT CHRISTIAN SERVICE The seminary recogni zes the necessity of active se rvice in Christian work whi le students are pursuing th eir courses of study. From th e time of enrollment stu­ d ents are asked to engage in some type of approved weekl y mini stry. The high popu­ lation density o f Southe rn Ca li fornia cre­ ates extensive service opportunities of many types. FIELD EDUCATION Fi eld education is that part of th e stu­ dent 's acad emic program in which there is active participation in a supervised experi­ ence within a chu rch setting. A full -time M .Div. student must register for fi eld edu­ ca tion each s mester. (A pan-time M.Div. student must register for fi eld education o nce with in every 16 units comp leted. ) For specific cou rse numbers see the Practical Theology section unde r course desc riptions. After completing 64 units of class work in the M.Di v. program, stu­ d ents become eli gib le to register for field education internship. This intensive supervis d practice of th e ministry is com­ posed of three clusters of learning: l ) supervised fi e ld expe ri ence for a mini­ mum of 100 hours in each of two semes ters; 2) semi nars with other stud ents registered for field education inte rnship; 3) individual counseling with the director o f fi eld education on specifi c aspects o f the stud ent 's experience.


Western Association of Schoo ls and Coll eges . Talbot, as a school of Biola University, is included within Biola University's accreditation by the Accred iting Commi ss ion for Senior Co lleges and Universities of th e Weste rn Association of Schools and Colleges. Association of Theological School s. Talbot is a member of the Association o f Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, the internationally recog­ ni zed accrediting body of semin ari es and school s o f divini ty.


Seminary studies make significant demands on th e time of the student. A side-effect is that family members may fe el they are not a part of the seminary experi­ ence. Talbot has a deep-rooted commit­ ment to the famil y, especially the fami li es of its students. A wide-ranging variety of programs, events, activities, opportun iti es, and services have been developed to fo s­ ter fami ly participation in the seminary experience. A guide for famili es is available to new students at Talbot. The following are examples of the opportunities and services available to student spouses: 1) Chapel services featuring a variety of prominent Christian speakers, and opportunities for mutual worship; 2) spouses may at tend classes with their mates, at no charge to the spouse, space permitting and with professor approva l; 3) the Spouse Tuition Reduction Scholarship allows spouses of full-time students to take seminary courses for academic credit, at only one-third the standard tuition rate; 4) major social events, such as the annual Fa ll and Spring Banquets, student family picnics, and the Senior Re trea t; 5) the Biola Bookstore features a wide selection of

RECOGNITION Agencies of the United States

Government whi ch recognize the training given at Talbot include: I. The United States Department of H ealth Education and Welfare, Office of Education. II. The Chap laincy Branches of th e Army, Navy and Air Force. Full-time seminary students are eli gib le to apply for commiss io ns as second li eutenants or ensigns in the chaplain­ cy branches of th e Army, Air Force or Navy, with eight weeks of active duty training optional during the summer vacation. A course in chaplain cy ori­ entation is o ffered by the department of practical theology. III. The Veterans Admini stration . IV. The United States Department o f Justice, Immigration and Natura li zation Service.

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