


works closely with denominational and interdenominational Chri stian leaders.

Christian and secular titles, discounted Bibles, g ift items, computer equipment, greeting cards, music, tapes, and CDs, logo clothing, refreshments, and suppli es; 6) the Biola swimming pool, track, weight room, and tennis courts, are available at scheduled times for fami ly use; 7) a wide va riety of music events featuring s tud ent groups, faculty artists, and guest performers, are scheduled throughout the school year; 8) inter­ collegiate sporting events, including men's and women's basketball, men's and women's vo lleyball, men's baseball, men's and women's cross-country and track; 9) special and annua l lectureships, missions and Bible conferences; and, 10) other special cultural events and presen ta hons.

compliance directo r for Title IX. Entrance requirements for each pro­ gram are listed on the page describing that program und er the heading, Admission Requirements. TALBOT WRITING PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION (TWPE) Advanced compositional skill s, com­ mensurate with graduate-level theo logical studi es, ar foundational and indespensi­ ble, both in te rms of educational and min­ isterial success. For this reason, all new stud ents are required to take th e Talbot Writing Proficiency Exam (TWPE) prior to registration for the first semester. International students and those for whom Engli sh is a second language are required to take both th e Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Biola Engli sh Placement Exam instead of the TWPE. Those who score above 600 o n the TOEFL wi ll take the TWPE rather than the Biola Engli sh Placement Exam. TWPE results will determine wh ther enrollment in 55 500 Theological Writing will be requi red. If required , this course must be taken within th e first 9 units o f seminary study. The Biola English Placement Exam will d etermin e whether enrollment in appropriate ESL course­ work wi ll be req uired. ACADEMIC LOAD The minimum full-time load is nine units for those in the Master of Divinity, Master o f Arts and Master of Theology degree programs. Those carrying less than the fu ll -time load are considered part­ time students. The standard student load in the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) pro­ gram is twelve (12) units. A student is nor­ mall y permitted to carry a maximum of 18 units each semester. To exceed this maxi­ mum load, th e student must petition the Registrar' s office. A maximum of six (6) units, may be taken by a student in inde­ pendent study, arranged, correspondence and ITS courses to be counted toward a student 's program. A unit of credit is generally considered to consist of o ne class hour (50 minutes) a week for a semester. In some cases, such as laboratory sessions, a unit of credit may involve more than one class period a week. As indicated on th e curriculum charts for each program, the various curricu la require 14-18 units per semester in order

CAMPUS HOUSING AND DINING Campus living quarters are ava il able for single men and women . Until faciliti es are fill ed, they are assigned accordi ng to th e date of receipt of the $50 housing deposit ($ 100 for apa rtment). More detail ed information and housing requ es t forms may be obtained from th e director for res i­ dential programs, M etzger Hall, Biol a Un ive rsity. Th is office can also provide some suggestions concerning off-campus rooms and apartments. Many off-campus students find it con­ venient to dine in the campus cafeteria . For those who wish to ea t there regularl y, some cost savings may be reali zed by using one of th e meal ticket plans ava il able rather than paying cash. MARRIED STUDENT HOUSING The seminary has limited housing faci li­ ties for marri ed students, but th ere are apartments and homes available for rent in the immediate vicinity. For a li sting of apartment renta l in th e area surrounding the campus, pl ease contact the Biola H ousing Office. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Correspondence concerning admis­ sion should be addressed to the Univers ity Office of Am iss ions, wh ich will supply th e app li cant with the proper forms. Wh en these app li cation forms and all transcripts of previous academic training have been fil ed , accompan ied by one photograph and a $35 application fee, an admiss ions deci sion will be mad . Official notifica­ tion of the decision will be sent by mail to th e applicant. The applicn d eadline for the fall is August 1 and for th e spring is January 1. App li cations may be submitted afte r this dead line (late application fee of $45 ), but will be considered and pro­ cessed only if space is availab le and time allows. Talbot School of Theology des ires only qualified students and personnel who are committed to Jesus Ch ri st. However, in the admission of students, the hiring of employees or the operation of any of its programs and act iviti es, Talbot does not di scriminate on the basis of the app li cant's race, color, sex, handicap or national or ethnic origin. Inquiri es concerning this poli cy may be addressed to th e seminary


While Biola University cannot guaran­ tee eil1ployment, we have observed that prayer and God 's guidance have miracu­ lo usly provided employment for our stu­ dents in past years. Students should apply to the university student employment office (Metzger Hall, first floor ). We will make every effort to assist you by referring yo u to employment positions when ava il­ ab le, commensurate with your qualifica­ tions and in conformity with your dail y class schedule. Students may also secure off-campus secular employment in a wide variety of occupations. Local offices of the State of Ca li forn ia Department of Employment can be very helpful in th e location of these job openings. The placement office (see next item) can sometimes assist th e stud ent in secur­ ing part- or full-time employment in local area churches. PLACEMENT The placement office works closely with stud ents to assist th em in securing part-time internship positions in local area churches . These placements are an inte­ gra l aspect of the fi eld educati o n practicum sequence of courses. The placement office also provides career counseling for stud ents and place­ ment information for graduating seniors and alumni seeking mini stry in fi elds of se rvice to wh ich they beli eve that the Lord has call ed them. The placement directo r alo ng with the placement committee

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