


Students without a working knowledge of G reek must rake NT 501 and 502 (Beginning Greek) whi ch are no r fo r cred­ it unless taken in place of elective units. ELECTIVES IN THE CURRICULUM Electives are open to the student's choice (check prerequisites) regardless of emphas is, but that choice may be gov­ erned by the fo ll owing gu ide lines: 1) If writing a thesis, the stud ent's advisor may require up to fou r units of electives in an area of study in preparation for the thesis; 2) Students who do not write a thesis are requ ired to rake two additional elective units fo r a program total of 98 units . PROGRAM REDUCTION BASED UPON PRIOR ACADEMIC STUDY Qualified students coming from approved Bibi coll eges o r Chri sti an liber­ al arts coll eges may request exemption from certain required courses. Requests for exempt ion may be cons idered from two perspectives: 1) Program reductions are possible up to a maximum of 16 units from the norma l M.Div. requirement, i. e., 96-98 units may be reduced by up to 16 units. A reduction of as much as six units (included in the 16) is possib le for snidents with coll egiate stud ies in either Hebrew o r G reek. Eva luat ions fo r reduction are considered for undergraduate courses w ith satisfacto­ ry parall el content, provided that the co ll e­ giate courses are app roximate ly doub le the unit va lu e of the correspond ing semi­ nary courses . To qualify for such reduc­ t ions the student must have earned at least a "B" grade in the specifi c cou rse(s) and be able to demonstrate competency in rhe subject matter. In the event the studen t rakes a cou rse which had been previously waived, that p revious red uction would then be nu lli fied . 2 ) The substitution of electives in li eu of required courses may be arranged in certain circumstances. In some cases where one of the above criteria may pre­ clude a program reduction, the student may neverthe less be abl e to demonstrate a sarisfacrory level of competency in a given subject. In this event, electives may be sub­ stituted for the co urse in question. Interested students would contact the appropriate department chairman regard­ ing course substitutions. T hi s alternati ve is also ava il ab le for th ose who quali fy for the maximum program reduction

(two un its each ) as prerequisite to NT 503.

indicated above . Request for program reduction should be submitted to the Admissions and Registrar's Offices before studies begin at Talbot, because reductions for a specific course cannot be considered a~er registra­ tion for that course. The substitution of electives in lieu ofrequired courses may be requested anytime during the student's first year. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily complete 96-98 semester units. See (D) below. B. Take the courses prescribed in the Master of Divinity curricu lum . C. Compl ete the requirements in o ne of the emphases. D. Subm it an acceptab le thesis (four units ) chosen in consu ltation with the major adviso r, or at the option of rhe major advisor and in lieu of the thesis, comp lete six units of electives . Students who write theses wi ll have a tota l require­ ment of 96 units and those who rake six units of electi ves in lieu of a thesis wi ll have a total requirement of 98 units. Five unbound copies of the thes is are to be sub­ mitted to the librarian. E. Ar least 24 units must be taken in this seminary by transfer students. Studen ts are p laced o n academic proba­ tion if their grade point average fo r any semester fa ll s below 2.5 and remain on probation as lo ng as the single semester of cumul at ive grad e point average remains below 2.5. Students on probation are granted one semester in whi ch to bring their academic wo rk up to the required level (2.5) fo r continuance in the sem in ary. A student can not graduate while on pro­ bation. F. T he sta ndard rate of progress through the program ( 12 units per semester) w ill allow the program to be completed in four years . CURRICULUM Two bib li cal languages are required : G reek and Hebrew. Either may be taken first. GREEK NT 503, NT 604 and NT 605 each requ ired beyond beginning Greek. A qual­ ifying examination is available to all inter­ ested students. Those who pass the exam­ ination may enro ll di rectly in NT 503; others must rake NT 50J and NT 502

HEBREW OT 603, OT 604 and OT 705 a rc required. A qua li fy ing examinati on is available to interested students. Those who pass the examination may rake OT 604, pl us 3-4 units of Hebrew electives instead of OT 603 . PASTORAL AND GENERAL MINISTRIES EMPHASIS Provides preparation fo r a variety of professional ministries includ ing pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, women 's ministries, college and sem inary teach ing, and other leadership ro les. (Stud ents anticipating a graduate or undergraduate reaching career wi ll need to pursue advanced studi es beyond the Master of Divinity program ). FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER BE 5 l7 Hermeneutics/ Bibl e Study Merhods ........... ..... ... .. ... ... .... ....3 BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi .......3 HT 505 Patristic/ Medieva l T heology .. .3 NT 503 In troduction to Exegesis''· ........3 TH 501 Theology of the Christian Life ...........................3 PT 59 1 Intro. to Field Education ......... I 55 5 l0 T heological Research Methodologies .. .... ... ............ =1___ 17 5PRJ NG SE.MESTER BE 520 Survey of Matthew-Revelation .3 HT 506 Reformation and Modern Theo logy .............. ............... .. .. .3 NT 604 Exeges is in the Gospe ls ............3 PT 510 Evange lism and Follow-up .......3 TH 502 Theology I ................................3 PT 592 Fie ld Education .... .................... 0 15 SECOND YEAR FALL SE.ME.STER CE 60 l Educatio nal M ini stry in the Church ........ ...... .......... .... ...3 HM 555 Introduction to World Missions ................................... 3 OT 603 Elements of Hebrew 1.. .. .. ........ 3 PT 609 Sermon Preparation ................. 3 TH 603 Theology 11... ............................ 3 PT 691 Field Education ...... .... ... .. ....... .. 0 Elective ..................................... .. .......... 2 17

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