Master ofArts in Ministry
C. ADMISSION PROCEDURE 1. The applicant's potential to com pete successfull y in a graduate program will be determined by the Master of Arts Guidance Committee, wh ich will inter view each applicant and eval uate all credentials. 2. Each approved applicant will be enro ll ed tentatively in the Master of Arts in Ministry program until 32 units have been compl eted, o f which 24 must be in core courses as described below. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily complete 64 semes ter units as outlin ed in the curriculum. B. Qualify for candidacy status at the conclusion of 32 units. At the completion of 32 units, an evaluation will be made regarding admission to candidacy status in the Master of Arts in Ministry program . Students with a grade po int average of at lease 2.50 will receive candidacy status. Students with a GPA between 2.00 and 2.50 will be allowed to complete an add i ti o nal 8 units (for a total of 40) to be cred ited toward a certifi cate in mini stry. C. At least 24 units muse be taken at chis seminary. D. Obtain a 2.50 grade po in t average with no grade below "C-" in all courses to be cred ited towa rd grad uat io n. E. Complete the entire program in no more than six years. F. Prior to candidacy status, students with a grade poinc average below 2.0 are placed on probation and remain on proba tion as long as the singl e semester or cumu lative grade point average remains below 2.0. After candidacy status is granted, the minimum grade point average is adjusted upward to 2.50, with probation calcLtlated accordingly. Students on probation are £>ranted one semester in whi ch to bri ng the ir :cademic work up to the required level for conti nuance in the seminary. A student can not graduate wh il e on probation. CURRICULUM The Master of Arts in Mi nistry curricu lum includes courses in: 1) core curricu lum, 37 units; and 2) mini stry emphasis, 27 units. The total requirement is 64 units. The courses specificall y identified by department and number in the chart below are required in the core curriculum. In addition, each student must complete the requirements of one emphasis during the program.
SPRING SEMESTER BE 726 Exposicional Methodology in Dani el and Revelacion .. ........ 3 PH 602 Apologetics .......... ..... ......... ...... 3 PR 792 Field Internship ........................ 2 !CS Electives''••:• ... .... ... ....... ................... .. . 3 Electives ............ ..................................... 2 Thesis Final Draft o r Electives .. ..... ..... d 15 ''.NT 501 and T 502 are required fo r stud ents without prior Greek study. •:-•:-A tota l 6 units in Intercultural Studies electives are to be selected from the fo l lowing: CL 501, 511, 532, 622; HM 540, 556; ST 562,661, 765. PLEASE NOTE HISTORICAL THEOLOGY: Students trans ferring HT 506 from another seminary must take HT 710 to obtain denomina tio nal dist inctives unless this requirement has already been met. THESIS COURSE SEQUENCE: If a student elects to write a thesis, the course "Thesis First Draft"wi ll be taken at the compfetio n of 64 units and "Thesis Final Draft "at the completion of 80 units. Ne ither is app li ca ble coward graduation unless both have been comp leted. Some preliminary steps muse be compl eted by the end of the semester prio r to caking Thesis First Draft. See the Talbot graduate stud ent handbook for deta il s. PRACTICAL THEOLOGY Alternative: For students anticipating a career teaching in higher education, the courses PT 791 and PT 792 may be replaced by CE 791 and CE 792. A written petiti on is necessary, approved by the facu lty advisor and fil ed with the registrar's office. BIBLE EXPOSITION ALTERNATIVE: for one of th e four requ ired Bib le Expos ition courses (excl uding BE 517 or BE 726) the stud ent may substitute three units of Greek or H ebrew exeges is electives.
OBJECTIVES The Master of Arcs in Min istry is
designed for individuals who have been in ministry for a significant number of years and have no t had che opportun ity to earn a baccalaureate degree. Graduate level train ing is provided in several essential aspects of professional ministry in o rder to enhance significantly the effectiveness of participating ministers. In establishing this program, the seminary is endeavoring to address specific needs of the Church as it functions in the major ethnic commun i ties within the Southern Cali fornia area. The two primary foci of the program are biblical and practical studi es. The bib li cal emphasis provides an increased breadth in knowl edge of the content of the Word of God, includ ing its back ground and sound principles of literary interpretation. Practical stud ies concen trate on the enhancement of ministry and communication skill s. The goal of both emphases is improved experti se in a min istry of the Word as it re lates to the daily li ves of people and their eternal destiny. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Students who are unabl e to meet the academic requirements for admission list ed below are encouraged to consider the M.A. in M ini stry Prerequisite Track. A. PERSONAL QUALIFICATIONS 1. Completion of five years in ministry and presen tl y on a ch urch staff in an offi cial capacity. 2. Participation in the Master of Arts program in Ministry presumes a sign ifi cant level of mini stry experience and per sonal maturation. For this reason, app li cants must be at least 30 years of age, and the degree is rarely granted to persons less than 35 years of age. 3. Applicants usually wil l not have the B.A. o r equiva lent degree.Talbot offers other programs for applicants who have the baccalaureate degree. 4. Three references are required: church or denominatio nal endo rsement; personal fri end ; and mini stry coll eague (or employer if currently employed outside the chu rch). B. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1. Equivalency of two years of co ll e giate level studi es. 2. Profi ciency in Engli sh language.
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