Master ofArts in Ministry Preparation Program
PR 045 DOCTRINAL FOUNDATIONS (3) Survey o f Bibl e Doctrines includin g: Scripture, God , Chri st, Hol y Spirit, M an, sin , salva ti o n, chu rch and las t things .
OBJECTIVES It is recogni zed that some pote nti al Mas ter of Arts in Mini stry stude nts are unab le to ful fill the admi ss ion require ments o f th e M.A. in M ini stry p rogram, parti cul a rl y th e requirement o f tvvo years o f co ll ege level edu cati o n. Such stud ents may select th e M.A. in Mini stry Prepara ti o n Program. Its purpose is to provid e the skill s and fo un da t io nal knowl edge fo r entrance into and successful achi evement in th e M .A. Mini stry degree program . C urri culum fo r th e Pre para ti o n Program consists o f 27 units o f specia l ized courses to p repare stud en ts fo r the M .A. in Mini stry p rogram. Courses taken in th e Pre parati o n Program may not be counted toward a ny unde rgradu ate o r graduate degree p rogram in Bi o la Uni ve rsity-Ta lbot Schoo l o f T heo logy. Sati sfactory compl e ti o n o f a ll course wo rk will lead to th e granting of a Certifi ca te of Compl e tion. Applica ti o n may the n be made to th e M .A. in Mini stry degree p rogram , the o nl y program fo r whi ch Prepara ti o n Program co urses and ce rtifi ca te are acceptabl e fo r admi ss io n. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS J. Compl etio n o f fi ve (5) yea rs mini stry expe ri e nce. 2. Must be at leas t thir ty (30) years of age . 3 . Hi gh schoo l d ipl oma o r its equi val ent. 4. Profi cie ncy in th e Engli sh la nguage. 5 . Three refe rences : church o r denomi na ti o nal end o rsement; personal fri e nd ; a nd mini stry co ll eague (or empl oye r if cur rent ly employed o utside the church). 6. Po tenti al o f th e appli cant fo r aca demi c success will be determined by the Master o f Arts in Mini stry Commi ttee whi ch will interview each appli cant and evaluate a ll cred entials. REQUIREMENTS FOR Ce rtifi cate o f Compl e ti o n l. Comple ti o n o f a ll Prepara ti o n Program courses for a total of 27 uni ts . 2. Attain a 2.50 grad e po int ave rage in Preparati o n Program courses. 3 . All Prepara ti on Program co urses must receive grades of "C" o r above. Courses in whi ch a grade o f less th an a "C" is rece ived must be repea ted. But a maximum o f two (2) repeated courses in the Prepara ti o n Program will be all owed .
CURRICULUM The courses leading to th e Preparati on Program Certifi ca te of Comple ti o n con sist o f 27 units comp r ised o f the fo ll ow- 111g: PR 011 Theological Learning Skills ... ...3 PR 0 12 Theological Reading ... .......... ...3 PR 0 13 Theological Writing .... ......... ... .3 PR 020 Found a t io ns fo r Sp iritual Growth ....... ... ........ ... ....... .. .... ...3 PR 04 1 New Testament Survey I ... ..... ..3 PR 042 New Testament Survey 11.. .. .....3 PR 043 Old Testament Survey 1. .. .... ..... 3 PR 044 O ld Tes tame nt Survey II ........ .. 3 PR 045 Do ctrinal Found at ions .. ....... .. ..3 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS PR 011 THEOLOGICAL LEARNING SKILLS (3) Use of Library and bib li cal/theo logica l reference wo rks; study skill s; no teraki ng skill s. PR 012 THEOLOGICAL READING (3) Reading, grammar, sente nce and para grap h st ructure . PR 013 THEOLOGICAL WRITING (3) Compos itio n, writing papers fo r Bib le and rheology courses .
Survey o f human develo pment, cogni ti o n, lea rning, mo tivati o n, socia li za ti o n and personality theo ri es with appli cati o n to mini stry fo r pe rsonal spiri tua l develo p ment and witn ess . PR 041 NEW TESTAMENT I (3) Founda ti o ns o f in te rpre ta ti on; survey of the gospels. PR 042 NEW TESTAMENT II (3) Survey o f th e book of Ac ts and th e epi stl es . PR 043 OLD TESTAMENT I (3) Hi sto ry o f Israel's beginn ings thro ugh the pos t-exili c pe ri od . PR 044 OLD TESTAMENT II (3) Poe ti c and wisdom literatu re; p ro phe t ic books.
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