


NT 701 The World of the New

a. In this proposal, the rat ionale for each course chosen is to be given so that each course chosen clea rly re lates min­ istry/ vocational objectives. A maximum of 18 units in other schools of Biola University will be accepted. Independent study will be limited to 6 units. Internship will be limited to 3 units. 6. Request for transfer credits from other institutions (if app li cable) wirh ratio­ nale related to objectives musr be included ar rhis time. Limir of transfer credits is 12 units. c. T he proposed curriculum muse be approved by: (1) the student's advisor (2) the Talbot Curriculum Committee d. Subsequent changes in chis curricu- lum must be requested in writing and approved in writing by the advisor and the Talbot Curricu lum Committee. WOMEN'S MINISTRIES EMPHASIS CE 512 Education Administration ...... .3 CE 514 Women and Men in Ministry ... 2 CE 552 Lifespan Development ...... ......3 CE 603 Counseling Ministry in the Church ..... ......... ..... ......... .. ... ....3 CE 628 Marital Counseling ... ..... ..... .....3 CE 722 Counseling Troubled Families .................. ..... ........ .....3 CE 691 Practicum in Ministry I ............ 1 CE 692 Practicum in Ministry II ........ . ·1,J CL 520 Interpersonal & Intercultural Adjustment ........... .................... 3 Speciali zation ... ....... ... .. .... ..... ...... .......... JO Electives .......................... .... .... ...... ...... ... 7 YOUTH MINISTRIES CE 512 Ed ucation Administration ...... .3 CE 550 Lifespan Development ... ...... ... 3 CE 661 Adolescent Culture & Development .......... ..... ... ....... .. 3 CE 662 Youth Education & Leadership ... ................. ...........3 CE 543 Counseling Adolescents & Their Parents ..... ...... .. .. ............3 CE566 Youth Group Development & Programming ...................... .3 CE 642 Youth Pastor's Home & Fami ly Development. .............. .3 CE 691 Practicum in Ministry I ............ 1 CE 692 Practicum in Ministry II ........... 1 CE 673 Bibli cal Foundations Famil y M inistry ... ......... .......... .... ..... .....3

preparing the student for further graduate work in philosophy, ethics, re ligious stud­ ies, law, political science, and theology. PH 523 Metaphysics ................ .... ...... ...3 PH 544 Epistemology ........ .... ....... .. ......3 PH 547 The Theology and Philosophy of Science ............. .... ................ 2 PH 566 The History of Ethics .............. .3 PH 587 Seminar in Ethical Systems and Ethical Reason ing .... ... ... .. .3 PH 624 Seminar in Ethical lssues .......... 3 PH 667 Seminar in Philosophical Anrhropology ........................... 2 PH 669 Seminar in Historical Apologetics ... ......... ...... ............ 3 PH 684 Seminar in Philosophy of Religion ......... ... ........................3 PH 722 Cu lts of America ...................... 2 Electives .... ... ................................ ...... ... 12 A graduate competency requirement in logic wi ll be expected before graduation. This can be met by taking a three hour course in logic at an accredited university or coll ege, by passing a department exam, or by raking a programmed ass ignment given by the department. Th is require­ ment covers informal logic, the categorical propositions and syllogisms, propos ition­ al logic, and a beginning knowledge of predicate logic. SPECIALIZED MINISTRY EMPHASIS This emphasis serves a dual purpose: l. To provide curricul ar opportuniti es for stud ents with particular giftedness; 2. To provide speciali zed ministry preparation in areas not addressed by establi shed curricu la. The elements of this emphasis are: l. A biblical/ rheological core of 25 units (the same core as the other M .A. emphases); 2. The balance of the program is cus­ tom designed by the student in consulta­ tion with hi s or her advisor. Guidelines: 1. Applicant submits a statement of ministry/ vocational objectices as part of the admission process. App li cation to this program must be made at least three months prior to the beginning of classes. 2. Upon acceptance into this progran1 emphasis, the student is assigned an advisor and submits a proposed curriculum in writing to that advisor. The advisor and student then refine this proposed curriculum together.

Testament ...... .... .................. .... 2 OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I.. ............ 3 OT 604 Elements of Hebrew II ............3 ew Testament electives ..... .. .............. 7-8 OLD TESTAMENT EMPHASIS OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I .. .... ........3 OT 604 Elements of Hebrew II ............ 3 OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages ........ .. ..... ......3 OT 717 O ld Testament in Near Eastern Context ........... ............ 2 NT 501 Beginning Greek .......... ......... ... 2 NT 502 Beginning Greek ..... ... .............. 2 NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis .... ... ...3 Old Testament electives (4 exegesis, 6 open ) ..... ....... .... JO THEOLOGY EMPHASIS (Select one of the fo ll owing groups of courses) ........... .... .......... .. ......... ? NT 501 Beginning Greek NT 502 Beginning Greek NT 503 Introduct ion to Exegesis or BE 530 Elementary Principles of the Biblical Language Christian Thought electives HT 722 Cul rs of America ...................... 2 PH 602 Apologetics ...................... .. ......3 TH 709 Contemporary Theology ......... 2 Christian Thought electives''· ... .......... 8-]2 Bible Exposition or Christian Thought Electives ... .. ........ .. .................................. 6 ''•If the Greek option is chosen, o nl y 8 Chri stian Thought elective units in this category are required. PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION AND ETHICS EMPHASIS The main purpose of this emphasis is to help the student become an apologist and develop the ski ll s involved in doing apolo­ getics with special focus on philosophy and social ethi cs. T he attitudes and char­ acter traits of an apologist wi ll be fostered by department activities, profess ional modeling, and reaching techniques . The ski ll s necessary for the crafr of apologetics will be developed by equ ipping the student to think for himself or herself, do research and understand rhe necessary philosophi­ cal and ethical concepts for spelling our what Christians believe and why rhey hold rhose be li efs. The program is aimed at d veloping ab ili ty ro do apologetics in vari­ ous min istry programs such as para church and local church evange li sm, as we ll as

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