


ELECTNES: Recommended Selections ....... ...... 10 uni ts CE 516 Curriculum Writing and Development CE 555 Parachurch Youth Ministry CE 557 Moral and Faith Development CE 570 Special Studies in Christian Education CE 583 Managing Personal, Spiritual and Other Resources. CE 648 Current Trends in Youth Ministry CE 681 Development of Youth Speaker Ski ll s CE 687 Camp Leadership PT 630 Discipleship SST 562 Culture Change STM 563 Sex Roles in Society BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL STUDIES/DIVERSIFIED EMPHASIS BE 530 Elementary Principles of the Biblical Languages.................... .3 (Select one of the fo ll owing) ................. 2-3

BE 517 Hermeneutics/ Bible Study Methods .............. ... ....... ............3 BE519 Su rvey of Genesis-Malachi .... .... 3 BE520 Survey of Matthew-Reve lation .. 3 TH501 Theology of the Christian Life ..3 TH502 Theology 1........... ...................... 3 TH603 Theology II ................................ 3 TH604 Theology lil ........................... ... 3 55 510 Theological Research Methodologies .. .. ........ .............. 1 Electives in BE, NT, OT, TH, PH........ ..... 6 Electives ................. .... .. ..... ......... .... ...... ....4 ELECTIVES: Recommended Selection .............. 10 units

HT 722 Cu lts of America HM 556 World Re ligions PH 602 Apologetics

PT 510 Evangelism and Follow-up ........3 PT 703 Church and Society ...................3 CE 60 l Educational Ministry in the Church ............. ..................... .. . .3 BE, CE, HT, T, OT, PH, PT, TH electives (a maximum of 6 units in PT and CE) ................................... 14 CERTIFICATE IN BIBLICAL STUDIES This 32-unit program is des igned with two specific needs in mind. It is for per­ sons who seek a year of study in prepara­ tion for lay service with an overseas mis­ sion agency, or for more effective lay involvement in the life of their local con­ gregation. It also serves as a "trial year in seminary" for persons who wish to test their gifts and skills with a view toward possible further preparation for full-time Christ ian ministry. Admission and grade point average requirements for the Master of Arts program are applicable to the certificate program. Certificate course work may later be applied toward a Master of Divinity or Master of Arts degree.

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