Master ofArts in Christian Education
OBJECTIVES T he scope and significan ce o f the Chri stian educa ti o n program are deter mined by the fo ur d imensio ns whi ch fo ll ow: THEOLOGICAL ORIENTATION T he Chri stian educati o n program is an in tegral part o f th e th eological environ ment of the seminary. The program re lates educa ti onal practi ce co the theolog ical prin ci pl es, seeking to me rge li fe sci ences and th eology. Bo th life sciences and theo logy view pe rsons in d escripti ve te rms. Therefore Christi an educa ti o n is committed co the development of the who le person. MINISTERIAL PREPARATION The Chri sti an educati o n program exists to prepare mini sters in the New Testament sense, with a va ri ety o f fun c ti o nal roles impli ed fo r service in local churches and related institu tio ns. Thi s focus o n mini stry includes th e impli cit view that respo nsibil ity extends beyo nd the classroom into the churches and related institu tio ns where stud ents and graduates fun cti o n.
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All appli cants must ho ld th e Bachelo r o f Arts degree o r its academi c equi val ent. T hey must have a 3.0 GPA (o n a 4.0 scale ). Those accepted who do no t meet thi s lat ter requirement will be pl aced o n proba ti o n . Graduates from approved un accred ited co ll eges, if accep ted will be granted provi sio nal accepta nce, though excep ti o ns may be made when the GPA is higher than 3 .0. Bo ch probati o n and provisio nal accep tance may be changed co full accep tance if th e stud ent earn s a GPA of 3.0 o r better o n th e first eight units at Talbo t. Graduates from approved unaccredited co ll eges may be requi red co take certain addit io nal liberal arts course wo rk (no t appli cabl e toward the graduate degree ), if the ir und ergradu ate program did no t include these courses. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Sati sfacto ril y compl ete 66-68 semes ter units. See (D.) below. B. Take th e courses prescribed in the Maste r o f Arts in Christian educa ti on curri culum. C. 400 hours of supervised fie ld min istry approved by facu lty advisor. D. Compl ete the program in no mo re than fi ve years. E. Comp lete an acceptabl e thes is (4 uni ts ) chosen in consul ta ti o n with the ma jo r adviso r o r at th e o pti o n o f the major advisor and in li eu o f the thes is or com pl ete six units o f electives . Students who write a thes is will have a tota l requirement of 66 units and those who take six uni ts of electives in li eu of a thes is will have a to tal requirement o f 68 units. Fi ve unbound co pi es o f th e thes is o r thes is pro jec t are to be sub mitted to th e lib ra ri an. F. At leas t 24 units must be taken at thi s seminary. A student mu st have at leas t a 3 .0 GPA (o n a 4. 0 scal e ) co gradu ate. Scudents are placed on academi c probati o n if their GPA fo r any semes ter fa ll s below 3.0, and will remain o n probati o n as long as the single semes ter o r cumul ative G. P.A. remains below 3 .0. Probati o n students arc granted one semes ter in whi ch co bring th eir academi c work up co the required level (3.0) for contin uance in the semin ary. A student canno t graduate whil e o n probati o n.
EMPHASIS REQUIREMENTS The academi c p rogram leading to th e Mas ter o f Arts degree in Chri sti an educa tio n is structured co include ( 1) bi b li cal and theological fo undati o ns; (2) a core curri culum consisting o f found ati o nal courses and practi cal skill s; (3) voca ti o nal speciali za ti on; and (4) additi o nal electi ve courses. PROGRAM REDUCTION BASED ON PRIOR ACADEMIC STUDY Qualifi ed stud ents coming from approved Bibl e co ll eges or Chri sti an liber al a rts co ll eges may request exemp tion from certain required courses. Requ es ts for exemptio n may be consid ered from two pe rspectives: 1) Program reductio ns are poss ibl e up to a max imum o f 12 units from th e no rmal MACE requirement. Evaluati o ns for reducti o n are considered fo r und ergradu ate courses with sa tisfacto ry parall el con tent, provided th at th e coll egiate courses arc ap proximately do ubl e the unit va lue o f the certain seminary courses. To quali fy fo r such redu cti o ns the scudent must have earned at leasea "B" grade in the specific course(s) and be able to demo nstra te competency in the subj ec t matter. In th e event the student takes a course whi ch had bee n previously waived , that previous reduction woul d then be nullifi ed. 2) T he substituti o n o f electives in li eu o f required courses may be arranged in certain circumstances. In some cases where one o f th e above criteri a may p re cl ude a program reducti o n, th e student may neverth eless be able to demo nstrate a satisfacto ry level o f compe tency in a given subj ect. In chi s event, el ectives may be sub stitu ted for th e course in questi o n . Interested stud ents would contact the approp ri ate department chairman regard ing course substituti ons. T hi s alte rna ti ve is also ava il abl e fo r those who quali fy fo r th e maximum program reducti o n indi cat ed above. Request for program reduction should be submitted to the Admissions and Registrar's Offices before studies begin at Ta lbot, because reductions for a specific course cannot be considered after registra tion for that course. The substitution of electives in lieu ofrequired courses may be requested anytime during the student's first year.
INDIVIDUALIZED PROGRAM T he program is characterized by
emphas is o n adapta ti o n to the ind ivi duali ty of the studen ts, both in regard co per sonal di stin cti ves and in regard to the d is tinctives embodi ed in va ri ed fo rms o f Chri sti an education ministry. It is presumed that students wi ll enter the program with cl ea rly established Chri stian fa ith and , no rmall y, with defini te profess io nal o ri entati o n . T he program is des igned co a ffo rd each student a fo urfo ld o ppo rtuni ty: (a) the acqui sitio n o f knowledge (b ) th e deve lop ment o f p rofess io nal skill , (c) personal growth and (d ) th e deepening of personal commitment co Chri st. TIMELINESS OF THE PROGRAM T he Christi an educa ti o n program is des igned co mee t th e spec ifi c needs of the church at chi s po int in time. In th e li ght of in creasing d emands fo r perso ns train ed in Chri stian edu cati o n the p rogram is stru c tu red co prepare persons co serve compe tentl y in th e fi e ld .
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