


THE STANDARD PROGRAM The program leading to the Master of Arts degree in Christian Education includes a minimum of 68 units (or 66 units if a thesis is written). The student who is able to enroll in 17 units each semester can complete the degree in two years. The student who enrolls for less than 17 units will require additional time to complete the degree program, in which case the program must be completed with­ in five calendar years from the first enroll­ ment. A thesis or thesis project may be required of candidates. The thes is project is reserved for students doing exceptional work. Requirements for these are listed in the appropriate section of the Talbot grad­ uate student handbook. CURRICULUM FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER BE 517 Hermeneutics/ Bible Study

Vocations or positions for which the program prepares the student are: MI NISTER OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DIRECTOR OF CHILDRE 1 '5 MINISTRIES MI NISTER OF YOUTH MIN ISTER OF ADULTS DIRECTOR OF SI NGLE ADULT M IN ISTRI ES CHURCH BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR COUNSELING AJ'1D FAi\lllLY MINISTRIES CHRISTIAN CAMP ADMINISTRATION The Parachurch Ministries program designs matching various pos iti ons within Christian agencies such as Christian schools, publishin'/?; houses, yo uth agen­ cies, group homes and others. Specializations of the department are: ADMINISTRATION COUNSELING AND FAMILY MINISTRIES EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY AND AGE-LEVEL SPECIALIZATIONS PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION AND METHODOLOGY SINGLE ADULT MINISTRIES

SECOND SEivtESTER TH 604 Theo logy III ....... .. .... ................3 CE 512 Education Administration ....... 3 CE 622 Philosophy of Ministry ............ 3 CE 724 Advanced Methods of Educational Instruction ... .. .... .. 2 CE 692 Practicum in Ministry II ..... ...... 1 Thesis Final Draft''• or Vocational Elective ............................ ..... .2-4 14-16 THE REDUCED PROGRAM Students entering this program must have completed an undergraduate degree in Christian education with a 3.0 G.P.A. in courses taken in the major and 30 hours in Bible/ theology with an overall 2.6 G.P.A. Graduation requirements may be satis­ fied in 48 semester units (or 46 units if a thesis is written). Bible/Theology .......... .. .............. 12 Units (includi ng BE 517, TH 717, TH 718 ) Christian education ....... ......... .... 29 units (including CE 512, 603, 620, 622, 633, 673, 691, 692, 724; PT 703; Select one of

Methods ............................... ....3

CE 521 Psychological Foundations

ofMinistry ...............................3

SCL 520, 622; SST 680, 721.) 55 510 Theological Research

CE 601 Educational Ministry in the

Church ..................................... 3

Methodologi es ......................... 1 Thesis''· or electives .................... .4-6 units Total 46-48 units ''Thesis alternatives are: 1) four units in thesis courses as indicated in the curricu­ lum chart; or 2) six units of electives in li eu of the thesis. Thesis First Draft will be taken at the completion of 31 units and Thesis Final Draft at the completion of 49 units. Neither of the two is app li cable toward graduation unless both have been completed. With counsel from the department, the student designs the balance of the pro­ gram in light of personal strengths, previ­ ous experience and vocational goals. The major areas of specialization are presented below along with the major vocational positions to whi ch they relate. In addition to the required courses from the specialization, the electives are then chosen to complement strengths or to overcome weaknesses in light of the particular vocational goal. Therefore, the structure of a student's program is gen­ uinel y tai lor-made and may be noticeably different from another's program having the same specialization or vocational goal.

CE 603 Counseling Ministry in the Church ...... ..... ... ......... .. .... ........3 CE 633 Principles of Research .............. 2 CE 673 Biblical Foundations of Family Ministry ........................3 55 510 Theological Research Methodologies .............. ... .... =1._ 18 S ECOND S EMESTER BE 520 Survey of Matthew- Revelation .. ... ............. ..............3 TH 502 Theology I .................. .. ...........3 CE 552 Life Span Development in Minisrry ... ......... .... .............. ...... 3 CE 562 Personal and Interpersonal Development .................. ... ...... 3 Choose one: SCL 520, 622; SST 680, 721 .................. ................. .3 15 SECOND YEAR FIRST S EivtESTER BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi .......3 TH 501 Theology of Christian Life .......3 TH 603 Theology II... ............................3 CE 691 Practicum in Ministry I ............ 1 PT 703 Church and Society ... ........... .... 3 Bible/ Theology Electives ......... .. ... ........ .4 Thesis First Drafr'· or Elective ...... ... ... d 19

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