

SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Master ofTheology Program

Program Direcror:

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Degrees are awarded to qualifi ed can­ didates at the uni versity' s winter and spring commencements . Students are required to be present for graduation unless advance permission to grad uate in absentia has been secured. To qua li fy for graduati on, cand idates must present acceptable theses, have satisfactoril y passed their comprehensive examinations and have completed all required course work with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 . No grade less than a C (2.0) will be credited toward the Th.M. degree units. Students who repeat courses for the purpose of raising their GPA must ad here to the Un iversity's general policy for grades, as spe ll ed out in the graduate program catalog. Candidates for the Th.M. degree should also manifest promise of usefulness in Christian min­ istry, exhibit exemplary and consistent Christian character and evidence sound theological beliefs in accordance with the university's doctrinal statement. Additional requirements are as follows: A. RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS A minimum of two semesters in residence at Talbot is required for the Th.M. degree. B. TRANSFER CREDIT No more than four advanced graduate semester course units from an accred ited seminary o r theological school wi ll be accepted toward fulfillment ofTh.M. course requirements. C. TIME LIMIT FOR DEGREE All course, examination, and thesis requirements must be completed with in five yea rs, beginning on the date o f the stu­ dent 's first registration for Th .M. courses at Talbot. D. MAJOR AREAS OF ACADEMIC · STUDY Majors in the Th.M. program are offered in the fo ll owing areas: · Bible Exposition: The major in Bible exposition is designed for stud ents who want advanced tra ini ng in English Bible with an emphasis on preaching and com­ municating the text of Scripture. Students may take elective credit in the area of Practical Theology. · New Testament: For students wanting to do advanced wo rk in th e hi story, language, theology, and exegesis of the

APPLICATION PROCEDURE Al l app licants are required to submit a Personal Statement of one to two doub le spaced typewritten pages expressing their career goals and personal objectives in seeking the Th.M. degree. Graduates of other semin aries must file a fu ll app li cation with the Office of Graduate Admissions. Master of Divinity students currently enrolled at Talbot may file for adm ission by submitting a written request to the Grad uate Committee in care of the Office of Graduate Admissions. Th is request shou ld indicate any changes in marital sta­ tus or doctrinal convictions since enroll­ ment in the Master of Divinity degree. In add ition, applicants should signi fy their inrention to abide by the Standards of Conduct of Biola University. Talbot Master of Divinity students who have completed 80 or more units, and whose current cumulative GPA is 3.25 or above may be granted a concurrent enro ll ­ ment option. Interested seni ors shou ld contact the Office of Graduate Admissions for detai led information. App li cants who have graduated from Talbot with a Master of Divinity degree may file for admission accord ing to the fo ll owing gu idelines: Less than two years since graduation from Talbot:

C li nton E. Arnold, Ph.D.

OBJECTIVES The Master ofTheology curriculum is a challenging post-graduate degree program designed to equip students with speciali zed academic knowledge and advanced profes­ sional ski ll s. The program is of special inter­ est to students who aspire to teach-whether in the church, a Bible coll ege or seminary, an extension center, or in a cross-cultural set­ ting. This is in accord with both A.TS. (the Association of Theological Schools) and A.A.B.C. (the American Association of Bible Colleges) which consider the Th.M. degree the minimum educational credential for teaching biblical and theological subjects at accredited seminaries and Bible schools. The program also provides an exce llent preparation for those who anticipate further study at the Ph.D. and Th .D. level. Qualified stud ents aspiring to excel­ lence and leadership in many areas of ministry and service for Christ find the Th.M. program personally enriching and academical ly stimul ating. By provid ing students with an opportunity to do origi­ nal research and writing while receiving input from pub lished authors, the pro­ gram is a significant help for those who aspire to write for publication. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The student must present acceptable Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor or Master of Divinity degrees . Specificall y they must have maintained at least a 3.25 average in their Divinity program and have completed at least nine semester hours of Greek beyond beginning Greek and 11 semester hours of Hebrew, three of which may be Aramaic. App li cants deficient in the biblical lan­ guages may take the prerequisite units at Talbot while taking other Th.M. courses, but such deficiencies must be made up before more than 16 units in other subjects may be taken. Divinity degrees presented from non-accredited seminaries and theo­ logical schools are individually evaluated. Deficiencies discerned in such cases may be made up by course work at Talbot or other specified accredited institutions. Students must also have the personal qualifications necessary fo r a minister of Christ, including promise of future usefulness. They must be spirituall y qualified by providing evidence of a born-again expe ri ence and a consistent Christian manner of life.

ReAdmit App li cation · Personal Statement

Between two and five years since gradua­ tion: ReAdmit Application Pastor Reference on form provided by the Admissions Office Personal Statement

Over five years since graduation : Fu ll application Personal Statement

Talbot graduates shou ld include in the Personal Statement any changes in marital status or doctrinal convictions sin ce grad­ uation with the Master of Divinity degree. ln add iti on, they should signi fy their inten­ tion to abide by the Standards of Conduct of Biola University.

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