


I. THESIS An acceptable thesis evidencing a high degree of scholarly competence in the stu­ dent's major field must be submitted by all Th.M. candi dates. Information regarding thesis form and submission deadlines is provided in the Th.M. Program Handbook and the "Thesis In formation" section of the Talbot graduate student handbook The o riginal and two copies are to be presented to the library fo r binding. Students who complete the thesis regis­ tration sequence (i.e. Thesis First Draft and Thesis Final Draft) without finishing the the­ sis, must register for HE 899 Thesis Continuation Registration each semester until the rhesis is complete in order to main­ tain degree status. Only one year fo llowing the completion of course work is normally a11owed for completion of a thesis. A stu­ dent may go beyond this one year period onl y by advance permission o f the Graduate Committee. Such permi ssion is usually granted on ly in extreme circumstances.

ew Testament. T 812 The World of the New Testament is required. Students are required to take 16 units (not including the thesis) in the New Testament department. · O ld Testament and Semitics: For stu­ dents wanting to do advanced work in the hi story, archaeo logy, language, theol­ ogy, and exegesis of the O ld Testament. · Missions and Intercu ltural Studies: For students who want to emphasize the bib­ li cal theology of missions in their thesis and independent research while doing advanced coursework in Missions and Intercultural Studies. · Chri stian T hought (emph as is in Theology): For students who want to take advanced coursework in Christian Thought with an emphasis in theology. Students will write a thesis on some aspect of Christian doctrine. TH 709 Contemporary Theology is required. · Christian Thought (emphasis in H istorical Theology): For students who want to take advanced coursework in Christian Thought with some emphasis on the hi storical development of doc­ trine. Students will do independent research and write a thesis in Historical Theology. TH 709 Contemporary Theology is requ ired. · Christian Thought (emphasis in Ph il osophy of Religion): For students who want to take advanced coursework in Christian Thought with some empha­ sis on Phil osophy of Religion . Students wi ll do independent research and write a thesis in Philosophy of Reli gion. TH 709 Contemporary Theology is required. E. COURSE WORK The Th.M. program requires the com­ pletion of 30 semester hours of course work distributed as fo llows: 10 units in the major department, six units in the major depart­ ment or closely related areas approved by the major adviser, JO units in any area (two of which must be CE 724) and four units in Thesis First and Final Draft. Students are required to take a minimum of 14 units in Th.M. courses numbered in the 800 series, with the remainder at the 600 and 700 lev­ els. The Th.M. Research Seminar (891) and CE 724 are required of all students, regard­ less of major. At the discretion of the adviser, a maxi­ mum of four units in any department at any level may be credited toward the cou rse requirements. A Th .M. student

must carry nine (9) or more units to be considered a fu ll-rime student. Those car­ rying less than nine units are considered part-time students. A maximum of six (6 ) units may be taken by Th.M. students in "independent study" courses. Ir is recom­ mended that this be done in the middle or latter portion of the program, and in any case the advance approval of the major departmental advisor and facu lty member concerned is required. F. RESEARCH SEMINAR All Th.M. students are required to take the 890 level Research Seminar. The semi­ nar is designed to introduce the student to research methodology employed in the various fields of biblical research. The semin ar also serves as the catalyst for cre­ ation of a research idea for the student's Th.M. thesis. The seminar is led by facu lty representatives from each of the depart­ ments in Bibli cal and theological studies. The seminar is a fou ndational part of the Th.M. program and is reserved for the Th.M. students on ly. Students majoring in Missions and lntercu ltural studies will be required to take SEM 897 Research Seminar, SCL 879 Research Design, or one of the 890 Biblical research semin ars in consu ltation with their advisor. G. CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT OPTION Sen ior Talbor M.Div. students who have completed 80 or more uni ts and are accept­ ed in the Th.M. program are permitted to take up to fou r units ofTh.M. coursework in the last semester of the Master of Divinity program (additionalTh .M. cours­ es may be taken in lnterterm or Summer Session). T hese courses may not be credit­ ed toward the M .Di v. degree and must meet all no rmal Th.M. standards. This option all ows students who have only one or two courses remaining in their M.Div. program to get started on their Th.M. pro­ gram while finish ing their M.Div.


AUcandidates for the Th.M. degree must pass a written comprehensive examination over rhe major field of study. T hese exami­ nations serve as a major means of evaluating the student's academi c competency in the major area. Comprehensive examinations may be taken any rime after completion of 18 units ofTh.M. course work. Only two retakes of the examination are permitted.

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