DISSERTATION Each candidate for the Ed.D. degree wil l conduct an original inves tiga tion of a prob lem related to Christian Education, and present the results in a dissertation. The dis sertation should make a sign ificant contri bution to Chri sti an educatio n knowledge, show maste ry of the literature on the topic, and be applicabl e to the life of the Church. A wide range of methodologies may be utili zed in dissertation research. Methodo logies may also be blended for appropriate approaches to educational problems. Dissertati o n research requiring statisti cal analysis is suppo rted on campu s. Biola University ma intains a linked network composed of two Digital VAX 3100 work statio ns, three HP 9000 workstations and a Digital DecStation 2100. SPSS-X and StatView statistical packages are used frequently. Additional dissertation guide lines and requirements are published in th e Ed.D. Handbook. ORAL DEFENSE OF DISSERTATION The final Ed .D. graduat ion require ment is a successful oral defense o f the dis sertation. T he primary purpose of the di s sertati o n defense is the opportunity to orall y present findings to a committee. Interested vis itors may also be present for the formal defense. Members of the committee may request that appropri ate co rrec tions be made. When the revisio ns are completed and the dissertation form is approved, the cand idate is nominated for graduatio n.
The character of these sem inars is extensive stud ent research with sign ificant faculty guidan ce and in-class discussion. The selected topics seminars are o ften conducted by recogni zed authorities in the field of Chri sti an educa ti on who serve as ad junct professo rs for the Ed. D. pro gram. Thi s level o f the Ed.D. curriculum also includes opportuni ty for directed research - independent inves ti gation of an issue or specific aspects of educational mini stry not covered in other courses and seminars. T he option of elect ing directed research is also availab le when there is insufficient enrollment to support a sched uled advanced seminar. Program speciali zations are created with th ese advanced semin ars and direct ed research opportuniti es as well as with courses from other schools within Bi ola Uni versity. LEVEL THREE: RESEARCH The third level of the Ed.D. program includes two components. The first is an advanced research semin ar (DE 890) that is designed to prepare the student for dis sertati o n research. The second is the . design, preparati on, and defense of a dou coral dissertation . This program compo nent either compl etes the sequence o f a narrow speciali zatio n o r adds focus to a more general prpgram design. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS DE 801 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGHT IN EDUCATION (3) An advanced course in the history and phil osophy of Chri sti an education. Significant hi stori cal trends and topics are anal yzed in th e process of d evelo ping a philosophical perspective. Emphasis is placed upon co rrect reasoning in the edu catio nal process as wel l as the avo idance o f fall acio us arguments in the evaluati o n o f educati o nal theory and content . DE 803 PERSPECTIVES IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (3) An advanced study of theories related to tl, e process of life-span buman development, and learning and motivation. Investigation centers on understanding social science data within a Christian perspective. Students are chall enged to develop implications for a vari ety educati onal ministries.
student r search is required in th ese cours es, facu lty content deli ve ry and classroom activity are major course components.
The second level o f the Ed.D. curricu lum is composed of advanced seminars. Each core course is followed by two titl ed seminars, a selected topics course designa tion, and opportuni ty fo r directed research: Historical and PhilosofJhical Thought in Education Advanced Seminar in the Philosophy of Education Advanced Seminar in the Integration of Faith and Learning Selected Topics in the Hi story and Phil osophy of Education Directed Research in the Hi story and Phil osophy of Education Perspectives in Human Development and Education Advanced Seminar in Moral and Faith Development Advanced Seminar in the Integration of Developmental Research Sel ected Topics in Human Development and Education Directed Research in Human Development and Education Organiz.ational Administration in Educational Leadership Advanced Seminar in Contemporary Management Advanced Seminar in Personnel and Programming Selected Topics in Educational Leadership Directed Research/ Profess ional Internship in Educational Leadership Educational Theory and the Practice of Teaching Advanced Semi nar in Ed uca ti o nal Methods and Materials Advanced Seminar in the Ed ucational Process Selected Topics in Educational Theory and Practice Directed Research/ Profess ional Intern ship in Educational Theory and Practice
CURRICULUM The curriculum o f th e Doctor of
Ed ucatio n Program is organ ized in a three level system that·is designed to provide a common foundat ion of doctoral study, fl exibl e program personalization, and in depth research experi ence. Courses and seminars at all three levels may be utili zed to form a narrow specia liza ti o n o r a unique blend of emphases. LEVEL ONE: CORE STUDIES The first level of the Ed.D. curriculum is a core of five courses required of all Ed.D. students (DE 801, 803, 804, 808 and 888 ). These courses assume previous course work o n the master's level, but are intend ed to provide both perspective and breadth in regard to signifi cant compo nents of educational ministry. Though
Studies in Educational Research Advanced Research Seminar Dissertation
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