



enri ch the educational process. The rela­ tionship of design and delivery is also investi­ gated with a view to enhancement of the act of teaching in varied educational settings . DE 823 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS (3) Derailed study of the ed ucational pro­ cess in relation to the purposes of Chri stian ed ucation and th e nurture of faith and faithfulness in large and sma ll group settings . Formal , non-formal, and in formal educa ti onal processes are investi­ gated for local church and o th er mini stry settings, including hi gher ed ucati o n. DE 825 SELECTED TOPICS IN EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND PRACTICE (1-4) Special studi es in a variety o f formats intended to provide awareness and under­ standing of issues and problems re lated to core course and seminar content. Credit for class participation can be supplement­ ed by a range of individual and group pro­ jects and educational experiences. DE 834 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN MORAL AND FAITH DEVELOPMENT (3) Speciali zed analysis of theories and sys­ tems of moral and fa ith development. Student research invo lves th e application o f a biblical approach to ethi cs in the eval­ uation of contemporary thought concern­ ing morality and the nurture o f faith. Ed ucational impli ca ti o ns are a signifi cant aspect of this study. DE 837 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN THE INTEGRATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH (3) A comprehensive examinatio n of research literature invo lving aspects of human deve lopment re levant to a wide range of problems and issues within Chri stian ed uca ti o n. Particular emph asis is placed upon the analysis of theory pre­ suppositi ons and their impact upo n both research des ign and conclusions. DE 838 SELECTED TOPICS IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION ( 1-4) Special stud ies in a variety of formats intend ed to provide awareness and under­ standing o f issues and problems related to core course and seminar content. Cred it for class participation can be suppl ement­ ed by a range of individual and group pro­ jec ts and edu cational experiences.

DE 841 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT (3) Focused investi ga tion o f the value and effecti veness of current management trends. T he appropriateness of particular techniques for the administration of profit and non-profit mini stry o rgani zatio ns char­ acterized by paid and vo lunteer staff is eval­ uated . Parti cular attenti on is paid to the effect of specific management styles upon individual and corporate spiritual growth. DE 842 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN PERSONNEL AND PROGRAMMING (3) Multi-facet d analysis of th e role of interpersonal relationships in leadership development and mini stry programming in the body o f Chri st. Special emphas is is p laced upon the responsibi liti es of leaders in the recruitment, trai ning, maintenance, and reward o f ministry team members in a wide range of local church and Ch ri stian organizational functions. DE 846 SELECTED TOPICS IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP ( 1-4) Specia l stud ies in a va ri ety of formats in tended to provide awa reness and under­ standing o f issues and problems related to core cou rse and semin ar content. C red it for class participation can be suppl ement­ ed by a range of ind ividual and gro up pro­ jects and ed ucatio nal expe ri ences.

EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP (3) An investigati on o f signifi cant theo ri es and principles o f effecti ve admini strati o n with an emphasis upo n th e integration of management theo ry with bibli cal concepts concern ing relati o nships within the body of Chri st. The charac ter of local ch urch and o rgani zati o nal mini stry leadership in various cultural settings is discussed. DE 806 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN THE INTEGRATION OF FAITH AND LEARNING (3) The investigation of models fo r the inte­ gration of biblical truth and behavioral sci­ ence th eory and research as well as the ed u­ cational process. Student research wil l involve the testing of integratio n mode ls for theological integrity and practical utili ty. DE 807 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (3) Analysis of classical and contemporary approaches to the phi losophy of education . Student research will result in the presenta­ tion of significant evaluation of particular philosophies and philosophers of educa­ tion and their implications for the practice of truly biblical educational ministry. DE 808 EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND THE PRACTICE OF TEACHING (3) An advanced study of the theory and practice of teaching. Students are chal­ lenged to enhance their personal reper­ to ires of teaching ski ll s and educational strategies through discussion, observati on, and practice. Competencies in creating cur­ ricular materials for various ed ucational set­ tings are developed through term projects. DE 809 SELECTED TOPICS IN THE HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION ( 1-4) Special stud ies in a variety of fo rmats intended to provide awareness and under­ standing of issues and problems related to core course and seminar content. Credit for class part icipati on can be supplemen t­ ed by a range of individual and group pro­ jects and educational experiences. DE 822 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN EDUCATIONAL METHODS AND MATERIALS (3) Emphasis upon models of curriculum design and the development of media that


Indi vidual study, directed read ing, field research, or profess ional inrernship for the purpose of program specia lizatio n in regard to topics and issues not covered suffic iently in other courses and seminars. This experience must be conducted under the guidance of an approved facul ty super­ visor. A learning contract must be pre­ pared and a product appropriate to the top ic and units earned must be submitted fo r eva luatio n. DE 888 STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (3) The study o f vario us methods of schol­ arly research within education in general and Ch ri stian educatio n in particular. Student activity invo lves the an-;;iysis of research content and methodo logy, eva lu­ ation o f research reports, and develop­ ment o f a variety of research designs.

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