Doctor ofMinistry Program
DE 890 ADVANCED RESEARCH SEMINAR (3) Guided involvement in research pro posal preparation and dissertation devel opment . Extensive practice in the selec tion of methods of research and/ or statistical procedures for specific educa tional questions, the avoidance of com mon errors in the process of research, and the preparation of research reports. DE 891 DISSERTATION (3-6) Research and writing of a dissertation under the supervision of an approved advis er and committee.Twelve semester hours of dissertation are requ ired for graduation.
6. A personal statement of approxi mate ly 10 typewritten pages (doubl e spaced ) detailing ministerial experience, strengths, weaknesses, and the cand idate's personal objectives for the Doctor of Ministry program. 7. A personal interview with the D.Min. director may be required. Fulfillment of the above basic requirements does not nec essari ly guarantee admission into the pro gram because individual cases and circum stances, such as avai lable openings in the program, may dictate other factors to be considered. In general, a high standard of overall performance, especiall y in practice of ministry, will be the governing criterion. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. RESIDENT STUDY Six courses of study (six units each) com prise the basic residency requirement. At least four of the courses must be taken in the field of concentration. Each course will require significant preliminary reading in · preparation and a follow-up project at the conclus ion of the classroom experience. B. ACADEMIC GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A minimum grade of "B-" must be maintained in each course acceptable toward completion of the program. A minimum of a "B" (3.00) average is required for graduation . C. TIME LIMIT FOR DEGREE Complete the program in no less than three years and no more than five yea rs. D. A DISSERTATION PROJECT The student will conduct research and develop a project in his major field of study. The project may focus on the writing of a book manuscript, the research of a critical issue, the development of a new progran1 or an in-depth case study of a ministry situa tion. Ordinarily, the minimum lengrh will be 100 pages and the maximum length of 150 pages. Complete information on the Dissertation Project is available from the Doctor ofMinistry office. A schedu le of classes is ava il able upon request. For more information, please contact: Dr. Gary McIntosh, Director of the D.Min. Program, Talbot School ofTheology, La Mirada, CA 90639-0001.
Program Director: Gary McIntosh, D.Min.
OBJECTIVES ''The purpose of the professional doc torate is to equ ip one for a high level of exce ll ence in the practice of Ministry" (Association of Theological Schools, Standards for Accrediting). The Doctor ofMinistry degree offered by Talbot School of Theology is the highest professional degree fo r o rdained persons in the church or related ministries. It is dis tinct from the Th.D. or Ph.D. in that its pri mary emphasis is on the practice of min istry rather than on research and teaching. This program builds on the basic theo logical degree, the M.Div., or its equivalent, and provides an opportunity for the person in ministry to strengthen abil ities and cor rect deficiencies. In order to accomplish these ends, the student will be expected to integrate theological education in the con text of ministry by demonstrating high lev els of competence in one of five avail able fie lds of concentration; church leadershi p, marriage and family, church growth, coun seling or general studies. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission to the Doctor ofMinistry program will be granted on a very selective and individual basis with the following basic requirements applying to all app lications: 1. An M.Div. degree or its equivalent from an accredited seminary with a grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4 .0 scale). 2. Applicants must have a knowledge of the original languages of scripture. This may be attested by evidence of prior satis factory completion of courses in the lan guages or through examination. 3. A minimum of three years of full time "in ministry" experience after the stu dent has received the M.Div. degree or its equivalent. The student must be engaged in professional ministry throughout the duration of the program. 4. Completion of such diagnostic and/ or theological tests th at the Grad uate Committee determines necessary. 5 . Written recommendations from the fo llowing: a clergy colleague, a denomina tional official or other recognized Christi an leader, a lay person in the con gregation, agency or board served by the applicant, a former professor in the field of practical theology and if married a let ter of support from the applicant's spouse.
Students who are on approved leave of absence, or who have completed 12 hours of dissertation but have not succesfully com pleted the oral defense, must register for continuous enrollment. A fee equivalent to 1 semester hour of course work is required.
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