DM 814 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MARRIAGE AND FAMILY MINISTRIES (6) A course designed to broaden and deep en the pastoral understanding of Christian marriage in the contemporary world. Emphasis on the sociology of marri age as an institu tion, the psychology of intimate rela ti onships, and the nature of love and sexuali ty. Husband-wife roles studi ed in the light of Scripture and the movement toward egali tar ian marriage. Attention given to the prob lems of divo rce and remarriage, single par ent, blended family and other current issues. OM 815 THEOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR PARENTING (6) Development of a theologically consis tent and psycho logical ly healthy under standing o f the process of child rearing. Includes a cri tical review, bo th theologically and psychologically, o f a number of current approaches to parenting. Class members respo nsible to 1) fo rmul ate a compre hensive program o f parent educati on fo r a local church, or 2) develop and conduct a parent education seminar or wo rksho p. DM 817 BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH RENEWAL (6) An examinati o n o f bibli cal princip les fo r church life with th e aim of spiritual and mi ssio n renewal. Course emphases will center on the pastor's style o f lead er shi p, involvement and training o f lay lead e rs, congregati onal creati vity, impacting the communi ty, and preaching style and content, plus the pas tor's and congrega tio n's spiritual li fe . OM 819 WORLD MISSION AND THE LOCAL CHURCH (6) An overview and analys is o f the develo p ment o f world mi ssions with emphasis o n current specifi c world vi ews. Issues such as self-supporting missio ns, hidden peoples and third world mi ss ionari es will be explo red, al ong with considerati o ns on how to develop a world-vi ew congregati o n. DM 822 FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION (6) A course designed to lead the student th rough a biblical, sociological and educa tional investigation of famil y life education. Discovery of common elements of an effec tive family mini stry in the church. Integration of this data with existing resources allows each person to develop a strategy of family life educati on fo r hi s church.
riage and family counseling. Emphas is will be pl aced o n th e case study app roach to learning. Pro bl em situati o ns in the lives of peopl e will be presented in class and processed th rough di scuss io n, di agnos is and in the light of the Scriptures. OM 809 CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGICAL ISSUES FACING THE CHURCH (6) An examinati on of the fundamental doc trines concerning the church including its nature, organizati onal structure, mini stry, o rd inances, purpose and place in God 's design. Discussion of the significance derived from each of these areas for the practical li fe of the church, with special focus o n current theological issues involved. Emphasis on the meaning o f these doc trines fo r the practi cal life of the church.
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Courses in this section are conducted at the postgraduate level, with enrollment restricted to those who have been granted admiss ion to the D.Min . program at Talbot. OM 801 PASTOR'S SYMPOSIUM (6) An in-depth study o f the va ri ed tasks of the contemporary pas tor, with parti cul ar considerati on o f hi s ro les as expos ito r, di s cipler, evangeli st, counselor and leader of wo rshi p . Pasto rs who have di stingui shed themselves as tho ughtful practi tione rs of the art serve as resource lead ers.
A course designed to equi p the pastor in the principles of pre-marital counseling. Emphasis given to the practi cal aspects of structuring and conducting a compl ete pre marital preparation progran1within the local church. Specifi c techniques fo r marital coun sel ing to be presented, discussed and demon strated th roughout the duration of this course. Prerequisite: training in the use of the TaylorJ ohnson Temperament Analysis. (Concurrent wi th this course, trai ning in the use of the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis is offered at additional charge.) OM 804 SPIRITUAL CONFLICTS AND COUNSELING (6) A study of th e confli ct between the ki ng dom of darkn ess and the kingdom o f li ght with an emphasis o n the authority, power, protection as we ll as the vuln erabili ty of th e bel iever. The techniques of counseling the spirituall y affli cted are also consid ered . DM 807 BIBLICAL EVANGELISM IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY (6) A practi cal study of the histo ri c bibli cal fo undati o ns, the theology and th e "how to" o f local church evange li sm. Focus on a spectrum o f bas ic app roaches to evange li sm in o rd er to have a balanced and com prehensive program of outreach. Special attention given to contemporary evange li s tic strategies and e ffective principl es o f individual and co rpo rate witness. DM 808 BIBLICAL MODELS FOR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY MINISTRIES (6) Models fo r personali ty, partnershi p, parenthood and peer relati o nshi ps exam ined in the li ght o f th e Word of God with a view to improving skill s in individual, mar-
Examin atio n of contemporary preach ing. Attentio n given to a va ri ety o f preach ing fo rms, such as evange li stic, exposito ry, life-s ituati o n, socio-propheti c, biographi cal, di alogue, as well as radi o and televi sio n techniques. Class members invo lved in bo th analys is and ac tual preaching. DM 811 INTERPERSONAL RELA TIONSHIPS IN THE CHURCH (6) A bibli cal and practi cal examinati on o f what beli evers ought to do with and fo r each o ther in the local church. Special attention given to :ways of fac ilitating fe l lowship, the place of confrontat io n, the handling of criti cism, reactions to change, the potential of small groups, the admini s tering of di scipline, the meaning of love, the nature o f fo rgiveness and the importan ce o f uni ty. Key biblical words and concepts stud ied and practi cal implicati ons deve loped fo r the program o f the local church. Discussion of relati o nshi ps among the staff, boards, committees and the congregati on at large. DM 813 WORSHIP (6) Attention given to two areas: 1) a survey of biblical material s on the nature and in1portance of worship for the people of God; and 2) a survey of contemporary litera ture on worshi p in the church. A fo undati on provided fo r the development of a biblical theology/ phil osophy fo r worship in today's churches and for fun damental discussion of the practi cal aspects of both plan ni ng and executing meaningful services of worshi p.
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