Bible Exposition
BE 530 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF THE BIBLICAL LANGUAGES (3) Bas ic principl es o f language tha t are fo unda ti o nal to interpre ting the bibli cal text. Overview o f the struc ture of the bi b li ca l languages, evaluatio n o f theori es o f Bibl e translatio n, and instruction in th e use of va ri ous too ls based o n the original lan guages. The course will aid th e student in understanding issues tha t a ri se in in te rp re tati on because o f th e o ri ginal languages . Required o fM .A. (B/ TS) students. BE 602 GENESIS (2) An expos itio n, with an emphas is o n impo rtant criti ca l and contemporary issues, and bibli ca l theology, especia ll y the Abrahami c Covenant. El ective BE 608 MATTHEW (2) An expositi on , emphasizing back ground issues, purpose, struc ture, and interp re tati o n of narra ti ve litera ture. El ecti ve BE 610 ROMANS (2) An exposi ti o n, emphasizing back ground issues, purpose, stru cture, deve l o pment o f th e argument, and th eological contribution s. El ecti ve. BE 722 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-2) G uided resea rch in some b ibli cal area rela ting to expos iti on , according to the stude nt 's need and relevancy to mini stry. Elec tive . BE 725 MESSIANIC PROPHECY (2) Selected major Mess ianic pro phecies in the ir progress ive un fo lding in the O ld T estament and ful fillment in the New Tes tament. Prerequi site: BE 519,520. Elective. BE 726 EXPOSITIONAL METHODOLOGY IN DANIEL AND REVELATION (3) Appli cati o n o f expos it io nal method to se lected passages from Dan iel and Reve la ti o n . Di scussio n o f cru cial back ground and criti cal issues, book struc tures, interpre tive diffi culties, practical impli catio ns and va ri o us approaches to expounding the tex t o f each book. Required o f M.Di v. p rogram. Suggested elective for M. A. program.
BE 731 EXPOSITION OF OLD TESTAMENT SEGMENTS OR THEMES (2-3)* BE 732 EXPOSITION OF NEW TESTAMENT SEGMENTS OR THEMES (2-3) * BE 733 BIOGRAPHICAL EXPOSITION OF SELECTED BIBLICAL FIGURES (2)* ' 'These electives will be o ffered in cycl e, wi th the breadth of the scope o f each o ffering de termin ed by: 1) the exper tise of availabl e facul ty; 2) curre nt issues o f scho la rl y and practi ca l impo rtance; and 3 ) balance in rega rd to recent o fferings .
ActingChair:J o hn C. Hutchiso n, Th.D.
FACULTY Professor: Hunte r Associ a te Professors: Hutchi so n, Lurer, Pi erce, Rae OBJECTIVES Whil e th e entire seminary curri culum contribu tes to the exposition of Scripture, it is th e purpose o f thi s departme nt: 1) to focus o n found ati o nal principl es and pro cedures o f sound Bibl e study, especia ll y interpre ta ti o n and appli cati o n; 2) to overview and survey th e Old a nd N ew Tes taments to es tabli sh a w ide r biblical frame of refe rence; and 3) to study in depth selected bibli cal books and subj ects, modeling expos ito ry me thodo logy and p reparing students for effective expos ito ry mini stry. Key in troducto ry and criti ca l issues dealing with both Old and ew Tes taments will also be trea ted , as we ll as relevant da ta from th e o ri ginal languages. COURSES BE 517 HERMENEUTICS AND BIBLE STUDY METHODS (3) A study of p rinciples fo r sound inter pre ta ti o n and appli ca ti o n o f the Bibl e, including anal ys is o f presuppos iti ons, gen eral rul es and speciali zed principles fo r th e various biblical genre and phenome na. A presenta ti on o f va ri o us a pproaches to studying the Bibl e. Required o f M .Div. and M.A. students. BE 519 SURVEY OF GENESIS MALACHI (3) A b road survey of the O ld Testament books, including selected introductory and criti cal issues, relevant backgro und, majo r themes and d ivisio ns, and cru cial probl ems. Attendance at on-campus Old Tes tament Walk-Through-th e-Bibl e semi nar requi red. Required o f M.Di v. and M.A. stud ents. BE 520 SURVEY OF MATTHEW REVELATION (3) A general ove rview o f the ew Testament books, including selected intro ducto ry and criti ca l issues , relevant back gro un d, maj o r themes and divi sio ns, and crucial p robl ems: Attendance a t an o n campus ew Tes tament Walk-Th rough the-Bibl e semin ar requi red. Required o f M .Di v. and M.A. stude nts.
A seminar focusing o n advanced prin ci ples, practi ce and current issues o f bibli ca l interpretati o n and app li ca tio n. Pre requi site: BE 517. BE 741 ISSUES IN BIBLICAL EXPOSITION (2) A semin ar fo cusing on se lected techni ca l and practi cal issues in the fi eld of b ib li ca l exposi ti o n . Pre requi site : BE 726. BE 743 BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY (2) A presenta ti o n of th e cultural deve lo p ment o f the H o ly Land and nat io ns of th e Fert il e C rescent in relat io n to Israe l, the strategic locati o n o f the H o ly Land , the clima te and topography, and th e loca ti o n o f important pl ace names . El ective fo r Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. BE 801 PARABLES (2) A survey o f th e parabl es in the Bibl e with special emph asis o n the parabl es o f C hr ist, rul es gove rning their interpretati o n and their d ispensa t io nal import and appli ca ti o n in mo dern preaching. Elective fo r T h.M. stud ents; o th ers by departme ntal pe rm1ss1o n. BE 802 MIRACLES (2) A study o f the miracl es o f C hr ist, th eir se tting, in te rpreta ti o n, d ispensat io nal sig nifi cance a nd appli cati o n in modern p reaching. El ecti ve for Th .M. stude nts; o th ers by depa rtme ntal permi ssion .
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