


Christian Education

CE 521 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRY AND LIFESTYLE (3) Inves ti ga ti on into the major issues of educati onal psychology including growth and development, learning theory, motiva­ tion, individual differences, self-concept, human nature, determini sm, social inter­ action , maladjustment, di scipline, moral influence and retenti o n. Discussion o f the major theories and theorists o f psycholo­ gy. Integration of theology and psycholo­ gy an emphasi s. Also inves tigation in to personality develo pment as it relates to Christian growth and li festyle. Required of M .A. (C.E.) stud ents. CE 543 COUNSELING ADOLESCENTS AND THEIR PARENTS (3) An overview of the issues related to providing pastoral counseling to adoles­ cents and th eir parents including addictive behavioral problems, abnormal d evelop­ mental conce rns, intervention and enrich­ ment counseling and awareness of when and to whom to refer ado lescents for pro­ fessional therapy. Required of M.A. in Yo uth Mini stry. CE 552 LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRY (3) A survey o f human developmen tal research with attention given to phys ical, cogniti ve, socio-emoti o nal, moral , and fa ith aspects as they all relate to spiritual deve lopment as a bas is for a holi stic Ch ri sti an education ministry. Required of M.A. Min. (M.F.M. ) and M.A.C.E. stud ents. CE 555 PARACHURCH YOUTH MINISTRY (3) Focus on the various types o f parachurch mini stry to junior hi gh and high schoo l age students available. Includes pri nciples wh ich make parachurch youth mini stry d ifferent from local church youth mini stry and princip les for beginning a new parachurch campus club. Elective CE 557 MORAL AND FAITH DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRY (2) An advanced study o f the leading theo­ ri es of moral and faith development with attenti on directed toward impli cation for intenti onal education mini stries that develop a Biblical valu es sys tem. Required of reduced M.A.C.E. program.

Chair: Michael]. Anthony, Ed.D., Ph.D.

BE 805 BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY (2) A survey of problems in chronology throughout Scripture with special emphasis given to more crucial areas, such as Genesis 1, the judges and the kings, and matters · relating to Chri st. Elective for Th.M. stu­ dents; others by departmental permission. BE 806 BIBLE EXPOSITION SEMINAR (2-3) Special course work for BE majors who wish to study a particular area of Bibl e expos ition . Elec tive for Th .M . students. BE 807 EXPOSITION OF CENTRAL PROPHETIC PASSAGES (2) A special concentration on expos ition of selec ted prophecies with regard to cu l­ ture, views and the integration of the pas­ sages with an overall biblical picture. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permissio n. BE 842 THE USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE NEW (2) A seminar concentrating on the phe­ nomena, interpretatio n, and sign ifi cance of selected O ld Testament quotati o ns and allusions found in the New Testament. Prerequisites: NT 604, OT 604. BE 880 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-4) Supervised research in selected areas of Biblical studies. Elective for Th.M. students. BE 891-892 RESEARCH SEMINAR (3,2) Discussion and applicati o n of the cen­ tral areas of Bible Exposition resea rch and rel ated fields of study. Instruction in research, including the identifi catio n of a problem, th e steps undertaken to reso lve a problem, and writing th e results. Required for the first semes ter of the Th.M. (B.E.) program. A second semes ter may be taken to continue r search in the area of interest.

FACULTY Professor: Dirks Associate Professors: Anthony, Bechtle, Issler,Johnson, Stevens Assistant Professors: Garland, Leyda Instructors: Cunningham, Ten Elshof OBJECTIVES T he aim of the department o f Christian education is that of developing Christian educato rs who understand th e signifi­ cance of an educational mini stry and who possess the skills necessary to fu nction as Christian educators. To thi s end, course offerings have been designed to blend the­ ory and practice. Most elective courses are des igned fo r tracking to accommodate the stud ent's voca ti onal speciali zati on. COURSES CE 511 FOUNDATIONS OF LEADERSHIP (3) Investigation in to leadersh ip theory and practice lead ing to the deve lopment o f a bibli ocentri c ph ilosophy o f leader­ ship; practice in basic leadership skill s; study of app li cation o f concepts in th e church and parachurch agencies. Electi ve .


An analysis of administrative principles and processes as they apply to the church and parachurch agencies. Special atten­ tion to th e relation of admin istra tive func­ tions and minis try. Required of M.Div. (C.E. ), M .A. Min . (C. E. ), M.A. (C. E. ) and M.A. (M.F.M.) students. CE 514 WOMEN AND MEN IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (2) An inves tiga ti o n of th e rol e of women and men in mini stry and leadership in th e light of Scripture. Also includes a di scus­ sion of issues men and women in the min­

istry face when working together. Elective. Offered fall, odd years.

CE 516 CURRICULUM WRITING & DEVELOPMENT (3) Emphasis on custom development of a curriculum for various youth min istry teaching programs such as Sunday school, Bible study, discipl eship groups , and more. Various youth curri culum sources will be surveyed and their materi als evaluated for effectiveness of presentation. Elective.

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