


CE 560 PERSONAL AND INTER· PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (3) Emphasis o n personal and in te rperson­ al growth through individual ass ignments and small group interactio ns. O pportuni ty given fo r spiritual, physical, emo tional , mental and relat ional develo pment. Required o f two year M.A. C.E. students.

CE 628 MARITAL COUNSELING (3) Advanced course dealing with prob­ lems and conflicts within marriage and famil y se ttings. Counseling meth ods and practi cal behavi o ral me th ods from a scrip­ tural context designed to meet probl ems and confli cts; conducted via demo nstra­ ti ons, case studi es and counseling involve­ ment. Prerequi site: CE 603 and permi s­ sio n from th e department chairman. Required o f M .A. (M .F.M. ), M.A. Min. (M.F.M. ) stud ents. Elective . CE 629 GROUP COUNSELING LEADERSHIP (3) Training in the principles o f co unse ling and th erapy in a group se tting. The class itself used as a labo ratory experi ence with th e student participating bo th in the ro le o f th erapi st and cli ent. Required o fM .A. (M.F.M.), M .A. Min. (M.F.M. ) students.

rating realiza ti on and encouraging responsi­ ble living. Attenti on given to cri sis counsel­ ing as well as issues such as building a coun­ seling mini stry team. Required ofM.A. (C. E. ),M.A. (M .F.M. ), M.A. (Min. ) (C.E., M.F.M. ) and M.Div. (C. E. ) students.



Obj ectives, programming, acti viti es and admini strati ve meth ods o f impl e­ menting a program o f mi ss io nary educa­ t io n. In ves ti gati o n in to th e auxili ary o rga­ ni za ti o n o f the church 's educati o nal p rogram th rough whi ch mi ss io ns are taught. El ecti ve. O ffe red fall , od d yea rs. CE 616 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (2) Consideratio n of essenti al elemen ts in curri culum formati on . Intensive study o f va ri ed existing curri cul a . An alysis of con­ tempo rary trends in curri culum produ c­ ti o n. Electi ve. O ffered spring, eve n yea rs. CE 618 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND ASSESSMENT (3) An overview of var io us models of psy­ cho path ology and introdu cti o n to some o f the tools o f personali ty assessment with th e go al o f being able to determine which peopl e to work with and whi ch to refer to o th er he lpe rs with mo re speciali zed t ra in­ ing. Required of M.A. Min. (M.F.M. ), M .A. (M.F.M.) stud ents. CE 620 PREMARITAL PREPARA· TION AND COUNSELING (2) Counseling techniqu es appli ed to dat­ ing and co urtship, engagement and pre­ marital adjustments. Princi ples and struc­ tures o f premarital counseling a re stressed and demo nstrated . Emphasis o n the use o fTJTA , Prepare and Family History anal­ ys is. Pre requi site: CE 603 o r permi ssio n o f professo r. Required o f M.A. C.E. stu­ dents. Offered fall , even year s.

A step by step approach ro the building of a youth group and developing a yearl y youth group mini stry program. Emphasis may be on either junior high o r high school age group and course will contain an empha­ sis on development of communi ty wi thin the group. Required of M.A. in Youth Ministry. CE 570 SPECIAL STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Des igned fo r stud ents who desire a specifi c course content no t covered in any o f the regul arl y o ffe red classes . Content selected on the bas is o f need and will differ from semes ter to semester. Admi s­ sions ro the course and th e content of the course will be by adviso r's approva l. May be take n twice with di ffe ren t emphas is. CE 583 MANAGING PERSONAL, SPIRITUAL AND OTHER RESOURCES (2) Thi s class will deal with th e manage­ ment of va ri ous resources in the youth mini ster's life . Di scuss io ns and ass ign­ ments will deal with th e most effecti ve approaches to the management o f time, spiritual and o th er persona l reso urces in the youth mini ster 's life. El ective. CE 601 EDUCATIONAL MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH (3) Analysis of minisu·i es of edification as they relate to the personal, the congregation­ al and the administrative aspects of mini stry with people of all ages. Focus is on the expl a­ nati on of vari ous methods and resources availabl e for mini stry and on the develop­ ment of indivi dual skills in communicati ng and leading in these ministri es. Required of M.A. (CE. ), M.A. (M.F.M.), M.A. (Min. ), M.A. (B./r.S. ), and M.Div. students. CE 603 COUNSELING MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH (3) The mini stry of counseling in church context. First considerati on given to the strengths, weakn esses and unresolved issues o f the counselor. Focus of the course on skill s in develo ping relati o nshi ps, fac ili-


Basic method s of educati o nal research with assessment o f each metho d fo r use in reli gious edu cati o n . Introducti o n to stati s­ ti cal measurements. Fo rmul ation and impl ementati o n o f research proj ects in mini stry situati ons. O ne hour lec ture and o ne hou r labo ratory required per week. Required o f all M.A.C. E. students.

CE 636-637 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-2, 1-2)

In-depth investi ga ti o n o f a to pic under th e guidance of the Chri stian educa tion department using standard research proce­ dures. Topi c selecti o n and course enro ll­ ment is by advisor's approval. El ecti ve. CE 638 CURRENT TRENDS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Identi fy ing and understanding those issues which are of primary concern ro th e fi eld of Chri stian edu cation today. O ppo rtuni ty will be provided for individu­ al and group research in areas of personal concern . The course will investi ga te cur­ rent educational trends, alternative church educatio n patterns and new fo rms o f min­ istry. Elective. Offered spring, odd yea rs. CE 642 YOUTH MINISTER'S HOME AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT (3) Emphasis on techniques to balance pro­ fess ional mini stry schedul e with home and fami ly li fe and responsibiliti es. Includes pe rsonal nurture techniques, famil y nur­ ture techniques and development o f a plan for meeting famil y needs in th e co ntext of being a youth mini stry profess ional. Required o f M.A. in Youth Mini stry.


Investi gation into th e theological, hi stor­ ical, and philosophical found ati o ns whi ch underli e Chri stian ministry. Also includes an investi gation of current practi ces of min­ istry through an analyti cal perspective. Des igned to help the minister evaluate min­ istry programs and respond with remedial o r enri chment strategies. Required of M .A. (C. E. ) and M .A. (M.F.M. ) and M.Di v. (C. E. no n-th esis) students.

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