dents' spiritual gifts and personal skills applied to teaching th e Bible. Required of the M.A.C.E. and M.A. Min. Fee: $50.
CE 673 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS OF FAMILY MINISTRY(3) Buidling a theology fo family ministry. Rela ting biblical principles to family and relationship issues. Required of M.A.C.E., M.A., M.F.M. and M.A. Min. students.
CE 644 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH (2) The place of music in the church's pro gram. Criteria for the selection of appro priate music. Techniques for leading music and teaching various groups. The relationship of music to worship, instruc tion and fellowship. Elective. CE 648 CURRENT TRENDS IN YOUTH MINISTRY (3) Emphasis o n trends and issues related to life on a contemporary junior hi gh or hi gh school public school campus. Includes principles for development of relationships between the youth mini ster and local school administrators which will enable both to function effecti vely. Also contains principles for blending students from public, parochial and Christi an cam puses into your youth group. Elective. CE 649 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (2) Development and administrati o n of media for ministry. Uses of the computer, print, audio, video, mixed med ia and mul timedia technology for promotion, educa tion and moti vation. Elective Offered fa ll, even yea rs and each lnterterm. CE 653 CHILDHOOD DEVELOP· MENT AND EDUCATION (2) The child from birth to 12 years with emphasis on development of mo ral and religious values, cognitive processes and social relationships. In addition, an analy sis is made of home and church ministries related to childhood educati o n. Emphasis given to basic teaching and ministering skills. Elective. Offered spri ng, even years. CE 661 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) Finding and meeting adolescent needs, writing o bjectives for youth mini stry, lead ership of learning expe riences and out reach expe ri ences, disciple-building and review of available resources. Development o f personal plans fo r min istry. Elective. Offered spring, odd years. CE 662 YOUTH LEADERSHIP (2) Emphasis on the leadership role in the local church, co ll ege campuses and mission field. Development of a youth leadership program within the local church. Study o f extra-church organ izations and parent-teen relationships and mini stry emphasi zed . Elective. Offered fall, odd years.
Structured experiences in a C.E. ministry field site with an approved supervisor focus ing on leadership development including assessing needs, setting goals, planning strategy, implementing programs and evalu ating programs. Course may be repeated. Required oftheM.A.C.E. and M.A.Min. CE 696 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY INTERNSHIP (1) Directed experience in preparation, enrichment, equipping and remedial min istri es in selected churches. Required of M.A. (M.F.M.) majors in the ir first spring semester. CE 697 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY INTERNSHIP (1) Direc ted experience in preparation, enrichmen t, equippi.ng and remedial min iseries in selected churches. Required of M.A. (M.F.M. ) majo rs in their last fall semes ter. The prerequisite is CE 696. CE 698 ADVANCED MARRIAGE AND FAMILY INTERNSHIP (2) Directed experience in prepara tion, enrichment, equipping and remedial min iseries in selected churches. Required of M.A. (M.F.M. ) majors in their las t spring semester. The prerequisites are CE 696 and 697. CE 716 MINISTRY TO SINGLE ADULTS (2) Investiga tion of single adult ministri es in the context of th e local church. Emphasis in the development of an effec tive single ad ult ministry. Various proven and exper imental models of single adult mini stries will be examined. Elective. Offered sp ring, even yea rs. CE 722 COUNSELING TROUBLED FAMILIES (3) A comparison o f positive and negative family systems in Scripture, in theory and in church life. The deve lopment of a team approach to inte rvention , enrichment and equipping for ministry to families. Prerequisite: CE 603,628 and 675 o r th eir equivalents. Required of M.A. (M.F.M.) students. Elective.
Objectives, organization and adminis tration of a program of family life educa tion in the local church. Includes an analy sis of current trend s in family life ed ucation . Required ofM.A. (M.F.M. ), M.A. Min. (M.F.M. ) students. CE 678 ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) A study of issues and developmental tasks of adults. Attention to th e mini stry of meeti ng the needs and utilizing the potential of adults. Elective. Offered spring, odd years. CE 681 - DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH SPEAKER SKILLS (3) Emphasis on th e package of ski lls nec essary to become an effective youth speak er. Includes the various types of speaking such as; evangel istic, discipling, teaching, preaching, testimony, storytelling and more. Class will enable the stud ent to evaluate his/ her potential for this area of ministry and co sharpen those skills during the semester. Elective. CE 683 CAMP LEADERSHIP (2) The philosophy, objectives, administra tion, program and leadership of a church related camp. The use of worship, study, crafts, recreation and counseling in church camping. Investigation into trends o f camp ing, cenu·alized and decentralized camping. Techniques in planning and directing a camp program, including counselor train ing. Elective. Offered spring, even years . CE 687 CAMP AND RETREAT LEADERSHIP Emphasis on developing resources for camp and retreat ministri es with youth. Included will be program design, program planning and resources for camp and retrea t locations. Elective. CE 691 PRACTICUM IN MINISTRY I (1) Structured field experi ence in a C.E. ministry field site with an approved super visor focusing o n the development of stu-
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