


Christian Thought-Theology

Chair: Robert L. Saucy, Th .D.

CE 724 ADVANCED METHODS OF EDUCATIONAL INSTRUCTION (2) Consideration given to the various philosophi es of education, theori es o f learn ing, and the factors that influence learning. Emphas is given to becoming a more effective teacher. Variabl es in moti­ vatio n, retenti on, transfer and high level thinking wi ll be discussed. A supervised classroom teaching experience is required. Prerequisite: CE 461 or its equivalent, or by permission of the professor. Required o fTh.M. and M.A.C.E. students. Offered spring semester.

state. The chu rch, its incepti o n, its nature both as a li ving organism and an organiza­ ti o n, its o rdinances, and its place and mi s­ sion in the purpose of God. Required of M .Div. and M.A. studen ts. TH 610 ADVANCED THEOLOGY (3) An in-depth study of the majo r theologi­ cal issues in the areas of bibliol ogy, theology proper, anthropology, hamartiology, soteri­ o logy. This course is specifically designed for those students who receive reduction in theo logy due to pri o r studi es. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students who arc not required to take TH 502 and TH 603 . TH 700 THE DOCTRINE OF GOD (2) Advanced study of the reali ty, attributes and Triune nature o f God. Includes dis­ cussion o f th e human knowledge and the

FACULTY Professors: Holl oman, Moreland , Saucy Associate Professor: Rae Assistant Professor: Gomes OBJECTIVES It is the purpose o f the emphasis of the­ o logy to give the studen t a tho rough grasp of the great doctrin es o f the Chri stian faith. Based upon the Scripture as the ulti­ mate source of authority the doc trin es are deve loped through the systematic exami­ nation and integrati o n of relevant Scriptures with consideration given to doctrinal interpretatio ns througho ut church hi story. Alo ng with the acquisition of a knowl edge o f the theo logical d oc­ trines of th e Scriptures, it is the goa l of th e department to deve lop in the students a faci li ty which will all ow them to continue their own rheo logical development. COURSES TH 501 THEOLOGY OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE (3) Study of the doctrines pertaining to the experienti al li ving o f the Christian life, including the personal spiritual life, family li fe, and citizenship. Required o fM.Div. and M.A students TH 502 THEOLOGY I (3) T he nature, method and rat ionale of Chri stian th eology. Revelat ion, bo th gen­ eral and special, insp irati on, cano ni city, auth o ri ty and illumination of the Word of God. The doctrine of God, including Hi s existence, attributes and Trinitari an nature; and ange ls, bo th good and evil. Required of M .Div. and M.A. stud ents. TH 603 THEOLOGY II (3) Man, his creatio n in th e image of God, hi s nature, fall and th e effect of sin upon th e race. The salva ti o n of God, including the person and work of Christ. The appli­ ca ti o n o f salvation to men including elec­ tion, regenera tion, justifi cation, sanctifi ca­ ti o n and perseverance . Required of M.Div. and M.A. stud ents. TH 604 THEOLOGY Ill (3) A study of the broad kingdom purpose of God and the future events rel ating to the des tiny of individuals and history including th e second coming o f Chri st in its phases, th e mill eni al reign o f Chri st, th e resurrections, the judgments and ete rnal


Directed experi ences in educati o nal ministries conducted through a local church. Praxis in leadership for major ed ucational functions for va ri o us age lev­ els. A minimum of 100 hours fie ld involve­ ment per semester. Prerequisite: 48 units of class work. Required of, and limited to, M.Div. students majoring in C.E.

natu re o f encounter with God . Prerequi site: TH 502. Elective.

TH 702 ADVANCED BIBLIOLOGY (2) Intensive study of reve lation, in sp ira­ tion, inerrancy and authority in the li ght of contemporary issues . Prerequi site : TH 502. Elective.


A detailed study of the tenets of Roman Catho li cism; reading from representative Roman Catholi c li ter:1ture; particular attenti on given to the distinctions between Roman Catho li c and Protestant doctrines. Especiall y helpful for those contemplating mi ss io nary service in countri es dominated by Roman Catholi cism. Elective.


The studyof contemporary theological positions, including a survey of the philo­ sophical and theological thought leading up to the present scene. Required of M.A. (Th. ) and Th.M. (Systemati c Theology) students. TH 710 PNEUMATOLOGY (2) The person and work of the H o ly Spirit bo th in the O ld and New Testaments with particular attention to His mini stries in thi s age to the individual bel iever and the church. Prerequisite: NT 501-502. Elective. TH 712 CURRENT THEOLOGICAL ISSUES (2) An intensive study o f the th o ught of particu lar contemporary theologians,

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