Christian Thought-Historical Theology
HT 705 HISTORY OF REVIVALS (2) The background , development and results of the great revi va ls in Ameri ca . Elective. HT 706 PROTESTANT THEOLOGY SEMINAR (2) An examinatio n o f sign ificant develo p ments in Refo rmati on/ pos t-Reform ati o n Pro tes tant tho ught. May be repea ted with diffe rent emphasi s. Electi ve.
compared with o th er significant thinkers in the Reform ed traditi o n. El ective.
OBJECTIVES The aims of thi s emphasis are to:
acquaint the student with the doctrinal views o f significant movements, schools and individuals in church history, show th e traj ecto ry o f tho ught in the develo pment o f doc trines as th ey are worked out hi sto r icall y; and give an appreciati o n for th e struggles and labo rs o f the great saints o f God who have gone before us in es tabli sh ing and defending o rthodoxy. COURSES HT 505 PATRISTIC AND MEDIEVAL THEOLOGY (3) Hi sto ry o f th e church from the Aposto li c Fa th ers to the eve o f th e Refo rmati o n with an emphas is o n the d evelopment o f doctrine. Di scuss io n o f key thinkers, such as Origen, Tertulli an, Augustin e, Anselm, Aquinas and Scotus. Required o f M.Di v. students. HT 506 REFORMATION AND MODERN THEOLOGY (3) Hi sto ry o f th e church from th e Reformatio n to th e present with an emph asis o n th e key Continental and Engli sh Reform ers, including Zwingli , Luther and Calvin . Discuss io n o f the counter-Reformati o n, Protes tant scholas ticism, the Enlightenment, and impo rtant theological develo pments in the mode rn era. Students will study the po li ty and hi s tory o f their own denominati o n. Required of M .Di v. students . HT 558 PURITANISM (2) A survey of the Puritan movement with emphas is o n its es tablishment and practi ce in New England . Theological, social , politi cal, economic and cultural aspects consid ered, in cluding analys is o f the Puritan inAu ence o n Ameri can Evange li cali sm. El ective. HT 702 THE CHURCH FATHERS (2) An introducti o n to the Ante-Nicene, N icene and Pos t-Nicene Fathe rs with spe cial emphasi s upo n th e develo pment o f doc trin e and church. El ec tive . HT 704 MEDIEVAL THEOLOGY SEMINAR (2) A study in th e develo pment of scho las ti c theo logy from Anselm to Bi el with emphas is o n the contributi o n o f the medi eval doctors to th e development o f dogmati c th eo logy in th e West. Electi ve.
HT 722 CULTS OF AMERICA (2) The di stinctive fea tures o f th e cults of America with th eir significance in the development o f reli gious thought and with parti cul ar reference to their treatment o f the central features o f o rthodox Chri sti an doctrine. Required o f M.A. (TH.) stu dents. El ecti ve. (Same as PH 722) HT 880 DIRECTED RESEARCH ( 1-3) Supervised research in selected areas o f theology. Elective fo r Th.M. stud ems.
An examinatio n o f the Anabapti st and Socinian movements. Consideration o f th e di stinctive features o f th eir theo logy and practi ce and the Refo rmed and Lu theran po lemi c against th em. El ecti ve.
HT 709 ARMINIUS AND ARMINIANISM (2) A study of the writings ofJames
Arminius and hi s followe rs , including Limbo rch, Epi scopius and Curcellaeus. Compari son o f classical Arminiani sm with Reformed and Lutheran o rthodoxy. Special attenti o n given to Armini an views o f predestinati o n, sin , grace, and atone ment th eory. El ective. HT 710 DENOMINATIONAL DISTINCTIVES (2) The hi story, distin ctives and po li ty o f the student 's denomin ation o r church. Required fo r M.Div. students no t taking HT 506 in thi s seminary. HT 714 HISTORICAL THEOLOGY SURVEY (3) History of the church from the apos to li c Fathers to the modern era with an emphasis on th e deve lopment o f doctrin e. Highlights key thinkers in the patri sti c, medi eval , Reformati on and modern eras . Required for M.A. (BE, OT, NT, TH, B/ TS ), others by departmental permission. HT 718 RESEARCH SEMINAR (2-4) Supervised research , with peri odi c repo rts to semin ar members, in an app roved area of special interes t to the stud ent. Elective. HT 721 THE THEOLOGY OF JOHN CALVIN (2) Trea tment o f the main issues in Cal vin 's th eology, as detail ed in hi s Institutes o f the Christi an Religion and o the r majo r writings . Calvin 's theology is
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