SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Christian Thought-Philosophy ofReligion
PH 835 ADVANCED SEMINAR ( 1-3) Supe rvised research of selected top ics within th e field s of philosophy, apo loget ics, and ethics .May be repeated with dif ferent content . Elective . PH 880 DIRECTED RESEARCH ( 1-3) Supervised research in selected areas of philoso phy of reli gion. Elective for Th .M. students.
PH 602 APOLOGETICS (3) An examin at ion of th e Chri stian world view and the various Christian apologetic responses in relat io n to the areas of hi sto ry, science, and ph il osophy. Requi red for M.Div. and M.A. (TH. ) stud ents. PH 624 SEMINAR IN ETHICAL ISSUES (3) A study of various topics curren tl y being debated in ethics, e.g. abortion, euthanas ia, ge netic engineering, in fanti cide, surroga te motherhood, business ethi cs, environmenta l issues, etc .. PH 667 SEMINAR IN PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF THE MIND (2) A study and defense of the existence and nature o f the soul , the reali ty of disem bodied existe nce, the nature of human action, and issues in personal identity. Various mode ls of human nature will be investiga ted (duali sm, behavio ri sm, fun c tionali sm, the identity thes is, e liminative mater ialism), as we ll as the ir imp li cations fo r ethi cs. PH 669 SEMINAR IN HISTORICAL APOLOGETICS (3) A study of the hi storicity of th e scrip tures with special emphas is o n miracl es, the New Testament, and the resurrecti o n ofJesus. PH 684 SEMINAR IN PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION (3) An investigatio n of the arguments fo r and against the existence o f God, faith and reason, the use of religious language, and the philosophical clarification and defense of the attributes of the God of Scripture. PH 722 CULTS OF AMERICA (2) The di stincti ve features o f the cults o f America with their signifi cance in the deve lopment of religious thought and with pa rti cular reference to the ir treat ment of the central features of o rthod ox Chri stian doct rin e. PH 730 DIRECTED STUDY (1-4) Read ing and research in selected areas of philosophy of religion and ethi cs. Elective. PH 735 SEMINAR ( 1-3) Selected to pi cs in th e field s o f phil oso phy, apologetics and ethi cs. M ay be repeated with different content. Elective .
OBJECTIVES T he Christian leader often deals with problems which are related to contempo rary trends in philosophical and scientific thought. For thi s reason, a knowledge of th e intell ectual heritage of the western world and the apologetic techniques and postures which are of most value is needed. COURSES PH 523 METAPHYSICS (3) A topical study of the natu re and methodo logy o f metaphys ics with empha sis o n the nature and ultimate categories of bei ng as well as specifi c areas (e .g. cau satio n, space and time, the soul , freedom and determini sm, personal identi ty, and essential ism). Special emph as is will be placed on integrating metaphys ics with th e constru ction and defense of a Chri stian wo rldview. PH 544 EPISTEMOLOGY (3) A topi cal study in the definition of knowledge and justified be li ef, problems in skeptici sm, the nature of epi stemic justifica tion and the nature of trutl1. App li cation will be made to special epistemo logical issues in religi on, e .g. reli gious experi ence, miracles, inerrancy, burden of proof issues. PH 547 THE THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (2) A study of va rious issues that ari se in the integrati on of science and orthodox Chri stian theology (e.g. models o f integra tion the scientifi c sta tus of creationism, the creati on/ evolution debate ) as we ll as an investigatio n of selected topics in phi loso phy of science relevant to a Chri sti an worldvicw (e.g. the rca li st/ antirca li st debate, the nature, fo rmati o n, use, and confirmation o f scientific laws and theo ri es, scicmism and the limits of science ) PH 566 THE HISTORY OF ETHICS (3) A survey and eva lua ti o n of various ethi cists and the ir systems from within a Chri stian framework. Emphasis will be placed o n Aristotle, August in e, Aquinas, the utilitarians, and Kant. PH 587 SEMINAR IN ETHICAL SYSTEMS AND ETHICAL REASONING (3) A stud y o f various issues in metae thi cs and normati ve eth ics as we ll as an in vesti gatio n o f ethi cal decision-making and case studi es .
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