New Testament Language and Literature
NT 641 EXEGESIS OF ROMANS (2) A study of the entire epistl e with detailed exegesis of select passages. Special atten tion given to the structure, argument, and interpretati ve problems of the epistl e. Prerequisite: NT 503 . Elective.''
Chair :Michael]. Wi lkins, Ph .D.
Exegetical study of select passages from th e Greek text of the Gospels. App li cation of exege tical methodology and discussion of background issues, including hi sto ri cal backgrounds, compo sitio n, authorship, and distinctives of each book. Special attention given to assess ment of mod ern critical methods fo r the
FACULTY Associate Professors: Arnold, Russe ll , M.Wi lkins Instructor: Shearer OBJECTIVES The purpose of this department is to impart to th e stud ent a knowledge of the Greek New Testament wh ich includes three pri ncipal areas: hi storical back grounds, Greek grammar and exeges is of the text. The p lan is to provide students with tools which wi ll enab le them to uti lize the Greek text in future study, interpre tat io n, and in exposition of the Word o f God. Students are strongly advised to take beginning Greek prior to starting course work at Talbot (e ither in summer school at Ta lbot or in und ergraduate work), so that the student can immediately begin wo rk with the Greek text of the ew Testament. A qualifying examin ation in Greek is avai lable to all students with pre vious Greek training. Those with a grade of "C" o r higher on the examinati on wi ll be enro ll ed in NT 503 and the rest in NT SOL T hose who take beginn ing Greek at Ta lbot fo r cred it wi ll have 4 units fewer elective units. COURSES NT 501-502 BEGINNING GREEK (2, 2) An introductory study of the basic ele ments of NewTestament Greek. Translation of portions of the New Testament in the sec ond semester. Designed for students who have nor completed a full sequence of begin ning Greek courses. Not for credit in the M.Div. program unl ess the student takes in place of elective units.
Translation and exegesis of the epistle with special attenti on given to determin ing th e life-setting and to interpreting the primary themes. Prereq ui site: NT 503 . Elective.,,. NT 646 EXEGESIS OF HEBREWS (2) A study of the entire ep istl e with detailed exegesis of select passages. Special attention given to the structure, argument, and interpretative problems of the epistl e. Prerequisite: T 503. Elective.,,. NT 701 THE WORLD OF THE NEW TESTAMENT(2) New Testament historica l backgrounds and archaeology, including a study o f the rel igious developments, literature, geogra phy and cultural setting ofJudaism and the Hellenistic world at the time of Christ and the early church. Required of M .A. (B/TS, NT) students. NT 705 HELLENISTIC RELIGIONS AND THE NEW TESTAMENT (2) An analys is of the Greco-Roman reli gions, the "mystery religions," magic, astrol ogy, and the beginning forms of Gnosticism fo r their re levance in better understanding the New Testament. Elective.''· NT 711 RAPID READING IN THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT (2) Directed read ing designed to sup pl e ment the student 's knowledge of the Greek New Testament, to increase vocab ulary, and to provide with furth er app li ca tion and understand ing of Greek gram mar. Prerequis ite: NT 503. Elective. ' NT 713 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (2) A study of the hi story, ph il osophy, tex tu al bas is, th o logical perspec ti ve and style of va ri ous Engli sh translations of the New Testament. Prer quis ite: NT 503. Elective.,,.
interpretation o f the Bibli cal text. Prerequisite: NT 503. Requ ired of M.Div., M .A. (BE, NT) students.
Exege tical study of select passages from the Greek text of the Ep istles in the li gh t of the hi storical framework of the book of Acts. App li cation of exegetical methodol ogy and di scuss ion of background issues, including hi storical backgrounds, compo siti on, authorship, and distinctives of each book. Special attention given to assess ment of modern critical methods for the interpretation o f the Bibli cal text. Prerequis ite: NT 503. Requ ired of M.Div. , M.A. (BE, NT) students.
NT 606 NEW TESTAMENT INTRODUCTION (2) New Testament histo ri cal back
grounds; Engli sh translations of the New Testament; formation, hi story, extent and transmission of the canon; special intro duction of each New Testament book. NT 616 READINGS IN HELLENISTIC GREEK (2) Read ings from a variety of literary and non-literary Koine texts as a means of devel oping a greater awareness of the lingui stic, literary, and cultural context of the New Testament. Prerequi site: NT 503. Elective.''· NT 621 LIFE OF CHRIST (2) A study of the histo ri cal and cultural background to the Gospe ls; extens ive study of th e mission, life and teach ings of Chri st. A harmony/ synops is of the Gospe ls wil l be employed in o rde r to give attention to the simil ari ties and differ ences in the Gospel accounts. Elective.''·
A comprehensive survey of morpholo gy and syn tax, the bui lding o f a Greek vocabulary, an introducti o n to textua l criti cism, and the development of an exegeti cal methodo logy with reading in selected passages of th e Greek New Testament. Designed to emphasize the va lue o f G reek study as a tool for und erstanding the bibli cal text. Includ s a required one ho ur non-cred it lab. Prerequisite: NT 501-502. Required of M.Div., M.A. (BE, NT, OT, TH ) stud ents.
NT 623 EXEGESIS OF THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW (2) A study of the entire gospe l with
detailed exegesis of select passages. Special attention given to the structure, argument, and interpreta tive problems of the gospel. Prerequ isite: NT 503. Elective .''·
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