




NT 811 INTERTESTAMENTAL BACKGROUND SEMINAR (2) Study of the religious developments, lit­ erature, geography and cultural se tting o f Judaism leading up to the time o f the gospels. May be repeated fo r credi t with a di ffe rent emphasis. Prerequi site: NT 503. Elective fo r Th .M. students; o th ers by departmental permi ss ion.''· NT 812 THE WORLD OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (3) New Tes tament hi stor ical back­ ground s and archaeology, including a study of th e religious developments, liter­ ature, geography and cultural se tting o f Judaism and th e H ell eni sti c world at the time of Christ and the ea rl y church. Requi red ofTh.M. (NT ) stud ents. NT 816 HELLENISTIC GREEK SEMINAR (2) Readings from a vari ety of literary and non-literary Ko ine texts as a means of devel­ oping a greater awareness of the linguistic, literary, and cultural context o f the New Testament. May be repeated fo r credit with a di ffe rent emphasis. Prerequi site: NT 503. El ective for Th.M. stuqents; others by departmental permi ssion. ''·

A detail ed study of the Greek text of the epi stl e wi th emphasis upon the problems present in the Colossian church. Exegesis of the epistle. Prerequisite:NT 503. Elective.''

Christ's major discourses in the Synop ti c Gospels, with principal emphas is upon the Sermon on the Mount, the Parables of the Mysteries of the Kingdom and the O live t Discourse. The content of the di scourses will be analyzed wi thin the mi nistry o f Chri st. Prerequi site:NT 503. Elective.'' NT 722 EXEGESIS OF THE GOSPEL OF LUKE (2) Extensive translation in the Gospel. Exegesis of selected porti ons. Considerati on o f the contribution of this book to one's knowl edge of the life o f Christ. Examination of style and vocabulary o f Luke. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.''· NT 723 EXEGESIS OF ACTS (2) Extensive translation in the book. Exegesis of selected porti ons. Consideration of the contribution o f thi s book to kn owledge o f the expansion and life o f th e early church. Introducti on to cr itical issues in the book, with emphas is upon its importance and its historicity. Comparison o f style with that of Luke's Gospel. Prerequi site: NT 503 . Elective.''· NT 729 THEOLOGY OF THE GOSPELS (2) An examination o f th e theological teaching o fJ esus as recorded in the four Gospel narratives. Special a ttenti on is paid to the chrono logical development o f themes taught by Chri st in the li ght o f H is presenta ti on and rejection. (Cross-listed with TH 729) . Elective.'· NT 741 EXEGESIS OF SECOND CORINTHIANS (2) A detailed study o f th e Greek text o f the epistl e with special attenti on given to problems o f grammar and interpretati on. Prerequ isite: NT 503. Elective.''· NT 742 EXEGESIS OF GALATIANS (2) Adetai led exegesis of the original text together wi th a consideration of the historical situations. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.''· NT 743 EXEGESIS OF PHILIPPIANS (2) A detail ed study o f th e Greek text o f the epistl e with special attention given to the problems o f grammar and interp reta­ tion. Pre requi site: NT 503 . Electi ve.''·

NT 747 EXEGESIS OF THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (2) An examinati on o f I T imothy, II

Timo thy and Titus in the Greek text with a special focu s on church structure and lead­ ership . Prerequi site: NT 503 . Electi ve.''·


A study based on th e original text, with a focus on the seven churches and the lit­ erary genre o f the book. Prerequi site: NT 503. Elective.''· NT 759 PAULINE THEOLOGY (2) The main themes of Paul's doctrin e from the bibli cal theological perspecti ve. (Cross-li sted with TH 730) . Prerequi site: NT 501-502. Electi ve .' NT 791 NEW TESTAMENT SEMINAR ( 1-4) Supervised resea rch of des ignated areas o f concentrati on in New Tes tament li te ratu re, hi story, interpretation o r theolo­ gy. May be repeated for credit with differ­ ent content. Electi ve.''· NT 801 TEXTUAL CRITI CISM OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (2) The origin and history of textual criticism. Studyof the relative value of manuscripts and the examination of textual theories. Prerequisite:NT 503. Elective fo r 111.M. stu­ dents; others by departmental permi ssion. ''· NT 803-804 ADVANCED GREEK GRAMMAR (2 , 2) An intensive study o f standard wo rks on advanced Greek gran1mar. M ay be continued for a second semes ter as war­ ranted . Pre requisite: NT 503, 604, 605, 4 units NT exegesis electi ves . Elective fo r Th .M. students; oth ers by departmental permissio n.,:- NT 808 COMPARATIVE STYLE OF NEW TESTAMENT WRITERS (2) Comparison o f style, vocabulary and th eo logical concepts o f the vari ous New Tes tament writers on the basi s of selected po rti ons o f th e writings of the Greek New Tes tament. El ective fo r Th .M . students; o thers by departmental permi ss ion.


Advanced study of one o r mo re o f th e gospels. Special attenti on given to criti cal and exegetical issues problc;ms associated with a parti cul ar Gospel(s). May be repea ted fo r credit with the study o f a dif­ fe rent content. Prerequisite: NT 503, 604. Electi ve fo r Th.M. students; o th ers by departmental permi ss ion.''· NT 823 JOHANNINE THEOLOGY (2) T he theology of the Johannin e writings, with emph as is upon the concepts that the writer himself emphas izes. Prerequisite: NT 501-502. Elective for T h.M. students; o thers by departmenta l permi ssion .''· NT 824 THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES (2) Int roducti on to the book, th e emphas is upon its impo rtance and its hi storicity. Translation o f the text wi th exeges is o f certain secti ons . Comparison o f style with that of Luke 's Gospel and compari son of Peter's and Paul' s speeches with their epi s­ tl es. Elective fo r Th.M . students; oth ers by departmental permi ss ion.''·

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