Old Testament & Semitics
NT 832 SEMINAR IN THE EPISTLES (1-3) Advanced study of one o r more of the episrl es . Special attenti o n given to critical and exege ti cal issues associated with a par ticular episrl e(s). May be repeated for credit with th e study o f different epistl e. Prerequisite: NT 503, 605. El ective for Th.M. students; o thers by d epartmental permi ssion NT 880 DIRECTED RESEARCH ( 1-3) Detail ed research on some aspect of the N ew Testament. May include a spe cial focus on o r combined study o f exege sis, New Testament hi story, introductory matters, o r l ew Tes tament th eology. Electi ve for Th.M. students. NT 890 ADVANCED NEW TESTAMENT SEMINAR (1-4) Supervised research o f des ignated areas o f concentrati on in ew Tes tament literature, hi sto ry, interpretati o n o r theolo gy. May be repeated for credit with diffe r ent content. El ective for Th.M. scudents; o the rs by departmental permi ssio n.
Chair: Thomas ]. Finl ey, Ph.D.
OT 706 ADVANCED HEBREW GRAMMAR (2) A study of the detail s of H ebrew grammar and syntax al ong with readings in the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 705 . Elective.'' OT 707 OLD TESTAMENT POETRY (2) The nature, scope and principl es o f H ebrew poetry in the Old Tes tament. Comparisons with the poetry o f th e Nea r Eas t. Electi ve.,,_ OT 708 ADVANCED HEBREW READING (2) Selected passages o f H ebrew text with emphas is o n read ing and translation. Mav
FACULTY Pro fesso r: Finl ey Associate Professors: Curti s, Ri gsby OBJECTIVES The department aims to acquaint stu dents with th e li fe, customs and thought o f th e H ebrews and the ir neighbo rs in the biblical and rel ated peri od s; and to give students an accurate foundation in Hebrew gramma r, syntax and exeges is, so that th eir expos itions of the Engli sh Bibl e will refl ect thi s sound basis of inte rpreta ti o n. The department purposes no t to be exhaustive, but rath er directi ve in th e mat ter o f furth er independent study from the o ri ginal languages. COURSES OT 603 ELEMENTS OF HEBREW (3) Basic grammar with translati o n and written exercises; readings o f selected bib li cal texts. A no n-c redit lab wi ll be required for all stud ents. Required o f M.Di v. and M.A. (B. E., .T. and OT. emphas is) students.
be repeated with different content. Prerequi site: OT 705. Elective.''·
OT 709-710 READING OF SELECTED PSALMS FROM THE HEBREW TEXT (2, 2) Particular emph as is upon th e devo ti o n al and practical va lues. Pre requi site: OT 604. Elective. :- OT 715 STUDIES IN THE HISTORY AND CULTURE OF ISRAEL (2) Hi stori cal and cultural examin ati o n o f a pe ri od in Israe l's hi sto ry (Exodu s and Conques t, Judges, United Monarchy, Divided Mo narchy, Jud ah ro th e Fall o f Jerusalem, Pos t-Exi li c), using ava il abl e biblical and extra-b ibli cal materi als. May be repeated with different content. Prerequi site: BE5 J9. Elec ti ve.''· OT 717 THE OLD TESTAMENT IN ITS NEAR EASTERN CONTEXT (2) Examination o f the archeol ogy, hi story and li terature o f th e An cient N ear East as these subj ects relate to in terpretive issues in the O ld Tes tament. Required o f M .A. (O T. emphas is). Elective.''· OT 718 ARCHAEOLOGY OF PALESTINE (2) The hi sto ry o f excava ti o n, the hi sto ry and geography o f the land and the bearing upon the Old Testament. Electi ve.''· OT 720 STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENT INTRODUCTION (2) Text, cano n and examinati o n o f the fo undati o ns and conclusions o f mod ern hi stori cal-criti cal methods . Special intro ducti o n o f selected O ld Tes tament books ro illustrate th ese topi cs o f general in trodu ctio n. Elec ti ve .''·
NT 891-892 RESEARCH SEMINAR (3, 2)
Discussion and application o f the cen tral areas of N ew Tes tament research and related fi eld s o f study. Instructi o n in research methodology, including the iden tifi ca ti o n of a probl em, the steps taken to reso lve it, and writing the results . Required for th e first semester o f th e T h.M. (N.T) program . A seco nd semes ter may be taken to continue research in th e area of interes t. ''.Electives arc o ffered by rotati o n and o n request.
Additio nal grammar and syntax with emphas is o n read ing and translati o n in selected texts. A no n-c redit lab will be required for all stud ents. Required o f M .Di v. and M.A. (B.E. , N T. and O T. emphas is) students. Prerequi site: OT 603 .
The charac ter, extent and personalities o f Old Tes tament prophecy, with a treat ment o f principles o f p ropheti c interpreta ti o n. Elective .''· OT 705 EXEGESIS IN GENESIS AND SELECTED PASSAGES (3) Readings and exeges is from th e H ebrew text o f Ge nes is and selected pas sages with di scuss io n o f tex t criticism, background issues (hi storical and compo siti o nal) and exege ti cal methodology. Speci al attenti o n given to th e strength s and weaknesses o f co ntempo rary method o logies fo r the interp retati o n o f the bibli cal text. Prerequi site: OT 604. Rcquired of M.Div., M.A. (OT. emphasis) stud ents.
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