Practical Theology
OT 725 APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPIGRAPHA (2) Consi deratio n o f th e no n-canoni cal li t eratu re from the pe ri od betwee n the Tes ta men ts. Emphasis on the deve lopment of Jewish thought d uring the centuries befo re the advent of Christ ianity. Elective.''·
Chair : Michae l Boersma, M.Di v.
FACULTY Assoc iate Professo r: McIntosh Ass istan t Pro fessor: Boersma
A survey o f th e o ri gin, nature and va lue of the Greek O ld Testament with a read ing of selected po rt io ns and compari son with the H ebrew text. Investiga tion o f the methods o f th e trans lators . Prerequ isi te: OT 705, NT 502 and departmental per mission. Elective fo r T h.M. students; o th ers by depa rtmental permiss ion .''·
OBJECTIVES T he purpose of th e Prac ti cal T heo logy depa rtment is to prepare the studen t for th ree areas of service: to lead the bo dy of Chri st in worship; to lead and equi p Christians to build up o ne anothe r; an d to tra in th em to reach th eir communi ty fo r Chri st.
A survey of the d iscove ri es, the o ri gi n of the Qumram Commun ity, its be li ef and practices and the re latio nshi p of the finds to Old and cw Testament studi es. Elective.''· OT 731 BIBLICAL ARAMAIC (3) A study of the grammar with emphas is on comparisons with Hebrew; translat ing o f all the Aramaic of Dani e l and Ezra . Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.''· OT 732 SEMINAR IN HEBREW EXEGESIS (2-4) A cons ide ratio n of selected O ld Testament passages with emphas is o n hi s torica l background and derailed exeges is fro m the H ebrew tex t. May be repeated fo r cred it with the study o f di ffe ren t con tent. Prerequi site: OT 705. Electi ve .''· OT 807 OLD TESTAMENT TEXTUAL CRITICISM (2) A study of th e Massoretic notes, the para ll el passages and the ve rsio ns with exp lanat io n o f the variations. Prerequi site: OT 705. Elective for T h.M. students; oth ers by departmen ta l pe rmi ss io n. ''· OT 809 ADVANCED EXEGETICAL STUDIES (2-4) App li cation of exegetical methodology to selected passages from the Hebrew text of the O ld Testament. Special attenti o n given to the ancient vers io ns and to cu rrent scho larship as it re lates to text, language, history, and interpretive issues. May be repeated fo r cred it wit h the study o f d iffe r ent con ten t. Elective fo r Th .M . students; others by depa rtmental pe rmi ss io n.''· OT 811 SEMINAR IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES (2-4) Introductory grammatical stud ies in Ugaritic, Arabic, Akkadian, Syri ac or Modern Hebrew; read ings in ancient Hebrew and Arama ic inscri ptions; o r other advanced Semi t ic studi es. Prerequi site: OT 705 and departmental pe rmi ssion. Elective for T h.M. students; othe rs by depa rtmenta l pe rmi ss io n. May be repeated for cred it with diffe rent emphas is.''·
Detail ed research in some phase o f th e O ld Testament fi eld , such as specific top ics in history and in trodu ctio n o r archaeo l ogy of selected geographi cal areas. Prere qui site: OT 705 and departmental pe rmi ss io n. Elective fo r Th .M. students; o th ers by depa rtmental permiss ion . May be repeated for credi t with d ifferent emphas is.''·
The bib li cal principles and practice of evangelism and d iscipleship . T he cl ass wi ll seek to deve lo p th e skill s of personal evange li sm, determin e strategies fo r a d is cipleship mini stry, and expl o re the th eory and pract ice of small group mini stri es. Required o f M .Div., and M .A. (B/ T.S. emphas is) stud ents. PT 591 INTRODUCTION TO FIELD EDUCATION (1) Introduction in to the practical elemen ts of ministry. Emphas is will be placed o n career plann ing, field expe ri ence and preparation for Field Ed uca ti o n Inte rnshi p in the M .Div. program. Required o f M.Div. stud ents. Lab fee : SAO. PT 592 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekl y invo lvemen t in min istry with satisfacto ry completion of stud ent 's self evaluat io n fo rm, supervisor 's evaluati o n fo rm and pastoral interview fo rm . Required of M.Div. students . PT 602 PASTORAL MINISTRY (3) A study of a pasto r's call , purpose, and role in min istry. Special attentio n will be given to providing lead ership in worshi p, music, o rdinances, weddings, fun erals, and hospital and home visitati on. T he p ri o ri ty and ca re of mi nisteri al staff famili es will be addressed as we ll as communi ty relations. Requ ired of M .Div. (Pastoral and General Mi nistri es, Christian Educatio n).
Discuss ion and app li cation o f the central areas of O ld Testament research and related fie lds of study. Instructi on in research, including the identi ficatio n of a problem, the steps undertaken to resolve a problem, and wri ting the resu lts. Required of the first semester of the Th.M. (OT ) program. A second semester may be taken to continue research in the area of interest.,:-
''.Electi ves arc offered by rota ti o n and o n reques t.
A considerati on o f the fundamentals of speech as they relate to th e pulpit mini stry. A stud y o f the techniques and fund amen ta ls o f sermo n constru cti o n an d pe rsua-
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