sive de li ve ry of expos itory sermons. PT 609 is prerequi site to PT 610 . Required of M.Div. students; PT 609 required fo r M.A. (Min .) students. PT 611 PRACTICAL THEOLOGY SEMINAR (1-2) Discuss ion of one or more facets of th e ministry with an emphas is o n serving in th e local church . Electi ve.
edification. Skills for organi zing and lead ing groups. Introd ucti o n to dynami cs. of small group interaction. Elective. PT 726 CREATIVE PREACHING (2) An exploratio n of severa l ways to pro claim God's Word such as topica l, textual, inductive, d ialogical, dramati c narrative, evangel istic and life situati o n preaching. Prerequi sites: PT 609, 610. El ective. PT 730 BIBLICAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (3) The biblical basis for o rgani zational management and leadership. Examination of the process of planning, organi zing, leading and supporting from a biblical basis and made app li cable to Chri stian ser vice and mini stry. Required of M .Div. (Pastoral and General Ministries). PT 734 CHURCH FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION (2) An examinati o n of th e biblical princi ples of stewardship, fund raising and fina ncial accountabili ty. Office and physi cal plant admini strati o n as wel l as the use o f th e computer will be addressed . Pre requisite: PT 602. Elective . PT 740 MINISTERIAL ETHICS (2) A study of the ethi cal is ues uniqu e co the pas tor, hi s fam il y and the congrega tio n. A study o f the practice of church discip line as it rel ates to scripture and society. Elective . PT 774 THE FAMILY OF THE CHRISTIAN LEADER (2) A consideration of the special and uniqu e prob lems faced by voca tional Christi an workers and th eir fam ili es . In cludes all phases of occupat io nal Chri sti an mini stry. Elec ti ve . PT 791-792 FIELD INTERNSHIP (2, 2) In tegrat io n of all the d iscipli nes o f min istry and seminary educati on . It provides supervised experien ce in various phases of Chri stian ministry. One hundred hours of field expe ri ence each semester are eva luat ed in classroom interaction. Required of M.Div. (Pastora l and Genera l Ministries, Chri stian Ed uca ti o n) stud ents. Pre requisites: PT 602; Completion of 64 hours of th e M.Div. program for PT 791, 80 hou rs fo r PT 792.
A study of biblical ethi cs and th e ro le the local church plays in th e commun ity. Special attention will be given to major social problems such as sanctity of life, chemi cal abuse, domes tic vio lence, social ill s, and the political process. Requi red o f M.Div. (Pastora l and Gen eral Ministri es, Chri stian Education ). PT 705 PASTORAL COUNSELING (3) The princip les and pract ice of bibli cal counseling, seeking to understand how Christ and the Word of God provide meaning and purpose in li fe and bring res o luti o n to personal and inte rpersonal con fli cts. Attention will be given to develop ing the ski ll s o f Pasto ral care and counseling. Required of M.Div. (Pastoral
A study in the theo ry and practice of church music, an analys is of contempo ra ry music and the development of basic skills in lead ing congregational singing an d worsh ip. Elective.
Exploration o f bibli cal, psycho logical, practical , hi storical and contemporary dimensions of Chri stian worship. El ecti ve. PT 622 CHURCH PLANTING IN THE USA (2) The study of the compo nents, such as geograp hy, demography, strategy and implementation, that goes into church planting in the USA. Elective. PT 624 PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH GROWTH IN THE USA (3) A study of church growth principles and practices as app li ed primarily to th e North American context. Special empha sis wi ll be placed on de finin g current trends and contemporary models of min istry. Electi ve. PT 630 DISCIPLESHIP (2) An examination of interpersonal relation ships and character development as applied to the process of di scipleship . Elective. PT 691 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly invo lvement in mini stry with satisfacto ry compl et io n of student' s self evaluation fo rm, supervisor's eva luat ion form and lay leader's interview form. Required of M.Div. stud ents. PT 692 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly invo lvement in mini stry with sa ti sfacto ry compl eti o n of student 's self evaluati o n form, supervisor's evaluat io n fo rm and sermon evaluati on form. Required of M.Div. stud ents.
and General Ministries, Mi ss ion s, Urban/ Multi-Ethnic Ministries).
PT 711 ADVANCED SERMON PREPARATION (2) A ski ll -refinement practicum in the essentials o f expository preaching, in clud ing evaluation of off-campus pulpit min istry. Prerequisites: PT 609,610. Elective. PT 715 PRINCIPLES AND ETHICS OF COMMUNICATION (2) An explanat ion o f the pri nciples of communi cation and how they effect learn ing and change . An examination o f the ethica l issues of persuasion such as emo ti o nal appea ls, use of gu ilt, fear and pe r sonaliti es . Elective.
PT 717-718 RESEARCH SEMINAR ( 1-2)
In-depth investigation o f a topic under the gui dance of the Practica l T heology department using standard research proce dures. Topic selection and course enroll ment is by department approval. Elective. PT 721 PASTORAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT (2) Combining of classroom experience with fi eld trips to jail s, pri sons, hosp itals , sanitariums and va ri ous self-help groups. Exposure to the problems of humanity and specia li sts who work with those prob lems. Prerequi site: PT 602 . Elective. PT 724 SMALL GROUP MINISTRIES (2) Roles of small groups in th e church in providing fell owship, mutua l ministry and
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