

ENTITLEMENT AID Biola University is authorized as an institution to grant benefits co veterans and dependents, social security benefits and assistance from the California Rehabilitation Program. Students interested in this type of aid should contact the Registrar's Office. If an applicant is a non-California resident but a resident of the United States, he/ she may obtain a loan through his/ her state's Higher Education Loan Program, by contacting a participating bank in his/ her home area. If his/ her state participates in the GSL program, he/ she may contact a bank in his/her community. STUDENT AID GRANTS As funds are available, Student Aid Grants are made to needy students from the Student Aid Fund. This fund is maintained by gifts from friends of the University. Students are not required to repay the University, but it is hoped that recipients will con­ tribute co the fund when they have completed school in order to provide for others who are in need. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS International applicants must establish the degree of their ability co meet the costs of an education at Biola Un iversity. Each international applicant muse submit a signed statement of financial respons ibility as well as signed statements from any agencies or individuals who have taken the responsibility of underwriting the student's expenses. These state­ ments must include the exact amount of the commitment. CANADIAN GRANTS Canadian citizens who receive at least two thirds of their college funding from Canadian sources are eligible for the Tuition at Par (TAP) Grant for the Fall and Spring semesters. The TAP Grant covers the difference between U.S. and Canad ian dollars as calculated at the beginning of each semester. The grant is calculated after the student's ocher university aid is considered. Students muse submit the TAP application (available through the Admissions Office) by April 1. Renewable. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT The University maintains an employment office for the benefit of students needing part-time work to defray expenses. While this office does not guaran­ tee employment, it does make an effort to place every student desiring work. Jobs are available both on and off campus, according to student's ability, capacity to handle the added burden of employment and financ ial need. Normally, a student can expect to work 15-20 hours per week when carrying a full class schedule. Previous work experience and hours available for employment will result in better races of pay above the $4.25 per hour minimum wage. The student who finds it necessary to work for the entire amount of his living expenses should plan

dents from low income families receive funds through the Cal Grant B Program. Students attending Biola are not eligible to receive funds through the Cal Grant C program. SAAC form must be fi led by March 2 deadline. GRADUATE FINANCIAL AID Before applying, applicants should make realistic assessment of their resources for financing graduate study in view of the graduate tuition and fee sched­ ule and the cost of living in Southern California. The following federal aid programs are avai lable to graduate students. Please refer to the appropriate section above for additional information. PERKINS LoAN. (Up to $1000 per year). Limited availability. STAFFORD LOANS (FORMERLY GSL)- up to maximum $7,500 per year. In addition, the following aid programs are available specifically for graduate study. CALIFORNIA STATE GRADUATE fELLowsH1Ps are available to state resi­ dents who are planning to teach at the college level; requires a financial statement, eligibility appli cation and GRE or other appropriate test scores. CHURCH MATCHING ScHoLARSHIP (Up to $500 from Biola). Open to all Biola students. Biola will match one award per year up to $500 for a full-time student. The match is prorated for part-time and Doctor of Ministries students. The Church's award must be submitted in full within the first four weeks of the semester, and must be accompanied by the Church Matching Scholar­ ship Application signed by the pastor or Church Board Member. Fal l semester deadline is Oct 1. Spring semester deadline (for spring entrants only) is March 1. RosEMEAD (GRADUATE) Ass1sTANTSH1Ps are available to selected sec­ ond year students and above; eligibility requirements and use of funds is established through Rosemead faculty committees. MINORITY FmowsH1Ps are available to qualified Rosemead students on the basis of need. Requires a Financial Statement (FAF/ SAAC) . GRADUATE GRANTS are available in limited amounts to stu­ dents who demonstrate a financial need. Requires an FAF/ SAAC in the Financial Aid Office by fall registration. NANCY MmRs NAUMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND assistance is available to students enrolled and pursuing a degree in a gradu­ ate seminary program. Student Ministries Inc. provides a means for fami­ ly and friends to make tax-exempt contributions to a student while in seminary, if student is engaged in 8 or more hours of weekly ministry. GENERAL FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION The fo llowing apply to both undergraduate and graduate aid app li cants.

Financial Aid Office (3 70) 903-4742

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