


World Missions

CL 531 PEOPLES OF ETHNIC AMERICA (3) A study of non-caucasian ethnic groups in America in the light of their historical and socio-cultural background. Practical field experience in an ethnic community. Fee: $35. CL 533 ETHNIC MINORITIES IN SELECTED CULTURES (3) Examines the probl ems, aspirations, and needs of e thnic minorities in selected cultures, the difficulties of determining basic human rights , and the conflicts asso­ ciated with the demands of national gov­ ernments, culutral and ethnic ties, and rel igious traditions. CL 622 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) Principl es and processes of communi­ cating from one cu ltu re to another. Focus on different perceptions, ways of thinking, values, non-verbal expression, language expression and sub-groups within a culture as they relate to the media and the message. CL 702 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION (3) Cross-cultural study of th e basic human groups of family, kin and commu­ nity, engaging the student in field method­ ology and research, and app li cation of principles and data of social organization to mi ss ion strategy. PR 791-792 FIELD PRACTICUM (2, 2) A program designed to give experi ence in various phases of intercultural ministry. Field invo lvement 100 hours each semest r, and regular meeting for reporting and dis­ cussion. Prerequisite: 64 units of the M.Div. degree program for PR 791 and 80 . hours for PR 792. Required of and limited to M.Div. students majoring in missions .

A DIVISION OF fHE SCHOOL OF INfERCULrURAL SfUOIES Chair: Harold Dollar, D.Miss., Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Kwast, S. Lingenfe lter Associate Professo rs: Doll ar, Douglas, Hayward, Kraft,]. Lingenfelter OBJECTIVES The minister is faced with cross-cultural challenges in the community and congrega­ tion, is expected to provide a degr e of mis­ sion vision to the congregation, and will likely recruit people for missions. The mis­ sionary needs cross-cultural training along with theological training. The church needs a true vision for evange li sm and worldwide mission. The progran1 of this department is designed to provide such training based on Biblical principles that have been proven valuable in cross-cultural ministry, missions, and human services . Any Talbot student may take elective courses through th e School of Intercultu ral Studies. Students in the Master of Divinity or Master of Th ology programs with a major in mi ssions are required to take CL 520, 702, HM 640, 751, ST 560 or HM 540 and ST 661. Students in the Master of Divinity program in Urban/Multi-Ethnic Ministries are required to take CL 520, 531, 702, and ST 560. Students in the Master of Ministry program with an emphasis in missions, are required to take HM 546, 640, 751, ST 560 and 661. Students shOLJd plan to take HM 640 as ea rl y in their study program as possible. Missions maiors should plan to take as many electives as possible from the courses listed below. For a complete list of course descrip­ tions see the School of lntercultural Studies sectio n in the university catalog. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS INTERCULTURAL STUDIES CL 510 GENERAL LINGUISTICS (3) The study of descriptive linguistics and its relevancy in language learning and Bible translation . CL 520 INTERPERSONAL AND INTERCULTURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with focus on personal and interpersonal ad justment with nationals and other mis­ sionari es; language, value conflicts, status and role, culture shock, stereotypes, cul­ tural limitatio ns and related topics.

PT 802 SPIRITUAL CONFLICTS AND COUNSELING (2) A study of the conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of li ght with an emphasis on th e authority, power, protection as we ll as the vuln erabil­ ity of the be li ever. The techniqu es of counseling the spiritually afflicted are also considered. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. Prerequisi re: PT 705. PT 807 INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY (3) A survey of the different approaches, models and attitudes for the integration of psychology and theology. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. (Cross listed with RSTP 722. ) PT 880 DIRECTED RESEARCH ( 1-3) In-depth investigation of a top ic under the guidan ce of the Practical Theology department using standard research proce­ dures. Topic selection and course enro ll­ ment is by department approva l. Elective.


Discussion and app li cation of the cen­ tral areas of Practical Theology research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the iden­ tification of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it, and writing the results. Required for the first semes ter o f the Th.M. (P.T. ) program. A second semester may be taken to continue research in the area of interest.

CL 897-898 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-4, 1-4)

Supervised research into some prob­ lem of special interest to the student approved by the professor. May be taken for one semes ter or continued throughout the year with the same problem under consideration. Elective for Th.M. stu­ dents; others by departmental permission. HISTORY AND THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS HM 540 PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH PLANTING (3) A study of the biblical mandate to establish local churches among all of the

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