HM 742 HISTORY OF MISSIONS (3) The background , development and spread of Chri stiani ty through world mi s
ST 680 THE LOCAL CHURCH AND WORLD MISSIONS (3) Designed to integra te principles of cross-cul tura l communication and theolo gy and strategy of missions within a tota l conceptual framework to aid the local church in miss ion involvement. ST 765 LEADERSHIP (3) C ross-cultural study of leadership including diverse patterns of auth ority, legitimacy, public suppo rt , leadersh ip recruitment, and train ing as they affect communi cation, Church growth and deve lopment worldwide.
peoples making up mankind. Special emphasis o n intercultural church planting among th e unreached peop les of As ia, Africa, Latin America and th e ethni c minoriti es of the western world . HM 546 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background , o ri gin , devc lo pn,ent and spread of the Christian fa ith from the aposto li c pe riod until today. Emphas is will be given to the modern era, especiall y contemporary growth dynami cs in Africa, Asia and Latin Ame ri ca. HM 550 CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE (3) Anthropology approach to Chri stian rheo logizing; in terre lationships between supracultural Ch ristianity and human cul tures. Focus o n conversion, reve lation , communication, transformation, incli gencity and other related topics. HM 555 INTRODUCTION TO WORLD MISSIONS (3) The nature of Chri stian outreach; a study of principl es, hi story, and methodo l ogy of wo rl dwide mi ss io ns. Req uired of M.Div. students. HM 556 WORLD RELIGIONS (2) The distinctive features of the hisrorical ethnic religions, with special emphasis on their comparison and encounter with Christianity and their bearings upon mis sionary strategics.
sio ns; geographical thrusts, growth dynamics and church structures.
HM 751 THEOLOGY OF MISSION (3) An introduct io n to theology o n the bib lical bas is for mi ss io n. Thi s stud y seeks to examine the mo tives, aims an d methods of mission from both the H ebrew Bib le and the New Testament. SOCIETY, TECHNOLOGY AND MISSIONS ST 560 URBAN RESEARCH AND MINISTRY (3) The use o f social science techniques to learn about the people, needs and oppor tuniti es for evangelism in the city. ST 562 CULTURE CHANGE (3) The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and processes of change, the place o f change age nts and the speed and in tens ity of change. Implications of such processes arc examin ed in social, po liti cal, economi c and re li gious aspects of society. ST 565 LEADERSHIP EMERGENT PATTERNS (3) The study of the prnciples and patterns used by God as H e raises up leaders for His wo rk. This study will include a discus sion of the viral place of sp iritual forma tion in leadership development. ST 570 INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION (2 OR 3) An introduction to the prin ciples and problems o f intcrcu ltu ral communication with special emph as is on translat ing the Bib le into indige nous languages.
An integration course, exploring how metho ds and perspectives in anthropo lo gy and lingu istics may illumina te li ngui stic and cultural features o f scripture, building upon the foundation of the gramma tical hi sto rical method o f Bibli cal interpreta tion. Prerequi sites: BE 517 H ermeneuti cs and Bibl e Study Methods. ST 802 SPIRITUAL CONFLICTS AND COUNSELING (3) A study of th e con fli ct between the kingdom of darkn ess and the kingdom of li ght with an emph as is on the authority, power, protection as wel l as the vu ln erab il ity of the believer. The tech ni ques of counseling the spiri tua ll y affli cted are also conside red . (Cross li sted with PT 802) ST 860 THE CHURCH IN THIRD WORLD SOCIETIES (3) The message, method and ro le of the evange li cal church in societies und ergo ing socio-techn o logical change. Elec ti ve for Th .M. students, o th ers by departmen tal permission. ST 871 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION (3) The concept o f theological education by cx1:ension, incl udi ng its history, objectives, methodology and the writing of programmed insm.1ction with particular emphasis on mis sionary appli cation . Elective for Th.M. stu dents; od1ers by departmental permission.
The nature o(_man and hi s culture, spe cial emphasis o n intercultural communica tion o f the Gospe l.
A bas ic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to th e local con gregati ons and to th e task of wo rldwide evange li za ti on, with due emphasis o n the Church Growth school of thought. ST 662 MISSION IN POLITICAL CONTEXT (3) Consideratio n of mode rn po liti cal id e o logies and movements as th ey a ffec t th e church and its mi ss io n in selected natio n al contexts. ST 672 BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) Principl es of th e semantic analys is of di scourse structure. Pre requi s ite: Advanced Lingui stics.
An overview and critique o f the various theo logies of mi ssion advocated by various branches o f the Church down through the centuri es, beginning with Edinburgh 19 IO to the liberatio n rheology debate o f our day. SHM 732 ADVANCED CHURCH PLANTING (3) A survey and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses o f vario us church planting trategies used around the world . Identifies key factors which the church planter can impl ement in a context specific, phase-out o ri ented ch urch planting strategy.
Discourse cons id eratio ns in trans lati ng from Greek in to indi genous languages. Prerequi site : Greek. For add iti onal courses sec the School of Jnccrcultural Stud ies .
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