Independent Studies (ITS)
trends of thi s era. Particular attention give n to the books of I and II Samuel , the first ten chapte rs of I Kings, and the paral lel passages in Chronicl es and Psalms. TS 504 THE DIVIDED MONARCHY (2) John C. Whitcomb,Jr., Th.D. The hi story of Israel fro111 the begin ning of Solo111on 's apostasy (I Kings 11 ) about 950 B.C. to the Babylonian Captivity (I I Kings 25) in 586 B.C. Special e111phasis given to th e miracle ministri es of Elij ah and Elisha. Parallel passages from th e Chronicl es and th e prophetic books scrutinized, as we ll as evidence from con te111porary secu lar hi story. TS 505 THE BOOK OF PSALMS (2) Bruce K. Waltkc, Th.D. , Ph.D. An introduction to the book of Psa l111 s with emphasis on the principles invo lved in the exegesis of hymnic literature as well as application of these principles to selected portions. TS 506 UNDERSTANDING THE OLD TESTAMENT (3) Bruce K. Waltkc, Th.D. , Ph.D. A su rvey of th e history of salvation in the Old Testa111cnt especially as it relates to the universal of Old Tes ta111ent theolo gy, i. e . the rule of God or the establi sh- 111cnt of God's kingdom upon the earth. A working knowledge of H ebrew consid ered to be helpful but not required for this cou rse. TS 507 THE BOOK OF PROVERBS (4) Bruce K. Waltke, Th.D., Ph.D. An exegetical study of the Book of Proverbs in both its cultural and hi storical setting and its literary setting with atten tion to its critical and he rmeneuti cal prob lc111s. To get the full benefit out of th e course, a knowledge of Hebrew is required for sc111inary cred it. TS 509 THE CHRISTIAN AND OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY (3) Wa lter C. Kai scr, Ji-., Ph.D. A biblical and theological study of the foundational theo logy applied by the O ld Tcsta111ent for th e New Testament and the Ch ri stian Church. This study identifies and indu ctively derives the center o r focal point for the theology of both the Old and cw Testaments. It also deals with the amou nt of continuity and discontinuity
between the Old and New Testaments. Included are the topics of saving faith, the peopl e o f God, the ro le of th e law of God, th e worship of God, the doctrine of atone ment, relationship between the law and wisdo111 theology, kingdom of God, th e Mess iah, the inclusion of the Gentil es, th e theo logy of the Holy Spirit, and the prepa ration of the new covenant
This independent study offers lectures on cassette tapes by o utstanding biblical scho lars, is described in the Talbot genera l information section of this catalog. ITS courses 111ay be taken at Talbot only for graduate level cred it toward electives, p re requisite credit or unresolvable scheduling problems as follows: MASTER OF DIYlNITY 6 elective units or unresolvable scheduling proble111 12 prerequisite units MASTER OF ARTS 4 elective units o r unresolvable schedu ling problem l2 prerequisite units MASTER OF ARTS REDUCED (AnyMaster of Arts reduced program ) 2 elective units or unresolvable scheduling probl em 12 prerequisite units Students 111ay purchase the cassette albums and ocher cou rse materials through the Talbot Dean of Ad111inistra tion Office. Those desiring to enroll contact the Registrar 's Office. COURSES TS 501 THE PENTATEUCH (2) R. Laird Harris, Ph.D. A criti cal introduction to rhc first five books of the Bible. Examination of such subjects as th e proble111s of Genesis 1-11, the Higher C riti c is111 of the Pentateuch, the chrono logical issues, and th archaeo logical and cu ltu ra l background of the Pentateuch.
TS 515 THE POST-EXILIC PROPHETS (3) Richard 0. Rigsby, Ph.D.
A su rvey of the hi storical context ;rnd Biblical context of th e prophets Haggai , Zechariah, and Malachi , with and expos i tion of each of these three books. TS 520 THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (2) John R. Stott, M.A., D.D. The course, originally presented at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, is a con secutive exposition ofJesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. The e111phasis is upon the distinctive character th:it is expect ed of the Christian and upon the authority of the Lord Jesus Chri st. For the student desiring seminary credit, a programmed syl labus requires an exposito ry and ready study with emphas is on the practical and spiritual app li cation of the Sermon on the Mount and upon the theological issues and hi stori cal interpretations of that passage. TS 524 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS (3) Harold W. Hochncr, Th.D., Ph .D. An exegetical-theological study of Paul 's epistle to th e Ro111ans in the Greek text. It involves the treat111 ent of selected hi storical, gram111atical, structural, and lex ical data whi ch eva luate the meaning of this important New Testament document. Special e111phasis is given to the th eologi cal thc111es and over-all argument of the Ep istle . Thi s course assumes a basis ski ll in G reek exeges is and the ab ili ty to 111ake grammatical and tex tual criti cal eva lua tions and to do Greek word studi es.
TS 502 CONQUEST AND SETTLEMENT (2) John]. Davis, Th.D.
A study of the conquest and settlement period in Israel' s history from the perspec tive of archaeology, theo logical truths and history. The books included are: Joshua, Judges and Ruth. Special consideration of Late Bronze Age materials from Pal estine which provide insight into the cultural background for this era . TS 503 THE UNITED MONARCHY (2) John]. Davis, Th.D. An hi storical, archeological and theo logical analysis of the period of the United Monarchy in Israel. Archeological discoveries from the Iron Age I period cited to illustrate important cultural
TS 527 THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (3) John R. Stott, M.A., D.D.
An expos iti on of I and Il Timothy and Titus. Emphasis on the authority of Paul and his 111essage and the need to guard that message, as well as the respons ibilities o f the local church and its leaders.
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