


TS 582 THE HISTORY OF MISSIONS (3) J Herbert Kane, L.H.D.

TS 550 CHURCH LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION (2) Kenneth 0. Gangel, Ph.D. A course designed to develop leader­ ship potential in students and to give them a fami li arity with the various elements of the administrative process, including: goal setting and achieving, organization, de le­ gation, human relations, group dynamics, supervision and the training of other lead­ ers. Though the principles are universal, in the focus of the course is the Christian organization, particularly the local church. TS 571 THE ANCIENT CHURCH (3) Richard C. Gamble, Th.D. From the close of the New Testament in 95 A.D. to approximately 600 A.D.; the church and the Roman Empire; eccl es iasti­ cal organization; development of theology and dogma; Christian life and worsh ip . TS 572 REFORMATION CHURCH HISTORY (3) W. Robert Godfrey, Ph.D. A study of the development of the the­ o logy, the piety and the churches of the Reformation against the backdrop of the social, political and intellectual character of the si..xteenth century. TS 573 THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA (3) John D. Hannah, Th.D., Ph.D. A study of the Protestant churches in America from colonial beginnings to the present with emphasis on the numerous influences that have forged the current religious scene. TS 574 THE THEOLOGY OF JONATHAN EDWARDS (3) John H. Gerrsner, Ph,.D. An examination of the theology of Jonathan Edwards in detail. Taking a topical approach, the course covers Edwards' teach­ ings regarding all the major points of System­ atic Theology with particular emphasis on Edward 's unique theological contributi ons. TS 581 INTRODUCTION TO WORLD CHRISTIAN MISSIONS (2) William D. Taylor, Ph.D. An introductory survey of the theology, histon·, culture, politics, and methods of the Christian mission, with special empha­ sis on recent developments, crucia l issues and future trends, end ing with a study of missions in the local ch urch.

This course traces the historic develop­ ment of the Christian mission in chrono­ logical sequence from Pentecost to William Carey (1793) . The modern peri­ od is developed along geographical lines : Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Europe. The course closes with an attempt to evaluate the achieve­ ments of the past and the prospects of the future. TS 583 URBAN MISSION AND MINISTRY (2) Roger S. Greenway, Th.D. A course that focuses o n Ch ristian M issions and mini stry in the world's grow­ ing cities. The Biblical basis for urban ministry is presented and case studies of effective urban strategies worldwide are examin ed. Attention is give to urban issues such as ministry to the poor and homeless, pastoring and ra ising a fami ly in the city, and planting urban churches.

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