



FIR5fYEAR Personality and Psychopathology I Developmental Psychology Measurement and Assessment I

Psychology of Learning or Cognition and Affect 3


Int roduction to Clini cal Techniques

3 3 3 3 3

Measurement/ Assessment II

3 3 2 3

Personality and Psychopathology II

Prepracticum Theology II

History and Systems

Theology I


Psycholthcrapy and Religion



SECOND YEAR Advanced Statistics

Cross-Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology''·

Research Design

3 3 3 3 4


3 3 3

Psycholtherapy Lab El ect ive

Measurement/ Assessment Ill

Nature and Scope or Systems of Integration

Practicum I Theology III

Practicum II Theology IV

Psychotherapy Lab '':• (6 13,642,643, 717)





THIRD YEAR Ethical and Professional issues

SPY/ SLB El ectives

7 3 2 3

SPY/S LB Elective

3 8 3 2


Practicum IV

SPY/ SLB Electives

Inregration Elective

Practicum 111

Neuropsychology"· or Psychopharmacology

Integration Elective




FOURTH YEAR TheologyV SPY/ SLB Elect ives

SPY/ SLB Electives

6 3 4

3 3 3 2


SPY/ SLB Elective

Practicum VI

Inregration Elective

Practicum V

Doctoral Research Seniinar

Integration Elective


or Ps)'. D. Di ssertation Proposal

Doctoral Research Seminar or Psy. D.



Dissertation Proposal



FIFTH YEAR Internship

O 0 Note: ''For st.11de11t with u11dergraduate coursework i11 social a11d 1,hysiological psychology. Students wit/Jou/ undergraduate social psychology will take RSl'Y608, Social Psychology, inslead of RSPY625 Cross Cullum/ Issues i11 Clinical Psychology. S111de11ts wilho11l 1111dergmduate physiological psychology will take RSPY607, Psychophysiological Processes inslead of Neuropsychology or Psychopharmacology. These allenratiue courses will ge11erally be lake11 duri11g lhe spring of the second or third year. ""Second year stude111s elecl 011eof the following psychotherapy lab courses: RSLB6/3 Psycholhera/,y with Adolesce11ts, RSLB6n Psychotherapy with Childre11, RSLB6~3 Behauior Modificatio11 wilh Children and Parents, or RSLB717 Gestall Ther<1py. Intern ship

(7) COMPLETION OFTRAIN I G THERAPY All students must receive certification of completion of training therapy from the director of clinical training. A minimum of 50 hours of group therapy plus 50 hours on individual therapy is required. See Training Therapy Guidelines for further derails. (8) DISSERTATION OF RESEARCH Consumership Sequence All Psy.D. students must demonstrate doctoral-l evel mastery of a research area in clinical psychology. This may be done e ither by a dissertation or by a research consumership sequence. The research consumersh ip sequence is composed of: (a) a two semester, five cred it doctoral research seminar focusing on the critical evaluation and utilization of clinical research ; (6) a paper involving a critical review of research on a selected, clinically rel evant topic; and (c) a proficiency exami­ nation evaluating the student's ability to critically evaluate current clinical research papers. This proficiency exam is taken at

(5) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFYING f.xAMINATIO All Psy.D. students must successfully complete an examination that evaluates the student's readiness for a full-rime internship. It may be taken any rime after the comprehensive examinations have been passed and must be completed six months prior to internship. The examin­ ing committee may require the student to complete additional course work, practicum, or other professional growth experiences prior to beginning the intern­ ship. See the Profess ional Qualifying Examination Guidelines in student hand­ book for further derail. (6) INTERNSHIP All students are required to complete a one-year, full-time clinical internship prior to graduation . All internships are to be approved in advance by the Clinical Training Comrn.ittee. For further derails, refer to the Internship Guidelines in student handbook. Internship fee's are listed in the psychology course section (STN 731 Inrernship ).

Only one retake of the examination is allowed. The dares of the Comprehensive Examinations are specified in the Academic Calendar. (4) ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY Official candidacy for the doctorate signifies an advanced stage in the student's progress and is accompanied by a redefini­ tion of full time enrollment which enables the student to place greater emphasis on hi s practicum experience, internship and dissertation, and less emphasis on formal coursework. In order to be admitted to

candidacy the student must have: (a) Successfully completed the Preliminary Oral Interview (6 ) Passed the Comprehensive Examinations

(c) Received approval of dissertation pro­ posal by the Doctoral Committee or com­ pl ete the two-semester, five-credit Doctoral Research Seminar and compre­ hensive proficiency research examination (d ) Completion of training therapy

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