

(6) INTERNSH IP All students are required to complete a one-year, fu ll-time clinical internshi p prior to graduati on. All inte rnships are to be approved in advance by the Clinical Training Committee. For further details, refer to the Internship Guidelines in stu­ dent handbook. Internship Fees are listed in the Psycho logy course section (STN 731 Internship). (7) COMPLETION OF TIWNING THERAPY All stud ents must receive certification of completion o f training th erapy from the director of clini cal training. A mini­ mum of 50 hours of group therapy plus 50 hours of individual therapy is required. See Training Therapy Guidelines in stu­ dent handbook for further details. (8) DISSERTATION A di ssertation evidencing high attain­ ment in original scholarship must be sub­ mitted by all Ph.D. candidates. The disser­ tation topic and proposal must be approved by the candidate's adviso ry com­ mittee prior to the beginning of th e stu­ dent's inte rnship. Three weeks prior to expected graduati on the cand idate must submit to the Rosemead dean of admini s­ tration the origi nal and four copies of his dissertation signed by his dissertation committee . Detail ed information is found in the Student Di ssertati on Guid elines. (9) FINAL ORAL ExAMINATION The final exan1ination is an oral defense of the di ssertation before the doctoral committee and ocher invited professionals.

the end of the first semes ter of the doctor­ al research seminar. Psy.D. students must either register for five units of credit for dissertation proposal or for the doctora l research seminar. (9) FINAL ORAL EXAMINATIO The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited professionals. PH.D. IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 1) Res idence and Coursework A minimum of four years of residence is required for the doctorate. Whi le the doc­ torate is not awarded simply fo r compl e­ tion of stated course work, there are basic unit requirements for the degree (133 semester hours). Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who assists in th e plan­ ning of each semester's sched ule of cours­ es and supervises the student's progress in the program. For transfer credit, see General Academic Information. Psychology: Ph.D. stud ents must com­ plete a minimum of 86 semesters hours in psychology in addition to a doctoral dis­ serta ti on. These 86 units include at least 12 units selected from SLB elective psy­ chotherapy courses, and 12 units of prac ticum (which must be taken in resi­ dence ). Students may apply up to six units of graduate coursework from the Schoo l oflntercultural Studies toward the total psychology hours requirement. Theology: All students must complete a mino r in theology which includes a mini­ mum of 17 semester units. Master's Research: Ph.D. students must complete a year-long M.A. level research project (SPY 600 ) involvi ng literature review, problem conceptualization, data gathering and analysis and report writing. Integration Seminars: Al l students par­ ticipate in a series of seminars (14 units) devoted to the integration of a variety of theological and psychologi cal concepts in research, theory and practice. Dissertation Research: 16 units of dis­ sertati on research are required prior to granting the Ph.D. (2) P REUMINARY ORAL INTERVIEW All students have an oral interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for successful com­ pletion of the doctoral program. This intervi ew is schedu led afte r the comple­ tion of three semesters in residence,

including at least one practicum assign­ ment. The results of this interview are reported to facul ty which votes to all ow the student to continue, continue studies with a Preliminary Oral Interview review the following year, or not to allow the stu­ dent to continue in the doctoral program. (3) COMPREHENSIVE ExAMINATIONS All students must pass a se t of doctoral­ level comprehensive examinations cover­ ing the following areas: 1) psychological intervention and 2) psychology and th eology. These examinations are given rwo times annuall y and serve as the major means of evaluating a stud ent's suitab ili ty to continue studies toward the doctora te. The examinations may be taken any time afte r completion of 75% of the course work and must be taken prior to the Pro fess ional Qualifying Exam . Only one retake of the examination is all owed . The dates of the Comprehensive Examinati ons are specified in th e Academic Calendar. (4) ADMISS ION TO CANDIDACY Official candi dacy for the doctorate signifi es an advanced stage in th e student's progress and is accompan ied by a redefini­ tion of full-time enrollment which enables the student to place a greater emphasis on formal course work. In o rder to be admit­ ted to candidacy the student must have: (a) Successfully compl eted the Preliminary Oral Intervi ew (b ) Passed the Comprehens ive Examinati ons (c) Received app roval of dissertation pro­ posal by the Doctoral Committee (d ) Compl etion o f training therapy (5) PROFESSIONAL Q UALIFYING ExAM Al l Ph.D. students must successfully complete an examination that evaluates the student 's readi ness for a full time internship. It may be taken any time after the comprehensive examinations have been passed and must be compl eted six month s pri or to internship . The examin­ ing committee may require the student to complete additional coursework, practicum, or o ther professional growth experi ences prior to beginning the intern­ ship. See the Profess ional Qualifying Exam Guidelines in the stud ent handbook for further details.

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