(5) Submit five letters of recommen dation on forms supplied by the school. Three of these are academic references and two are character references (pa tor and personal friend ). (6) Appear for a personal interview with the Admissions Commi ttee o r its rep resentat ive. Arrangements are made by the committee following a preliminary screening of applications. Only those who are finalists in Rosemead 's admiss ions procedure, determined by the preliminary screening, will be schedul ed for a personal interview. For fin a li sts from the general Southern Ca li forn ia area, interviews are held on campus at La Mirada. Arrangements will be made by the chair person of the Rosemead Admission Committee for those outside the Southern Cal ifornia area. Interviews are conducted in a number of cities through out the country, genera lly between Jan uary 15 and February 28. A non-refundable fee of $50 is due and payable fo llowing arrangements fo r the interview. It is the responsibility of the app li cant to make sure that all application materials have been received . If there is any doubt,
Richmond Maxi-Center, San Francisco St. Elizabeth 's Hospital Nati onal Institute o f Mental Health Sr.John's Child Study Center San Bernardino Coun ty Mental Health + San Fernando Valley Child Guidance Center San Marino School District Shasta County Mental H ealth Service State Of ew Jersey Department o f Mental H ealth Terrell State H ospital , Consortium Tripler Army Medical Center, H awaii + UC! Medi cal O utpatient Ulster Coun ty Mental H ealth Child Adolescent Services, ew York (1987) Un ited States Air Force United States Army United States Navy University Counseling Center/ UC Santa Barbara Un iversity of California, Irvi ne Counseling Center · University of Co lorado, H ealth Sciences Center Un ive rsity of Illino is Counseling Cente r Uni ve rsity of Texas Medical School(Texas) Univers ity o fWashington, School Dep t. of Psych iatry and Behavioral Sciences, (1988) + Upland School District VA. Medical Center, Cincinnati VA. Medical Center, Cleveland (1988) VA. Medical Center, Perry Point (Maryland) VA. Medical Cen ter, Sepulveda VA. Medical Center, Topeka (Kansas ) DeDe Wallace Center (Tennessee) Western State Hospital (Washington ) + Whitti er City Elementary School District + Whittier Co ll ege + Whittier Uni on High School '' Wright Patterson Air Force Base (Ohio) ,,. Yale University School of Medicine
an applicant has been a Chri stian fo r at least one year prior to admission. Biola does not discriminate on the bas is of the app li cant's race, color, sex, handicap or national or ethni c origin. Persons interested in attending Rosemead should reques t application forms from the directo r of admissions of Biola Unive rsity. As in most graduate programs in psy chology, competition is keen and enroLl ment is limited . In o rd er to be admitted to full graduate standing the applicant must comply with the foll owing: (1) Possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited coll ege o r university with an average grade of at least "B" for the junior and senior years, i. e., 3.0 an a 4.0 scale. (2) Present an und ergraduate program with either a major in psychology o r its functional equivalent (30 semester hours of credit in psychology). This should include at least one course in : General (Introductory) Psycho logy; Statistical Methods; Exper imental Psychology; Abnormal Psycho logy; Theori es of Personality; and Learning. Also strongl y recommended are courses in Measurement Theory, Hi story of Psycho logy; Physio logical Psycho logy o r a year of Biology/Zoology. If possible, undergraduate courses in O ld and New Testament Survey and H ermeneutics will strengthen the stud ent 's preparati on for Rosemead. (3) Submit scores on th e Graduate Record Examination Aptitude Test and Psychology Advanced Test. Info rmation regarding testing dates and loca ti on may be obtai ned by writing to the Educati onal Testing Service, Box 955, Prince ton, New Jersey 08540. No app li cant is exempt from submitting GRE scores whi ch must be received prior to the deadline date of January 15. (4 ) Submit completed profile (not
the applicants should write to the Universi ty Admissions Office fo r verifi cation .
APPLICATION DEADLINE Since enrollment is limited and admi s sion is on selective bas is, app li ca ti ons should be mad e as ea rl y as possible. The Application Dead line is January 15. Decisions are mad e only on compl eted app li cations. Rosemead currently admits new stud ents fo r the degree programs on ly in the fall semes ter each yea r. App lications submitted afte r the January 15 deadline will ra re ly be cons idered for the fo llowing fall s mes ter. NOTICE OF DECISIONS The Admiss ions Committee will pro cess applications as quickly as possib le fo l lowing the January 15 deadline, though time must be all owed for completion of personal interviews. Certifi cates of Acceptance will be mail ed on o r before Apri l 1. Information concerning the status of an applica tion will not be given except by letter from the dean of admini strat ion fo ll owing acti on by the Admissions Committee. Because of th e large number of applicants, info rmati on cannot be given by te lephone. In the event that an appli-
+ Pract icum Agencies Internship Agencies
answer sheet) of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personali ty Inventory
(MMPI). This test should be taken at a coll ege testing servi ce o r from a licensed psychologist. Since thi s test materi al is confidential, Rosemead will no t make copies of tests sent for admi ssion purpos es at any time. Applicants are referred to the course from which the testing was administered if they des ire a clini cal interpretation .
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Rosemead seeks to admit app li cants whose background cl early demonstrates scho larly aptitude, a commi tment to the hi storic Christian faith, personal character and integrity and a positive service-o ri ent ed motiva ti on toward the fi eld o f clin ical psychology. As an evange lical Christian institution , Bi o la Univers ity requires that
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