cant has not heard from the committee by May 1, written inquiry may be made.
A "W" indicates an official withdrawal from a course and does not affect the stu dent 's grade average. A "UW" indi cates an unoffi cial with drawal. Students who register for a class but do no t attend it are automatically given the grade of "UW" which will influ ence the grade average the same as an "F." A temporary mark of "RD" (Report Delayed ) will be used in special cases of extreme hardship where an extensi on is warranted and approved by th e dean. A student must appeal for an "RD" grade before the end of the semester. Such a grade incurred in one semester must be made up by the end of the fi rst nine (9) weeks of the next semester or the grade will automatically become a "W." A "W" can be made up only by repetition of the course . No grade other than an "RD" may be altered once it has been reported to the registrar's office unless an erro r was made in grading or reco rding. T hese changes can on ly be made upon written approval o f the instructor, the registrar and the Committee on Admissions and Academic Qualifications. The following grades are also used in Rosemead records with special signifi cance fo r the professional aspects of the programs: S Satisfactory 0.00 points AUD Audit 0.00 points R Dissertation research m progress 0.00 points IP Internship in Progress 0.00 points PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS AND STUDENT CONDUCT The academic programs at Rosemead are designed to prepare graduates for licensure (on the doctoral level ) by the professional licensing boards o f the vari ous states. Because o f the professional nature of Rosemead ' s programs, stud ents are required to maintain the standards of the psychological profession as defined by the American Psycho logical Association, the state of California and the profession al psychologists who comprise Rosemead's faculty. As a part of Bio la Un ivers ity, which serves a broad spectrum of evangelical churches, Rosemead also has both a doctrinal statement and a state ment of conduct (See general information section of catalog). Prospective applicants should be familiar with the standards. Students who do not abide by these stan-
da rds or other institutional poli cies and procedures may be subj ect to probation o r dismissal from the progran1. ACADEMIC PROBATION A student failing to maintain the mini mum grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. The fo l lowing semester, should the student not meet the minimum cumul ative grade point average (3.0), they will automaticall y be dismissed . A student cannot graduate wh il e on probation. ACADEMIC DISMISSAL A student may only be allowed a com bination of two "F's and/ o r two "C 's (und erstood to include bo th C+ or C-); a third "C" and/ o r "F" brings automati c eli minati on from the program. CREDIT BY EXAMINATION AND COURSE VALIDATION No graduate credit in psychology will be given by examinati on or validation. Students who possess an excellent but non-transcripted background in an area of study may, with the permission of the advi sor and chair of the Committee on Academic Qualifications, val idate by examination to receive a waiver fo r a required course. No unit credit is given for such val idati on. Successful validation allows the student to take additional equ ivalent elective hours in the program. TIME LIMIT FOR DEGREES All course and academic requ irements must be completed within four years for the terminal Master o f Arts degree, and within eight yea rs for the Psy.D. and Ph .D. degrees, beginning on the date of the stu dent's first registration for graduate study at Rosemead. STUDENT ACADEMIC LOAD The normal full-time load for a Rosemead student in psychology is 12 to 16 hours per semester, but not less than nine hours. Without the advisor's approval, a student may not carry over 16 units in any semester. Part-time registra tion of less than nine units is permitted only after a student has been admitted to candidacy. Rosemead does not admit part-time students to its degree programs. For full statement on satisfactory aca demic progress see Academic Standards section ofcatalog.
ADMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AND RESIDENT ALIENS See Admission and Registration and Requirements section.
CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS Graduate psychology stud ents meeting all entrance requirements wi ll be classified as regular graduate students . Students who do not fulfill all entrance requi re ments may be admitted on a provisional status until they co rrect the deficiency. Any such deficiencies must be removed within one calendar year of a student's admission as a provisional student. It is only in rare instances that a student will be accepted on provisional status. Students will be classified in the pro gram as fo llows: First yea r
30 graduate units or less comp leted 60 graduate units o r less completed 90 graduate units or less comp leted 120 graduate units or less completed
Second year
T hird year
Fourth year
Fifth year
Class wo rk compl ete and internship in progress All requirements met except for dissertation.
Dissertation (ABD)
GRADING SYSTEM Students wishing to obtain a graduate degree must maintain a consistently high academic performance throughout their program. An overa ll B average, i.e., 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, is required for all degrees. On ly grad es of "Pt, "B", "C" earn graduate credit. Grades of all students are recorded in the registrar 's office . Grad ing is on the fo llowing bas is: Grade Grade points A Superior achi evement 4.00 A- 3 .67 B+ Above average achievement 3.33 B Average achievement 3.00 B- Low average achi evement 2.67 C+ Minimum passing performance 2.33 C Minimum passing performance 2.00 C- Minimum passing performance 1. 67 F Failure 0.00
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