

spective of re ligious development is also examined. Elective.

Emphasis on the specific content may vary from year to year. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. Either this course or SPY 602 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D.

and Van Kaam. The course also includes an introduction to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorder (DMS-III). Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 530 HISTORY AND SYSTEMS OF PSYCHOLOGY (3) An overview of the history of psycholo­ gy and classical systems in psychology. The class also considers issues in the phi­ losophy of science relevant to psychologi­ cal systems, research, theory, and practice. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 600 RESEARCH APPRENTICESHIP I, II (2,2) Supervised experience in planning, conducting and reporting psychological research. The specific nature of the research project will be determined by the student with his or her advisor. Students wi ll be required to submit a written review o f literatu re and research proposal, con­ duct data gathering activities, analyze the data and submit a fi nal report of the pro­ ject in A.PA format to his/ her advisor. The required total of 4 units must be comp let­ ed by the beginning of the first semester of the third year in the program. SPY 601 RESEARCH DESIGN (3) Covers the logic of comparative experi­ mentation and causal inference . Emphas is is placed on problem definition, hypothesis formation and design for draw­ ing inference. Major emphasis is given to the concepts of partitioning variance and experimental and statistical contro l of vari­ ance. Analysis of variance models useful in clinical research will be emphasized. Consideration is also given to the contri­ bution of the research process to the inte­ gration of psycho logy and theology. Prerequisite: SPY 502. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D.

SPY 615 PERSONALITY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY II (3) The second in a two course sequence in personality theory and psychopatholo­ gy. T hi s course focuses on psychoanalytic perspectives including theorists such as Adler, Freud, Guntrip,Jung and Horney. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 618 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH I: COMMUNITY SYSTEMS AND RESOURCES (3) A study of systems theory with a focus on communities, schools, health agencies, governmental human service agencies, churches and families. Provides a concep­ tual basis for understanding the interac­ tions among individuals and systems. Practical app licati ons include knowing how to enter systems and maximizing avai lable resources for clients, particularly those who are disadvantaged or handi­ capped. Elective. SPY 619 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH II: PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL/PREVENTI VE PSYCHOTHERAPY MODELS (3) The course focuses on the develop­ ment of psychoeducational approaches aimed at prevention of emotional difficul­ ties or early secondary intervention of dif­ ficulties. Interventions suitable at strategic developmental phases or critical situa­ tions. The student will be asked to devel­ op a seminar or workshop, deliver it to a suitable population and evaluate its effec­ tiveness . Elective. SPY 621 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH IV: NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND PROGRAM EVALUATION METHOD (3) Theory and application of program evaluation methods. Students will be expected to cooperate in a group project in an actual needs assessment or program evaluation in a clini c, hospital, school, church or other agency setti ng. Electi ve. SPY 622 ATTITUDES, VALUES AND BELIEFS (2) The psychological nature of attitudes, values and belief as they relate to socia li za­ tion, conformity, beliefs systems and social influence. Special emphasis is given to values in therapy and the therapist as values purveyor. Elective.


A survey of the psychology of religion research emphas izing both content and methodo logical issues. Topics covered include religiosity and mental health, mea­ sures of religiosity, re ligio us development, correlates of religiosity and psychological aspects of conversion and other religious experiences. Elective. (Same as STP 705)


Concepts and processes involved in the understanding of the psycho logical devel­ opment of the person throughout the lifes­ pan. Major theoretical systems relevant to Developmental Psychology are examined with emphasis upon the study of cogni­ tive, affect ive and psychomotor changes man ifested in childhood and adolescence. Required ofM.A., Psy.D., Ph.D.


An introducti on to biological/neuralo­ logical mechanisms and their relationship to psychological processes. Physiological processes underlying both healthy and pathological behavior are examined. Either this course or SPY 670 or 705 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 608 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Problems and theories of the person on the social context, including person perception, interpersonal re lations, ro le formation and differentiation, attitude for­ mation, maintenance and change . Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. Either this course or SPY 702 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 610 DEVELOPMENT OF RELIGIOUS UNDERSTANDING IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (2) An assessment of the cognitive and effective meaning which children and ado­ lescents attribute to religious concepts, practices and experiences, and their changes in mean ing during the course of individual development. The biblical per-


Survey of contemporary psychological theories as they relate to cogn itive and affective processes. Information process­ ing models of cogn itive functioning and the interaction of cognition and affect are explored. Experimental and cl inical approaches are utilized. Either this course or SPY 604 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 604 LEARNING AND MOTIVATION (3) A survey of the processes, theories and research in learning and motivation.

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