

SPY 625 CROSS CULTURAL ISSUES IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) A consideration of the impact of social and cultural factors upon the utilization and dynamics of mental health services. Focuses on developing the student's sensi­ tivity to the cultural dynamics involved in the therapeutic process. Elective.

directed toward competence in admin is­ trat ion, scoring and interpretation of psy­ chological tests. The course involves a sur­ vey of basic concepts and principles of psychological measurement, including fac­ tors inAuencing validi ty and reliabi li ty. Emphasis is placed on the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler scales as we ll as measures of achievement, adjustment, and adaptive behavior. Graduate student will adminis­ ter test batteries to pub li c schoo l and clin­ ic populations and also engage in diagnos­ tic and report writing activiti es . Graduate students will also learn diagnostic criteria for handicapped chi ldren as well as their legal rights as set forth by Public Law 94- 142. Cost of materials required is approxi­ mately $150. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 642 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT II: PERSONALITY (3) Use of objective personality instru­ ments with emphasis upon the MMPI-I and MMPI-II. Introduction to more struc­ tured projective instruments such as the TAT and Sentence Completion. Prerequisite: SPY 641 Cost of materials required for this course is approximately $150. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 643 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT Ill: PROJECTIVES (RORSCHACH) (3) An introduction to the use of projective techniques in personality assessment with special emphasis on the administration, scoring and interpre tation of the Rorschach using Exner's comprehensive System. Prerequisite: SPY 642. Required of Psy.D. SPY 644 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT IV: ADVANCED PROJECTIVES (SPECIAL ISSUES) (2) Advanced interpretation of the Rorschach including special issues as forensic evaluations, child and adolescent personality assessment, assessment of thought disorder. Other basic projective instruments such as the TAT, CAT and Sentence Completi o n tests are also cov­ ered. Prerequi site: SPY 643. Elective. SPY 645 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT V: NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL (3) This course provides an overvi ew of the basic issues in neuropsychology, and examines the key cognitive-psychological

ab ili ty areas that are assessed in a neu­ ropsychological evaluation . Assessment from a flexible, hypothes is-testing and clinical perspective is emphasised. Special attention will be given to brief neuropsy­ chological screening procedures which help to differentiate between organic and psycho logical disorders. Prerequisite SPY 607. Elective. Required of Psy.D. with Family-Child emphasis . SPY 647 ADVANCED ASSESSMENT OF THE CHILD (3) An advanced diagnostic course whi ch focuses on the assessment and diagnosis of exceptional children as we ll as legal and advocacy issues required by Public Law 94- 142. Specific diagnostic populations include mentally retarded, learning dis­ ab led, emotionally disturbed and gifted chi ldren. Attention is also given to low incidence handicaps such as vision impaired, hearing impaired, multiple handicapped, etc. Prerequisites: SPY 641, 690 and completion of/or current enroll­ ment in a child practicum. SPY 650 FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3) Emphasizes the construction of a conceptual framework for system change as a foundation for clin ical intervention. Surveys major approaches to systems­ oriented family therapy and includes such related issues as the family li fe cycle, object relations integration, famil y path­ ology/ dysfunction, family assessment, ethnicity and religious influences. Elective. SPY 663 HUMAN SEXUALITY (3) An examination of the areas of human sexual functioning, behavior, relationships and feelings. Issues of sexuali ty are dis­ cussed within spiritual , psychological, cul­ tural and medical/health perspectives with implicati ons for clinical treatment of sexual issues. Elective. SPY 670 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY (3) Consideration of behavioral and intel­ lectual disorders of neurological origin . Clin ical and experimental evidence is con­ sidered as they relate to the major syn­ dromes . Prerequisite: Physiological Psychology. Either this course or SPY 607 or 705 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D.


A discussion of historical and contem­ porary views of women and a look at research on biological and psychological differences between males and females. Also includes discussion of psychothera­ peutic issues, the ro le of women in the church, and theological perspectives o n women's issues. Elective. SPY 631 PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY (2-3) This course provides an overview of theory, research and ro les of psychologists in the dissemination of psychological knowledge into the health care system. Areas of focus include concerns of the family physician for which referral might be made, adj ustment to physical disab ili­ ties, coping with chronic illness, stages of adjustment by individuals and their fami­ lies to death and dying, preventive-educa­ tive and motivational issues in medical treatment. Prerequisites: SPY 607 and / or SLB 605 recommended. Elec ti ve. SPY 632 RESEARCH PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY (2) Cons ideration of research approaches to studying the process and o utcomes of psychotherapy. Special emphasis is placed o n measurement of process and out­ comes, design and execution of research and status of psychotherapy research to date. Students are actively involved in reviewing and evaluating psychotherapy research in selected areas. Prerequisite: SPY 601 Elective. SPY 633 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3) A survey of the development, dynamics and classification of the psychological dis­ orders from a psychoanalytic point of view. Special attentio ns given to the neu­ roses and the operations of ego defense mechanisms. Elective. SPY 641 M-EASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT I: INTELLECT (3) The first in a sequence of courses

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