

professional psychology with an emph as is on the American Psychological Association's Code of Ethics, guidelines, and laws that govern the profession. Preparation for the oral and written por­ tions of the licensi ng exam in the state of Cal ifornia is also given emphasis. The chall enge to integrate a professional, Chri stian, and personal ethical code is dis­ cussed. Required of Psy.D, Ph.D. SPY 712 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Individual work, directed reading or special problems in psychology. Such work must be done with the approval and supervis ion of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit a derai led course proposal and a bibliogra­ phy with an arranged course permission fo rm available from the Registrar's Office. Required courses may no t be taken through independent study. Elective. SPY 715 TRAINING THERAPY (GROUP) (0) For official indication on the student's transcript of required personal growth experience through group train ing therapy. Required of all doctoral programs. SPY 716 TRAINING THERAPY (INDIVIDUAL) (0) For official indication on the student 's transcript of required pe rsonal growth experience through an individual training therapy. Required of all doctoral progran1s. SPY 718 DOCTORAL RESEARCH SEMINAR I (3) This is the first of a two course sequence which Psy.D. non-d issertation students can take as a partial fulfillment of their doctoral research competency. This course includes an in-dep th study of research methods in clinical psychology . and exper ience in critically reviewing cur­ rent clinical research. SPY 719 DOCTORAL RESEARCH SEMINAR 11 (2) Building on SPY 718, this course involves writing and in-depth critical review of the research litera ture on a selected topic in clinical psychology. SDS 721 DISSERTATION RESEARCH (1-10) Planning and implementation of a

SPY 690 PREPRACTICUM (2) Primary interpersonal skills and coun­ seling techniques are assessed and facilitat­ ed prior to the student's first practicum field experience . Various training tech­ niques are employed in a small group set­ ting. These include empathy training, demonstrations and aud io-video feed­ back. Prerequisite: SPY 500. Required of M.A., Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 691-696 PRACTICUM I-VI (3) Supervised clinical experiences includ­ ing diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and pub li c clinics, men­ tal health organizations, schools and col­ lege counseling centers are utilized. Prerequisite: successful completion of SPY 690, or approval of the Professional Training Committee. Required of all doc­ toral programs; Ph.D. and Psy.D.

munity relations and supervision . Elective.

SPY 704 ADVANCED RESEARCH DESIGN (3) A continuation of PSY 601 for stud ents interested in pursuing dissertation research. The course includes advanced study of univariate and multivariate analy­ sis of variance, regression analysis, canoni­ cal and discriminant analysis and factor analys is. Required, Ph.D. o nl y. Prerequisite: SPY 601. SPY 705 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY(3) A general overview of current research on the use and effectiveness of psy­ chotropi c med ica tion in the treatment of the psychoses, neuroses and o ther emo­ tional disorders . Consultation and class presentations by area psychiatrists. Prerequisite: SPY 607 or equ iva lent. Either this course or SPY 607 or 670 is required. SPY 706 THE PROFESSIONAL PRACTITIONER (3) Intensive cons ideration of the impact of psychotherapeutic practice on the per­ sonal life and relationship o f the clin ician and the interaction between the profes­ sional and private life. Issues addressed include career satisfaction, professional decorum, interdisciplinary relationships and therapist impairment and burnout, and steps involved in developing and maintaining a clinical practice. Elective. SPY 709 CURRENT ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY ( 1-2) Intensive focus is given to a selected topic of contemporary interest such as grief therapy, forensic psychology, National Health Care and Psycho logical service. Elective. SPY 710 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE ( 1-3) Intensive consideration of a specific technique utilized in modern clinical prac­ tice and requiring specialized training. A si ngle major technique, for example the Halstead-Reitan Adult Neuropsycho­ logical Battery, clinical hypnosis, or multi­ genera tional therapy will be the focus each time thi s course is offered. Elective. SPY 711 SEMINAR IN ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES (3) A study and discussion of the ethics of


For students desiring supervised clini­ cal experiences beyond the requirements for their degree. These are used as elec­ tive practica. Prerequisite: approval of the director of clinical training. SPY 700 CLINICAL CASE CONFERENCE (1) Small group supervision of ongoing psychological cases. Elective. SPY 701 COLLEGE TEACHING OF PSYCHOLOGY (2) A seminar on teaching methods includ­ ing the development of course objectives, outlines, lectures and evaluations. Major emphasis is placed on the examination of the various teaching methods available to the teacher of psychology. Elective. SPY 702 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: INTERPERSONAL PROCESSES (3) Focuses on the social psycho logy of interpersonal relationsh ips with special emphas is on intimate relations . Prerequisite: a survey course (undergradu­ ate or graduate) in social psycho logy and permiss ion of the instructor. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 703 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (2) A seminar dealing with administrative issues such as personnel, finances, com-

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