

SPY 729 ALCOHOL & SUBSTANCE ABUSE (3) Diagnosis, treatment planning, and recovery process for rhe alcoholi c/ addict and family members will be the focus of the class. The disease model of addictions treatment and the utilization of twelve step support groups in the treatment of the recovering person and the family members will be presented. Other com­ pulsive diseases will be discussed such as sexual addiction, earing disorders, etc. Class lecture, special speakers, and ass igned reading will be the primary meth­ ods of instruction. STN 731 INTERNSHIP IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (0) Professional experience of a one year internship in a facility approved by the Professional Training Committee. Prerequisites: Successful completion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements, professional qualifying examination (Psy.D.) o r professional inter­ view (Ph.D.), and approval of a disserta­ tion proposal. Required of all doctoral programs. Internship fee: $1,000 per semester. SPY 733 THE SELF: THEOLOGICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND CROSS­ CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES (3) This course looks at philosophical, the­ o logical, psychological, and cross-cultural views of the nature of the self. The course explores some of the biblical and philo­ sophical terminology. It also exp lores rhe hi sto rical emphasi s on the self, with a focus on its current emphas is in psychoan­ alytic psychology, and its developmental aspect, and a psychological view of the true and false self. The western culture perspective on the self is compared with other cultures. Finally, a religious perspec­ tive on the true and false self is presented. PSYCHOTHERAPY LABORATORY This series of elective courses is designed to effec t a working integration of conceptual and experimental aspects of psychotherapy. Ph.D. students are required to rake 12 units of SLB courses and Psy.D. students, 21 units. Each course includes both course work and supervised clinical experience within the psychothera­ py model followed in the specific course. Completion of SPY 500,515, and 690 or

their equivalent is required before enroll­ ment in these courses is permitted. All SLB courses have limited enroll­ ments and require permission of the instructor. SLB 605 BEHAVIOR THERAPY (3) The observation, assessment and modi­ fication of human behavior, including operant, respondent and social learning models. Emphasis is on supervised client interaction . Prerequisite: SPY 604 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 613 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH THE ADOLESCENT (3) Techniques and problems in psy­ chotherapy with adolescents. Special attention is focused on the implications of developmental processes of adolescence on treatment approaches. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Elective.

research project including literature review, problem definition, hypothesis for­ mation, design, and implementation of field research, data analysis, and report writing. The student's dissertation research is supervised by a faculty chair and committee. The final stage requires the student to successfully sustain an Oral Defense of the dissertation. Required of all doctoral programs and permission of instructor. SPY 724 SELF PSYCHOLOGY: THE THEORY OF KOHUT (3) This course focuses on the theory and clinical work of Heinz Kohut as well as other contemporary self psychology theo­ rists. In add ition to discussing the place of self psychology in broader psychoanalytic thinking, special emphasis is placed on the clinical application and practical rel evance of this approach. Prerequisites: SPY 515 and 615. SPY 725 MULTIGENERATIONAL THERAPY (3) These approaches to family therapy are concerned with the individual within the system, with specific focus on rhe aspects of their interpersonal functioning that rep­ resent attachments to figures in the past that will be transmitted to future genera­ tions. The course combines acquisiti on of basic theories with an experiential applica­ tion to the therapist's own fam il y-of-ori­ gin. Clini cal illustrations will be used to demonstrate how to use the family-of-ori­ gin of each of the spouses in marital thera­ py to help determine multi-generational linkages to the atomic family. The specific 'how-to' of conducting transgenerarional sessions with client families will be included. SPY 726 BEHAVIOR THERAPY WITH CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (3) This course emphasizes the treatment of children and families from a behavioral perspective including operant, respon­ dent, cognitive and social learn ing theory models. Graduate students must carry at least three clients during the course of the semester and will be affo rd ed the oppor­ tunity to conduct parent workshops in li eu of one client. Prerequisites: SPY 641,690, 604 (or equivalent) and completion of or current enrollment in a child practicum. Required of with Child/ Family emphasis.

SLB 631


THERAPY I (3) An in-depth study of the process of therapy based on psychoanalytic develop­ mental theory and giving special attention to the concepts of transference, counter­ rransference, resistance and interpreta­ tion. A discussion group is included for both 631 and 632. Prerequisite: SPY 515, participation in individual training therapy and permission of instructor. Enrollment must be planned for both SLB 631 and 632. Elective. SLB 632 PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY 11 (3) Continuation of SLB 631. Prerequisites: SLB 631 and permission of the instructor. Elective.

SLB 641


GROUPS (3) The essentials of the group psychother­ apy process are examined and related ro current modalities in psychotherapy and general group phenomena. Elective. SLB 642 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH CHILDREN (3) The nature and treatment of common emotional and behavioral problems of childhood from a psychoanalytic develop­ mental perspective. Special attention is given to parent counseling. Prerequisites: SPY 604,641 and permission of instruc­ tor. Elective.

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