SLB 643 BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION WITH CHILDREN AND PARENTS (3) The nature and treatment of common emotional and behavioral problems of childhood from a learning theory perspec tive. Special attention to parent counsel ing. Elective.
the professional experiences of less advanced students. Prerequisites: admis sion to doctoral studies and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 703 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN CASE SUPERVISION II (2-3) Continuation of SLB 702. Prerequisites: SLB 702 and permission of instructor. Elective.
Study and practice of the therapeutic relationship and the process of therapy from a growth or actuali zatio n perspec tive, including the approaches of selected theorists such as Rogers, Gendlin, and selected existential therapists. Prerequisites: SPY 515 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 715 CURRENT PSYCHOTHERAPIES (3) This course focuses each time it is offered on a specific therapy not regularly included in Rosemead's curriculum, including such approaches as Transactional Analysis, Adlerian, Psychodrama, Rational-Emotive Therapy, Reality Therapy, and others. Teaching personnel are drawn from the profession al community of active practitioners of the specific modality to be considered. Prerequisites: as determined by th e indi vidual instrl;Jctor. Elective.
A study of the literature and practice of marital and family therapy. The course provides an overview of various approach es to family therapy with a special empha sis on the structural family therapy model. Application of clinical techniques is accomp li shed through observation, simu lati ons, and at least one marital or family case using a team model of intervention supervision in the school clini c. Prerequisite: SPY 650 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 672 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY II (3) Continuation of SLB 671 Major con sideration is given to experiential and psy chodynarnic perspectives on intervention within a structural framework. Application of clinical techniques is con tinued from the first semester using obser vation, simul ation, and therapy experience with supervision. Prerequisites: SLB 671 and permission of instructor. SLB 681 SPECIAL ISSUES IN PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY I (2-3) An advanced course in psychodynamic psychotherapy dealing with issues such as impairments of th e therapeutic relation sh ip, acting out, levels and timing of inter pretations and psychotherapy with indi viduals suffering from disturbances in early object relationships. Prerequisites: SLB 631,632 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 682 SPECIAL ISSUES IN PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY II (2-3) Continuat ion of SLB 681. Prerequisite: SLB 681 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 702 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN CASE SUPERVISION I (2-3) A seminar in case supervision . Students are responsible fo r supervising
Models and approaches in brief inter ventio ns with special attention to crisis intervention. Theorists include Mann, Sifneos, Malan and Davanloo. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Elective.
This course is an introduction to con cepts and techniques of biofeedback as applied to stress management, anxiety dis orders, psychosomatic symptoms, and other psychological problems. Formal registration for credit is usually in the spring semester, but actual learning experi ences begin in the fall semester to allow ample time for mastering the technical equipment necessary for use with clients. Students receive 10 hours of personal biofeedback. Course size is limited and requires the advance permission of the instructor. SLB 707 COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY (3) This course will present a cogn itive behavioral model of treatment for depres sion, anxiety, and the personal disorders. The theories of Aaron T. Beck, Donald Meichenbaum, and Christine Padesky will be considered. Students wi ll learn how to apply this approach with individuals and with couples.
The focus of this course will present the theory and applicatio n of Gestalt Therapy for use with individuals and groups. This therapy, created by Perls and developed by Zi nker & Polster, focuses on personal growth and self-actual ization. Elective. SLB 718 ADVANCED GESTALT (3) This course is open to students who have comp leted SLB 717 and focuses on the application of Gestalt therapy and techniques to group psychotherapy. Enrollment is limited and the peri,1ission of the instructor is required. THEOLOGY/BIBLICAL STUDIES This series of courses provides students with essential bibli cal and theological understanding prerequisite to effective integration of the disciplines of psychol ogy and theology. ( 17 units required.) STH 521 THEOLOGY I: FOUNDATIONS OF INTEGRATION (3) The first of a two course sequence exploring the foundations of efforts to integrate theology and psychology. This course focuses on the historical , theologi cal and philosophical underp innings of these efforts, as we ll as various models for
This course focuses exclusively on clini cal approaches to assessment and thera peutic intervention in relati on to sexual dysfunction within the marital dyad. Prerequisites: SLB 671, SPY 607, 663 and permission of instructor. Elective .
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