

STP 714 CONFLICTS IN THE INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY (2) A consideration of tensions between psychology and rheology in areas such as self-es teem, corporal punishment, sex roles, egal itarianism, and divorce. A syn­ thesis model is used for thinking construc­ tively about such tensions and identifying strengths and weaknesses of traditional ly conflicting viewpoints. Prerequisites: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 715 CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOANALYSIS AND RELIGION (3) The hi story of the concept of transfer­ ence is traced , particu larly as pertains to controversies in contemporary psycho­ analysis over histo ri cal truth vs . narrative truth, and reality vs . illusion, with special attention to the fo rmation and use of God as a foreground and background object in light of modern infant observational research. Prerequisites: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 720 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH RELIGIOUSLY COMMITTED PATIENTS (3) This cou rse is a chance to share prac­ tical ways of address ing clinical themes, as well as broader conceptual issues like developing a personall y meaningful , on­ going theology of therapy. Certain themes if handled one way all ow therapy with reli­ giously committed patients to take on more depth ; if hand led in other ways the wo rk assumes a more superficial quality and meets with a kind of therapeutic stale­ mate, even when therapist and patient are both persons of fa ith. Elective. STP 721 THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF INTEGRATION (3) Th is course includes a discussion of the models, levels and areas in whi ch inte­ gration of the theo logical and psychologi­ cal can occur, as well as a framework for conceptuali zing the scope of integration. Prerequi sites : STH 521,522,603 and second year standing. Required of Ph.D., Psy.D.

integration. Included is a discussion of revelation, th eology of God and hermeneutical principles fo r sound inter­ pretation of the Bible. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 522 THEOLOGY II: THEOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL MODES (3) T he second course in foundations for the integration of psycho logy and theolo­ gy attempts to interface biblical themes with the idea of integration. Special emphasis is place on the relationship between nature and grace, faith and learn­ ing and theology and psychology as reflected in the Old and New testaments. Prerequisite: STH 521. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 603 THEOLOGY Ill (4) Man, his creation in the image of God, his nature, fal l and the effect of sin upon the race. The salvation of God, including the person and work of Christ. The app li­ cation of salvation to men includi ng elec­ tion, regeneration, justification, sanctifica­ tion and perseverance . Course includes a one hour lab. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 604 THEOLOGY IV (4) A study of the broad kingdom purpose of God and the future events relating to the des tiny o f individuals and hi story including the second coming of Christ in its phases, the millennial reign of Christ, the resurrections, the judgments and eter­ nal state. The chu rch, its inception, its nature both as a li ving organi sm and an organization, its ord inances, and its place and mission in the purpose of God. Course includes a one hour lab. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 625 THEOLOGY V: CHRISTIAN ETHICS (3) A study of Chri stian ethics in relation to divorce , abortion, homosexuali ty, euthanas ias, situation eth ics, environmen­ tal ecology and human control of human being. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 730 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Individual work, directed reading or special problems in theology. Such study must be done with the approval and super­ vision of a facul ty professor of record . The student is expected to submit a

detailed course proposal and a bibli­ ography on a learning contract form avail­ able from the registrar's office. Required courses may not be taken through inde­ pendent study. Elective. INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY Rosemead 's curri culum is distin­ gu ished by a series of seminars designed to investigate the mutual relationsh ips between theological and psychological concepts and data. These seminars consti­ tute an essential part of Rosemead train­ ing and offer students an opportunity to become involved in a creative app li cation of shared insights from these related disci­ plines. Each stud ent must take STP 500 and STP 721 o r 722 and five additi onal integration seminars. Completion of STP 721 or 722 is a prerequisite for all other integration seminars . (14 units are required.) STP 500 PSYCHOTHERAPY AND RELIGION ( 1) An introduction to the contributions a biblical und erstanding of human nature can make to the psychological practition­ er's understanding of the therapeutic pro­ cess. Special at tenti on is given to the re la­ tional dimension of human growth and development. Required of all first year stud ents. STP 705 PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION (SAME AS SPY 605) (2) A survey of the psychology of reli gion research emphasizing both content and methodological issues. Topics covered include religiosity and mental health, mea­ sures of religiosity, rel igious deve lopment, correlates of religios ity and psychological aspects of conversion and other religious aspects. Prerequisites: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective .


An advanced seminar exp loring the concepts of sin and psychopatho logy. Includes a discussion of the nature and essence of psychopathology and the rela­ tionship of personal, parental and societal responsibil ity in personality development and functioning. Prerequisites: STP 500, 721 o r 722; SPY 515 and 615, STH 604 and permission of the instructo r. Elective.


A critical evaluation of th e works o f specific theologians and psycho logists who have attempted to integrate the disci­ plines of psychology and theology. Attention is given to the approaches of

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