


such theorists as Adams Browning Crabb, Gothard, Mowr~r Oden ' Tourni er, Van Kaam and Wagne:. Prerequ isites: STH 521,522 and 603. Required of Ph.D., Psy.D. STP 730 MISSIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH (2) A study of the contributions psycholo­ gists can make to the missionary enter­ prise. Special consideration is given to the selection, preparation and evaluation of missionary cand idates. Unique crosscul­ tura l adj ustment issues facing missionary fam ili es are also discussed. Prerequisites: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 731 THEOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PRACTICE OF THERAPY (2) A consideration of scriptural passages and rheological doctrines re lating to a vari­ ery of clinical problems and issues. Includes a biblical discussion of topics such as identiry, self esteem, guilt, anger, depression, anxiery, and assertiveness . Prerequisites: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 741 GUILT, CONSCIENCE AND SOCIALIZATION (2) A discussion of guilt and conscience, including both biblical and psychological theories on the origins of guilt and con­ science and the express ions of these theo­ ries in therapy. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or 722; commencement of indi vid ual didactic and STH 603 and 604. Elective. STP 742 ANGER, AGGRESSION AND HOSTILITY (2) A consideration of anger and related emotions and behaviors, including the catharsis hypotheses and aggression in fantasy. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 744 INTEGRATION AND THERAPY (2) The focus of this seminar is on "exp li cit integration" in psychotherapy. The dis­ tinctives of the Christian therapist and his therapeutic conceptua li zations and inter­ vention are examined. (Course may be


PSYCHOLOGICAL AND THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES (2) Various approaches to the concept o f maturi ry are reviewed, including the psy­ cho logical, biblical and devotional. A major focus is placed on the similariti es and differences between biblical and psy­ cho logical maturiry as seen by such inte­ gration theorists as Carter Clines Grou nds and Oakland. P;erequi;ite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 746 SELECTED TOPICS AND ISSUES IN INTEGRATION (2) Occasional seminars are offered under this course designation with focus on some contemporary integration issue, controversy or special research interes t. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 748 CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY (2) A study of th e potential impact of the church as a social system upon the growth and maturiry of its members. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or 722; STH 604 and per­ mission of instructor. Elective.

Students can apply up to six (6) units of the fo ll owing courses toward the psychol­ ogy graduation requirement. Course descriptions are given und er the School of Intercultural Studies section of the cata­ log. SCL520 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment SCL622 Intercultural Communication SCL 702 Social Organization SHM552 Ch ri sti ani ry and Cul ture SST 561 Topics in Applied Cultural Anthropology SST 562 Culture Change SST 563 Sex Roles in Sociery


A consideration of the ro le of values in the psychotherapy process. Includes dis­ cussion of the presence and impact of the implicit and exp li cit values of both thera­ pist and client. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 750 PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN NATURE (2) A critical examination of various rheo­ logical and psychological anthropologies. Each student is expected to conduct an in­ depth review of one theoretical perspec­ tive. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 760 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Individual study, directed reading or special problems in integration. Such study must be done with the approval and supervision of a facu lry professor of record. The student is expected to submit a derai led course proposal and a bibliogra­ phy on a learn ing contract form ava ilable from the registrar 's office. Required courses may not be taken through inde­ pendent study. Elective.

repeated with different emphas is. ) Prerequis ite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective.

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