

School ofIntercultural Studies

D.Miss. or Ph.D. This is a 62 unit pro­ gram which may be reduced, based upon previous study. DOCTOR OF MISSIOLOGY The Doctor of Missiology degree is designed to prepare professionals fo r the highes t level of service in the area of mi s­ sions. More specifica lly, it seeks: (1) to develop research professionals in linguis­ tics, Bible translation, anthropo logy, church growth, etc., to aid in and support the missionary enterprise; (2) to help pre­ pare nationa ls of every nation for fo rmal education service in their own cultu re; and to prepare educators and scholars from every nation at the very highest leve ls of education to teach in schools of high er learn ing; and (3) to train teachers and con­ sultants for national and international ed u­ cational and developmental institutions and agenci es and consultants for both completing and checking Bible trans lations. DOCTOR OF EDUCATION The Doctor of Education degree is offered in cooperation with the Department of Christian Education at Talbot School of Theology. T he Ed.D. with a crosscu ltural emphasis is specifical­ ly for training professionals working in crosscultural educational programs that may or may not be localized in churches. The program is designed to train high ly competent professionals to conduct research and teaching in areas of adult lit­ eracy, TESOL, Theological Education by Extension (TEE), Bible school and semi­ nary programs and other fo rmal or non­ formal educational programs that are part of crosscu ltural ministry. The program places a very strong emphasis on crosscu l­ tural ed ucational research. The facu lties of the School of Intercultural Studies and Talbot School of Theology support the preparation of the student and th e direc­ tion of dissertation research. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All students must meet the fo ll owing requirements: 1 Possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited coll ege or universiry with a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average. Grad uates from approved unaccredited co ll eges, if accepted, will be granted pro­ visional acceptance, if GPA is 3.4 or high­ er. Graduates from approved

Dean: Donald E. Douglas, Ph.D.

ing library facility, and emphasi s on sound resea rch to underlie the teaching program. Students can enrich their training in Bib le, theology and psycho logy at the School of lntercultural Studies by taking coursework at Talbot School of Theology and Rosemead School of Psychology. They can also complete a specialization in inter­ cultural studies and missions within the Talbot degree programs and a speciali za­ tion in intercultural studies within the Rosemead degree program. DEGREES OFFERED The School of lntercultural Studies was estab li shed: ( 1) to prepare missionary recruits from every nation with cross-cul­ tural communication ski ll s for internation­ al service; (2) to provide missions the opportunity to encourage the personal and academic development of their over­ seas staff; and (3) to prepare mini sters and Christian education professionals for the rypes of cross-cu ltural (and cross-subcul­ tura l) ministries they wi ll face in today's multi-ethnic and multi-national world, especiall y as these impact the local church (e.g., sponsoring refugees, multi-ethnic churches, city-bred ministers called to rural churches and vice-versa). MASTER OF ARTS DEGREE M.A. in Inte rcultural Studies. The Master of Arts in lntercultural Studies is designed for those anticipating crosscu l­ tural involvement, and who desire training ski ll s of intercultural commun ication and service . It is a 42-unit program. M.A. in Missions. The Master of Arts in Missions is a professional degree designed to meet the needs of candid ates or appointees for the miss ion field, or other cross-cu ltu ral ministries, who already have a BA/ BS, or other profession­ al training, but who need additional Bible/ theology, and missiology/ intercul­ tura l training. One year of study would normally precede departure for such ser­ vice, while the second year of study could be completed during a subsequent furlough . This degree is also designed to meet the needs of missionaries who have had three years of Bible school training, extended field experience, and who now desire graduate level training. For stu­ dents admitted without the B.A. or its equival ent, this degree is term in al and may not be used as a stepping stone to the

FACULTY Professors: Cook, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter, Purnell Associate Professors: Chastain, Dollar, Douglas, Hayward, Kraft, J. Lingenfelter, Purgason Adjunct Faculty: Marvin K. Mayers, Ph.D. INTERCULTURAL STUDIES The School of Intercultural Studies consists of two departments. In addition to its undergraduate offerings, the Department of Intercultural Studies offers graduate programs lead ing to two mas­ ter's degrees and two doctoral degrees. These programs em-phasize the social sci­ ences and their relation to intercultural und er-standing, world mission, education and a number of technical specialties relat­ ed to these topics.


The Department of TESOL (Teaching Engli sh to Speakers of Other Languages) and Applied Linguistics offers two mas­ ter 's degree programs. The graduate pro­ gram in TESOL provides professional preparation for English language teaching among speakers of other languages. The grad uate program in Applied Linguistics deals with issues involved in second lan­ guage learn ing, ana lys is, teaching and research. INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Chai r: Donald E. Douglas, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter Associate Professors: Dollar, Douglas, Hayward, Kraft,J. Lingenfelter Adjunct Faculty: Marvin K. Mayers, Ph.D. OBJECTIVES Bio la as an institution has had a "heart" fo r Christian missions since its inception. The burden for the billions of non­ Ch risti ans (three bi ll ion plus today; 5 bil­ lion projected by the year 2,000) has been grea t. There has been an academic pro­ gram at Biola stressing mission interests for decades and this was brought to a high level of refinement under the leadershi p of Dr. Clyde Cook. Biola comb ines spiritual ministry with a high academic conceptua li zation that is realized through a strong faculty, a grow-

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